Mail Archives: cygwin/2006/02/17/14:01:53
On 17 February 2006 17:54, Dill, Jens (END-CHI) wrote:
> In another context, Dave Korn writes:
>> Have you looked into 'rebaseall' yet?
> My reaction:
> o Don't know about that, let's look it up.
> o Try "man rebaseall" in CygWin shell. No luck.
Just FYI, some things have info pages but no man pages. Any time you try
"man XXX" and it doesn't work, it's always worth trying "info XXX" as well.
> o Try searching Windows 2003 Help. No luck.
> o Google search turns up people who are complaining
> about using it or announcing changes to it.
> o Now clear that it is a CygWin package distributed
> as "rebase"
> o Verified that "rebase 2.4.2-1" is installed on my box.
> o Try "man rebase" in CygWin shell. No luck.
> o Try looking in online CygWin UG: Not mentioned
> in the TOC.
> o Download PDF of user's guide and search for "rebase"
> and "rebaseall". No hits?
> o Can't find a "search this site" button on the CygWin
> web site. Could have sworn there was one.
The mailing list archives have a search form, but the rest of the site
By far the best way to search it is to go to google, and add
"" to whatever other search terms you want.
> o "rebase --help" produces a one-liner just describing
> the argument syntax without explanation.
> o "rebaseall --help" produces a couple of sentences
> telling me to shut down things before using it,
> but again, not what it's used for.
> I'd like to look into this, but how?
Heh, excellent work. Can't fault you there.
It's in the cygwin-specific documentation dir, /usr/share/doc/Cygwin. It's
called "rebase-2.4.2.README" (unless I missed an update recently). Start at
the bit that reads
" The rebaseall utility is a convenient way for users that suffer from the
Cygwin rebase problem to rebase their entire system (i.e., all of their
DLLs) ..."
And as you mentioned Oracle in your last post and how many hundreds of dlls
it has, they're almost certainly spread out across the address map. Rebaseall
will let you shuffle all your dlls up to (nearly) contiguous mappings at the
top end of user space, hopefully giving you the maximum clear area in the
middle. Good luck!
" * Static memory conflicts arising from fragmentation or something
else. The app in question is known to take up a lot of code
space itself, and Oracle contributes a lot of DLLs. Either
could be a factor. "
Absolutely so. I reckon doing a proper rebaseall that includes the oracle
dlls should make a noticeable difference.
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
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