Mail Archives: cygwin/2007/06/28/15:39:47
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com
> [mailto:cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com] On Behalf Of Brian Dessent
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 3:18 PM
> To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
> Subject: Re: Looking for man pages
> Bob McConnell wrote:
> > I can't find any links to anything other than one sample
> man page. We
> > already have copies of that spec, although I have never had
> any cause to
> > read it.
> Wha? The SUSv3 is extremely thorough, consisting of many hundreds of
> man pages:
> <
> nts.html>.
> > What steps are involved to convert those pages?
> The problem with lifting man pages from Linux is that those man pages
> document ... Linux. Not Cygwin.
> There are a number of areas where either Cygwin doesn't implement some
> extension that glibc provides, or Cygwin implements something in a
> different way, or Cygwin doesn't support particular options of a given
> API. Just transplanting these linux-specific docs would
> utterly confuse
> people because they'd be incorrect. So what really needs to happen is
> that someone who is familiar with the internals of Cygwin
> needs to adapt
> the linux documentation so that it reflects the reality of Cygwin, and
> *that* is why it's not been done. It's not just a matter of format
> conversion or packaging.
> Brian
At least that gets me to the TOC for the interface documents. I couldn't
get there from the URL Corinna gave me, unless that was accessible after
registering. A set of man pages would be much easier to use.
But you are sending me to the SUS documentation, which is also missing
those differences? That seems rather counter productive.
Are there any documents available that explain those differences, or are
they only held in the programmers' heads at this point?
Thank you,
Bob McConnell
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