Mail Archives: cygwin/2007/02/06/23:03:23
Max Kaehn wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-02-06 at 17:31 -0600, Benedict, Michael wrote:
>> Please bear with me, I am not sure if I am on the same page as you.
>> 1) I can see the mount. I can make it my working directory. I can view
>> files in it. I can even remove some files from it. This is all from
>> the remote ssh session.
>> 2) I downloaded WinObj, and am trying to use it. I see no entries in
>> \Sessions\0\DosDevices that link to my Clearcase volume (M:).
>> \GLOBAL??\M: is a link to \Device\mvfs on my system. In Cygwin, m: was
>> mounted on /cygdrive/m. All my tests are nested deeply in
>> /cygdrive/m... Eg:
> You'd see the link in Sessions if you have a view shortcut mounting
> a drive letter. Looks like you're using the MVFS drive, rather than
> mapping a drive to a particular view, so that's not an issue.
> (If there's a conflict, the drive letters in Sessions override those in
> the global namespace. Each logged in user gets their own session,
> as does any service running as a user other than SYSTEM.)
> Do you have the same user ID, group membership, etc. when logged
> in via ssh as via the console?
Sorry, I'm joining the party late. But we haven't established if Michael
is using password or public key authentication. If he hasn't tried this,
it's worthwhile to do so. If he has, well, then please carry on. ;-)
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd. (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
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