Mail Archives: cygwin/2007/06/01/06:35:04
KenLee wrote:
> I have tried ssh using both interactive and command line mode, and I get the
> same results. That is - sorry for being pedantic about this - I had invoked
> ssh first with the command line option, and it worked. I invoked ssh again
> with the command line again, but it hung this time. Then I just invoked ssh
> on its own, and entered the commands one at a time, and it hung again.
> Then I ran cygwin directly on the remote server (thinking that it's the VB
> script causing the problem), so I entered cmd /c update.kcu (without any
> ssh) and it worked just fine.
Maybe it doesn't "hang" at all ...
Something I can see is that a (windows console) program _seems_ to hang,
but actually it doesn't. stdout seems to be (block) buffered when run
from an xterm or rxvt session, but unbuffered when run from a local
standard cygwin window.
One test to see what happens would be to run the program with stdin
redirected to /dev/null to get an error message:
cmd /c update.kcu < /dev/null
When I do this, I can see the program's prompt and some output that
would be missing otherwise.
What happens, if you do that ?
P.S. BTW: Is there a way to set stdout to unbuffered without modifying
the windows console program?
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