Mail Archives: cygwin/2007/07/08/20:26:26
David Balazic wrote:
> Quoting "Larry Hall (Cygwin)" :
>> David Balazic wrote:
>>> Quoting Brian Dessent :
>>>> David Balazic wrote:
>>>>> I downloaded
>>>>> version 2.573.2.2 (as displayed in the first page of the wizard).
>>>>> I entered "C:\Program Files\cygwin" ad the root directory.
>>>>> Then on the next page "Select Local Package Directory" the offered
>>>>> directory was "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox", which is clearly wrong.
>>>> It's not clearly wrong at all, in fact setup.exe had no involvement
>>>> whatsoever with choosing this value -- it is simply whatever the current
>>>> working directory was when you ran it. The fact that it's Mozilla's
>>>> directory implies that you ran setup.exe from within the browser. If
>>>> you had saved it to a folder and then clicked on it in Explorer, then
>>>> that folder would have been the CWD and that is what setup would have
>>>> offered. The first time you run it setup has no idea where you want to
>>>> store downloaded files, so it uses the CWD for lack of a better guess.
>>>> Thereafter the choice is stored in /etc/setup/last-cache and so after
>>>> the first time the choice will persist.
>>>> Brian
>>> Wouldn't $TEMP/cygwinfiles be a better default than "random" ?
>> Who said it was random?
> Nobody. I used quotes.
>> If you'd like to suggest
>> an alternative to the current default, send along a patch and I'm sure
>> Brian will consider it.
> I don't think changing from CWD to $TEMP/something (%TEMP%/something actually)
> is so complicated that an outsider should download sources and create patch.
Excellent! So it seems we have now reached a mutually acceptable end to
this thread. ;-)
Or, restated more plainly, if you don't feel motivated enough to generate a
patch that implements what you're thinking about, you will likely not be
surprised if others aren't motivated to do so for you either, at least in
the short run. Of course, there's always the possibility that someone else
will create such a patch and convince Brian that it really is the next best
thing to sliced bread in the world according to 'setup.exe', in which case
you'll see your idea shining brightly in a future release of 'setup.exe'.
Either way, thanks for your feedback. :-)
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd. (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
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