Mail Archives: cygwin/2007/11/15/02:19:55
Hello Larry,
Thank's dor your explanation.
i read all the cygwin cron man page ( prehaps i don't how to do that ).
I didn't find another explanation.
In the control panel..... i check the "Allow service to interact with
And no. the java process does not start. I don't know what i can do.
Best regards,
Jeannot Lelapin
Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
> Jeannot Lelapin wrote:
>> Hello,
>> under WinXP Pro, i do the following :
>> - from cygwin ( environment whicj simulate unix environment ), a bash
>> script which launch,
>> - an Win32 executable ( autoit script
>> compiled ) which launch,
>> - a java process.
>> This works fine when i launch tue bash script manually. If i launch the
>> bash script from cron ( cygwin unix planner ), the process java does not
>> start.
>> With ( great win32 planner
>> ), which launch the autoit script complied into win32 executable which
>> launch the process java, that's ok, the java process start.
>> Why does not java process start from cygwin cron planner ? what's the
>> problem ? What does it lack from the environment ?
>> Thank's a lot for ideas and advices.
> First, cron does not provide you with the exact same set of environment
> variables that you get when you're in an interactive shell. See the man
> pages for 'cron' and 'crontab' for more details. This is not a
> Cygwin-specific issue and as such is off-topic for this list.
> Second, in Cygwin, cron is run as a service by (typically) the SYSTEM
> account. If your program requires interaction with the Windows desktop to
> work, you have to enable this setting on the service. It's probably
> easiest
> to do from "Administrative Tools" in the "Control Panel". Go to "Services"
> and find the cron service. Double click on it and choose the "Log On"
> tab. Check the "Allow service to interact with desktop".
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