Mail Archives: cygwin/2010/01/19/09:37:06
2010/1/19 Jurgen Defurne:
> I am beginning to upgrade my environment to Cygwin 1.7. Since I have a
> whole lot of extra requirements, especially in the realm of Perl, I
> have a test case to check my software against.
> Well, the second package I want to add is Perl, which does
> not compile anymore. I get
> CursesVar.c: In function =E2=80=98XS_Curses_Vars_STORE=E2=80=99:
> CursesVar.c:190: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
> CursesVar.c:197: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
> CursesVar.c:204: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
> CursesVar.c:211: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
> CursesVar.c:218: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
> CursesVar.c:225: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
> When I expand CursesVar with inclusion of ncurses.h, I see something like=
this :
> XS(XS_Curses_Vars_STORE)
> {
> =A0 =A0dXSARGS;
> =A0 =A0{
> =A0int num =3D (int)SvIV((SV*)SvRV(ST(0)));
> =A0switch (num) {
> =A0case 1:
> =A0 =A0 ncwrap_LINES() =3D (int)SvIV(ST(1));
>>>> Which indeed looks wrong, since the LHS of the assignment is a
>>>> function call.
I can reproduce it
First we got at CursesVar.c:190:
LINES =3D (int)SvIV(ST(1)); Going to build G/GI/GIRAFFED/Curses-1.27.tgz
CPAN: CPAN::Reporter loaded ok (v1.1708)
GEN function: not applicable
PANELS functions: not enabled
MENUS functions: not enabled
FORMS functions: not enabled
Making a guess for -I and -L/-l options...
includes: '-I/usr/include/ncurses'
libs: '-lncurses'
Curses type: irrelevant
Then CursesVar.c is regenerated by gen\make.CursesVar.c
It looks like this generation got triggered somehow and gets it wrong.
Because the DLL exporting part of ncurses/ncurses_dll.h does:
* For reentrant code, we map the various global variables into SCREEN by
* using functions to access them.
#define NCURSES_PUBLIC_VAR(name) ncwrap_##name
#define NCURSES_WRAPPED_VAR(type,name) extern type
> I do not know if I am even on the right forum to ask this, but since I
> encounter it using Cygwin, I decided to start here. Next stop would
> probably be a Perl newsgroup or mailing list.
The CPAN bugtracker for Curses would be best.
I will put my patches also there.
> When I compare the current environment with what we where using, then
> we skipped 6 years. We used to use Cygwin 1.3 and 1.5, but then we had
> to stop using that, because we used MontaVista as development
> environment, but we stopped using that a half year ago, and now I want
> to update our environment with the most recent version of cygwin (not
> the least because of screen, but also because of the better completion
> facilities).
Reini Urban
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