Mail Archives: cygwin/2007/05/30/08:23:40
* Dave Korn (Wed, 30 May 2007 11:18:12 +0100)
> On 30 May 2007 11:08, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> > * Jean-Pierre Bogler (Wed, 30 May 2007 07:16:42 +0200)
> >> I hope you can help me, I'm really having problems to install cygwin.
> >>
> >> My OS is Win2k SP 2. I have downloaded the latest version of setup.exe
> >> (2.510.2.2) and stored it into C:\cyginstall.
> >> I started the installation with administrator rights. Then I went through
> >> the installation choosing:
> >>
> >> - Installation from Internet
> >> - C:\cygwin as root path
> >> The download process worked well an the installation began. After the
> >> installation I decided to add a desktop icon and double clicked on it.
> >> The dos box told me that it can't change the directory und can't find
> >> bash.exe :(, so I looked into the C:\cygwin directory.
> >>
> >> The only installed directories are: etc, lib, sbin, usr, var. And the
> >> files: cygwin.bat and cygwin.ico. There is no bin directory!
> >> The setup.log file is full of the complaining listed below (... means that
> >> the message above appears more than once).
> >>
> >> I hope you can help me. Many thanks in advance!
> >
> > I mean sorry, why don't you have a look at it yourself?! It's not
> > Sanskrit and it's pretty self-explaining. "running: c:\Dokumente und
> > Einstellungen\Wohnzimmer\Desktop\PDFMergeW\PDFMerge\bin\\bash.exe -
> > c" - couldn't get much more explicit, could it?
> Yes, but that's very far from an explanation of just how on earth the bin directory got installed in such an unexpected place, particularly when all the other directories ended up in the correct location.
"A small tool to merge several PDF files into one PDF file (based on
Ghostscript). It has the following the features: Add/Remove PDF files;
Adjust the order of the PDF files; Merge the PDF file based on
I guess PDFMerge brings its own small cygwin/bash/ghostscript
installation with it.
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