Mail Archives: cygwin/2006/02/16/13:49:26
Igor Peshansky wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Feb 2006, Cary Jamison wrote:
>>Dave wrote:
>>>Dave Korn wrote:
>>>>On 15 February 2006 17:05, Cary Jamison wrote:
>>>>>I was just wondering how you get programs added to the Windows
>>>>>Explorer 'Open with...' menu, and thought this might be a good
>>>>>addition to chere. I would like to add xemacs, gvim, notepad,
>>>>>etc., to this menu.
>>>> This is nothing to do with cygwin. Use the folder options/file
>>>>types dialog from windows explorer, same as you would for any other
>>>>file type you wanted to open with any other application.
>>By the same argument, you could say chere has nothing to do with cygwin,
>>just add your own action to the folder options...
>>But, I still can't see how to do this. Maybe I'm missing something obvious.
>>I can associate a file type, say 'TXT' with an 'open' action that starts
>>emacs, for example, but how do I get the submenu with a list of possible
>>programs to open with?
> FWIW, I use the "Send To" menu with the following shortcut for vi:
> C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /bin/rxvt.exe -display :0 -T vim -vb -sr -sl 10000 -bg black -cr white -fg LightSteelBlue1 -j -fn "-b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-0-0-14-14-m-0-iso8859-2" -e /usr/bin/vim
> (I used to have more args there, but run now has a 20-argument limit --
> sigh!).
>>>That said I proposed something similar a while back on cygwin-apps
>>>with no take up.
>>Ah, yes, that's exactly the kind of issues I'm looking at. I should
>>have known someone else had already thought of it!
> Dave, I guess this looks to me like the "support" you were looking for...
> Care to proceed with this? You might want to open a donations page. :-)
For that particular proposal, I was looking for support from
maintainers. i.e I'd implement the framework (which I'm still willing to
do), but maintainers of various packages (emacs, gvim etc) would need to
provide an appropriate startup command, list file extensions to
associate with, and and things like that.
I'll have a closer look and post a more detailed proposal to cygwin-apps.
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