Mail Archives: cygwin/2010/01/07/15:01:04
On 01/07/2010 02:50 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jan 7 13:42, Raman Gupta wrote:
>> On 01/07/2010 01:02 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> On Jan 7 00:39, Raman Gupta wrote:
>>>> "Cygwin ignores filesystem ACLs and only fakes a subset of
>>>> permission bits based on the DOS readonly attribute"
>>> No, it's a bit more tricky. FAT filesystems, which are the role model
>>> for noacl filesystems don't know something like a R/O directory. The
>>> DOS R/O bit on a directory does NOT mean the directory is R/O. Rather,
>>> it only means that the folder is some sort of special folder. For some
>>> better description, see
>> Wow, isn't that just like Microsoft to reuse an existing read-only
>> bit for something that is completely different semantically!
>> In any case, note that the KB article says that attrib *can* be used
>> to see and modify the value -- as I demonstrated in my previous
>> email.
> Sure. That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. While you
> can set and reset the R/O bit on a dir, it doesn't have the *meaning* of
> the directory being R/O. If Cygwin reports such a directory as being
> read-only from the POSIX perspective, certain functions would have
> strange ideas and return EACCES, for instance.
In the case I am speaking of (a Samba share using the default
settings), the functions *should* return EACCES, since on the
server-side the directory is indeed non-writable.
>>> Therefore the fault is not on Cygwin's side, but on Samba's side to use
>>> the DOS R/O bit for something different than Windows uses it on
>>> directories.
>> Understood. However, while Samba's use of the read-only bit on
>> directories does differ somewhat from what Windows Explorer expects
>> to use that bit for, it is a valid field and it does provide useful
>> information to the client in the case of noacl Samba mounts.
>> Therefore, what would you think about configuring this via a mount
>> option? For example, a per-mount setting called dro/nodro (directory
> That's not the right thing to do, IMHO. That's what the default "acl"
> mount mode is for.
Unfortunately, acl mode is unusable when in a non-domain environment.
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