Mail Archives: cygwin/2006/10/13/09:05:41
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) wrote:
> * Johnathon Jamison (Wed, 11 Oct 2006 14:11:12 -0700)
>> I am having some funny behavior. If I have a .bat file that is in a
>> directory whose pathname contains a space, and an argument is given
>> to the .bat file that has a space in it, then the .bat file fails to
>> run. Instead, I get "'xxx' is not recognized as an internal or
>> external command, operable program or batch file." where xxx is the
>> portion of the complete path to the .bat file before the first space.
>> I am not sure why this is occurring. Any help would be appreciated.
>> I have more specific information and a sample run below. If I have
>> left anything out, just ask. In particular, I am not sure which
>> version numbers would be needed, or where to find (many of) them.
> The problem is, at least in part, with cmd. cmd /? says:
> If /C or /K is specified, then the remainder of the command line
> after the switch is processed as a command line, where the
> following logic is used to process quote (") characters:
> 1. If all of the following conditions are met, then quote
> characters on the command line are preserved:
> - no /S switch
> - exactly two quote characters
> - no special characters between the two quote characters,
> where special is one of: &<>()@^|
> - there are one or more whitespace characters between the
> the two quote characters
> - the string between the two quote characters is the name
> of an executable file.
> 2. Otherwise, old behavior is to see if the first character is
> a quote character and if so, strip the leading character and
> remove the last quote character on the command line,
> preserving any text after the last quote character.
> Try using short names to get rid of the first set of quotes. Short
> names still work, at least on XP. Compare c:\>dir docume~1
> and
> c:\>dir "Documents and Settings"
> To find out the short names,
> c:\>dir /x
> Or one can guess (first 6 characters + "~" + "1", or a higher digit
> if the 6 characters + "~1" is already used, + "." + first 3
> characters of the extension).
> Try changing the batch file from
> echo %1
> to
> echo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
> That should work by getting rid of the second set of quotes, at least
> if the number of arguments is less than 10.
> This, also, works
> /c> echo '"c:\Documents and Settings\BBuchbinder\test.bat" "hello
> world" exit' | u2d | cmd /k
> c:\>"c:\Documents and Settings\BBuchbinder\test.bat" "hello world"
> c:\>echo "hello world"
> "hello world"
> c:\>exit
> You can leave off the "/k", but you then get extraneous text from
> cmd.exe as it loads.
I forgot to include cd-ing into the directory with spaces, though it
does not work as I would expect
/c> cd '/c/Documents and Settings'
/c/Documents and Settings/BBuchbinder> cmd /c test Hello World
c:\Documents and Settings\BBuchbinder>echo Hello
That was expected; the following is not.
/c/Documents and Settings/BBuchbinder> cmd /c test "Hello World"
c:\Documents and Settings\BBuchbinder>echo "Hello World"
"Hello World"
Shouldn't the double quotes be stripped off before cmd sees them?
/c/Documents and Settings/BBuchbinder> cmd /c test '"Hello World"'
c:\Documents and Settings\BBuchbinder>echo "\"Hello
Why is the backslash being inserted to quote the second double quote and
why is the single quote being changed into a double quote? (Not that I
really care.)
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