Mail Archives: cygwin/2007/11/21/16:18:11
On Nov 21, 2007 3:58 PM, Robert Kiesling <kiesling AT earthlink DOT net> wrote:
> [ Charset UTF-8 unsupported, converting... ]
> > On 11/21/2007, Uber Zooka wrote:
> > > Because he's trying to go from a linux machine to a machine running
> > > Cygwin....
> >
> > I think you're missing my point. If there's an answer to this question
> > in the Linux->Linux case (or on any other UNIXy platforms that don't include
> > Cygwin) then that same approach should work on Cygwin. If it doesn't, then
> > that's a Cygwin issue and on-topic. If it does work, then that's the answer
> > to the question and Cygwin has no bearing, thus the original inquiry is
> > off-topic.
> >
> > > He's trying to run an app on a windows machine and wants to know
> > > how to make the console on the windows machine stay there.
> >
> > Since 'ssh' is a client program on the client machine that's logging in
> > remotely to the server machine, there's nothing visible on the server.
> > Output goes to the client terminal. There's no visible mechanism on the
> > server for this output to "stay" on. There may be other ways to achieve
> > something that would be a reasonable alternative in this case but that
> > would presuppose that we understand what actual problem the OP was trying
> > to solve. That's why I suggested he provide more info if he has a Cygwin-
> > specific issue.
> An off-topic answer would be xon(1).
You're both missing the point. Throwing in your two cents without
providing any help is just as bad, if not worse, than someone who's
asking a *possibly* off-topic question, which, since this involves
cygwin, is not likely. If such a marginally off-topic message on this
incredibly high volume mailing list bothers you, there's a "delete"
button in your email client.
To help the OP:
An ssh connection typically does not create any sort of console window
on the system that is being connected to (this is the same on Linux or
Windows/Cygwin). Depending on your needs, you may be able to emulate
something like this using 'screen'.
You can open screen in the local terminal (rxvt is recommended), and
start a screen session inside of it. Then when you ssh in, you can
attach to that screen session using "screen -x" and both parties will
be able to see what's going on. There's a little more to it than
that, and will probably need some experimentation, but that's
something that can get you started.
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