Mail Archives: cygwin/2006/05/01/18:42:02
On Sun, 30 Apr 2006, James McLaughlin wrote:
> Reading through old mailing list postings, I notice
> quite a few other people occasionally get this
> problem, but I haven't found any advice except to
> change mirrors - on the rare occasions anyone thinks
> they found a way round it - and as my attempts to do
> this lately involve a lot of failures to conect,
> followed by attempts which fill setup.log and
> setup.log.full with a lot of lines like
> 2006/04/30 14:18:05 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 2
> No such file or directory
> I'd welcome some advice on mirrors that people know
> work OK and on whether I should try something other
> than Direct Connection.
> The problem came to light after I'd used
> as my mirror, when my attempts to "Install from Local
> Directory" on another machine failed due to URLScheme
> Not Registered. Judging by the contents of setup.log,
> this will also occur if I try to install what I've
> just downloaded from
> Plus, one of
> the mirrors I've never been able to connect to is the
> one in the UK.
> The version of setup I've been using is 2.510.2.2. As
> setup.log and .log.full are about 600K each in size,
> you'll understand why I haven't attached them.
> Finally, this is what the error dialog looks like,
> although the problems clearly occur at the download
> stage rather than the install stage:
> Cygwin Setup X
> Fatal Error: Uncaught Exception
> Thread: install
> Type: St16invalid_argument
> Message: URLScheme not registered!
> OK
> On one of my various attempts to install the updates
> I'd downloaded, I ran into one of those "setup.exe has
> performed an illegal operation and will be shut down"
> dialogs after pressing OK.
Both of these problems have been fixed in the newer versions of setup.
Try a setup snapshot (<>).
|\ _,,,---,,_ pechtcha AT cs DOT nyu DOT edu | igor AT watson DOT ibm DOT com
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ Igor Peshansky, Ph.D. (name changed!)
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' old name: Igor Pechtchanski
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-. Meow!
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that!" -- Rostand, "Cyrano de Bergerac"
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