Mail Archives: cygwin/2008/05/10/10:30:40
alright now i completed. this may be not optimized code but whatever this is what i came up with
$userprefix = "cygusr_";
$groupprefix = "cyggrp_";
# Function Output Help/Usage
sub printhelp
print "Perl useradd command for cygwin.\n";
print "\n";
print "usage :\n";
print " -u : Username\n";
print " -p : Password\n";
print " -g : Initial Group\n";
print " -c : Comments\n";
print " -d : Home Directory\n";
print " -s : Shell\n";
print " -m : Copy /etc/skel/* to <home_directory>\n";
print " -h : Show usage\n";
# Resolve passed arguments
$usr = ""; # Username
$pass = ""; # Password
$pUID = ""; # UID
$pGID = ""; # GID (Initial Group)
$comm = ""; # Comments
$home = ""; # Home Directory
$shell = ""; # User Shell
$createhome = "";
while ($ARGV[$i])
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-h")
die &printhelp;
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-u")
$usr = $ARGV[$i + 1];
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-p")
$pass = $ARGV[$i + 1];
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-g")
$pGID = $ARGV[$i + 1];
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-c")
$comm = $ARGV[$i + 1];
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-d")
$home = $ARGV[$i + 1];
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-s")
$shell = $ARGV[$i + 1];
elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-m")
$createhome = $ARGV[$i];
if ($usr eq "")
die &printhelp;
if ($pGID eq "")
$pGID = "default";
# If GID is specified in the arguments then we find out the
# GID Numeric
# for cygwin verification we open : /etc/group
open(GROUP, "</etc/group") || die "Can't open group for reading.\n";
while (<GROUP>)
($gname, $sid, $ggid, $list) = split(/:/);
if (($ggid eq $pGID) || ($gname eq $pGID))
$temp = $ggid;
if ($temp ne "")
$pGID = $ggid;
$pGID = "default";
if ($comm eq "")
$comm = "CYGWIN User";
if ($home eq "")
$home = "/home/".$usr;
if ($shell eq "")
$shell = "/bin/bash";
# Temp Userstring
$userstring = $usr.":".$pass.":".$pUID.":".$pGID.":".$comm.":".$home.":".$shell;
# Username for windows
$finalusr = $userprefix.$usr;
# There shouldn't be any user with $usr and $finalusr on widows or cygwin #
# Now we have to verify that there isn't any user with $usr username
# on windows and in /etc/passwd file of cygwin for real user verificatoion.
# for windows verification we use : /usr/bin/mkpasswd -l -u $usr
$verifyusr = `/usr/bin/mkpasswd -l -u $usr 2>&1`;
chop ($verifyusr);
if ($verifyusr ne "mkpasswd (272): [2221] The user name could not be found.\r")
die "User with same user name already exists. see windows accounts.\n";
# for cygwin verification we open : /etc/passwd
open(PASSWD, "</etc/passwd") || die "Can't open passwd for reading.\n";
while (<PASSWD>)
($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid, $gcos,$dir,$zshell) = split(/:/);
if ($name eq $usr)
die "User with same user name already exists. see /etc/passwd..\n";
# Now we have to verify that there isn't any user with $finalusr username
# on windows and in /etc/passwd file of cygwin for real user verificatoion.
# for windows verification we use : /usr/bin/mkpasswd -l -u $finalusr
$verifyusr = `/usr/bin/mkpasswd -l -u $finalusr 2>&1`;
chop ($verifyusr);
if ($verifyusr ne "mkpasswd (272): [2221] The user name could not be found.\r")
die "User with same user name and prefix already exists. see windows accounts.\n";
# for cygwin verification we open : /etc/passwd
open(PASSWD, "</etc/passwd") || die "Can't open passwd for reading.\n";
while (<PASSWD>)
($name,$passwd,$uid,$gid, $gcos,$dir,$zshell) = split(/:/);
if ($name eq $finalusr)
die "User with same user name and prefix already exists. see /etc/passwd.\n";
# There shouldn't be any group with $finalusr on widows #
# Now we have to verify that there isn't any group with $finalusr username
# on windows for real group verificatoion.
$verifygroup = `/usr/bin/mkgroup -l -g $finalusr 2>&1`;
$verifygroup = substr ($verifygroup,0,13);
if ($verifygroup ne "mkgroup (255)")
die "Group with same username already exists. see windows groups.\n";
# There must be NET USER command on widows #
# Now we create and execute NET USER /ADD $finalusr command.
$CMD = "NET USER /ADD ".$finalusr;
if ($pass ne "")
$CMD = $CMD." ".$pass;
if ($comm ne "")
$CMD = $CMD." /COMMENT:\"".$comm."\" /FULLNAME:\"".$comm."\"";
$CMD = `$CMD 2>&1`;
#die $CMD."\n";
# Now verify user with cygwin /usr/bin/mkpasswd -l -u $finalusr
$CMDMK = `mkpasswd -l -u $finalusr 2>&1`;
($login, $npasswd, $nuid, $ngid, $ngcos, $nhome, $nshell) = split(/:/,$CMDMK);
if ($login ne $finalusr)
die "NET USER /ADD command failed.\n";
# Now we delete user from Users group on windows with
# NET LOCALGROUP /DELETE Users $finalusr as windows assign it as
# default group to all new users.
$DELUSRGRP = `NET LOCALGROUP /DELETE Users $finalusr 2>&1`;
# Now we get all user values
$usr = $usr; # Virtual Username
$pass = $npasswd; # Password entry used by cygwin
$pUID = $nuid; # UID
if ($pGID eq "default")
$pGID = $ngid; # cygwin default GID if not found in argument
$pGID = $pGID; # GID found in argument
$comm = $ngcos; # Comments entry used by cygwin
$home = $home; # Home Directory found in arguments or defalut /home/<username>
$shell = $shell; # User Shell found in arguments or defalut /bin/bash
# This will overwrites GID in passed arrgument and cygwin default GID for new users #
# Now we find if group with same virtual username exists in
# cygwin /etc/group. If found then the GID of user is changed
# to be GID of group.
# for cygwin verification we open : /etc/group
open(GROUP, "</etc/group") || die "Can't open group for reading.\n";
while (<GROUP>)
($gname, $sid, $ggid, $list) = split(/:/);
if ($gname eq $usr)
$temp = $ggid;
if ($temp ne "")
$pGID = $temp
die "Specified Group not found. see cygwin /etc/group.\n";
# Now we create virtual user userstring for cygwin /etc/passwd
$userstring = $usr.":".$pass.":".$pUID.":".$pGID.":".$comm.":".$home.":".$shell;
# Now we add to cygwin /etc/passwd file
open(PASSWD, ">>/etc/passwd") or die "Unable to open /etc/passwd for appending";
print PASSWD $userstring;
if ($createhome eq "-m")
#system("cp /etc/skel/.bash_profile $home/.bash_profile");
#system("cp /etc/skel/.bashrc $home/.bashrc");
#system("cp /etc/skel/.inputrc $home/.inputrc");
#system("cp /etc/skel/.zshrc $home/.zshrc");
#system("cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc $home/.xinitrc");
#system("cp /etc/skel/.xserverrc $home/.xserverrc");
#system("cp /etc/skel/.bash_logout $home/.bash_logout");
#system("cp /etc/skel/.mail/mailbox $home/.mail/mailbox");
#chown $pUID, $pGID, "$home/.mail";
chown $pUID, $pGID, "$home";
print "New user added to system.\n";
if any optimization anybody can do or any kinda error or mistake, you are welcome
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