Mail Archives: cygwin/2005/11/16/15:27:50
Hello to all, i installed cygwin version 2.457.2.2 in a windows xp, i install
g++, c++ gnu compiler and cppunit, the unitest freamwork for develop unitests
for cpp.
I create a very simple test, (but happens too with any sample code i can find),
the sample contain tree files, SimpleTest.h , SimpleTest.cpp, and run.cpp,
i compile this files to exe files with the next command:
g++ -Wall run.cpp SimpleTest.cpp -lcppunit -o all
and the compiler dont complain at hall, and of corse produce the exe file
but When i run the file
i have the next mesage
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
and in the directory i find a new file, all.exe.stackdump
in this file i find the next information:
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=00434531
eax=FFFFFFFC ebx=00000004 ecx=7C809F8A edx=00000000 esi=0022E9F0 edi=610066BC
ebp=0022EA08 esp=0022E970 program=C:\cygwin\home\angolero\test\all.exe, pid
1148, thread main
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
0022EA08 00434531 (100910A4, 1009070C, 0022EA38, 610BC411)
0022EA68 0043ECD5 (100910A0, 10090708, 611317B0, 0022EB04)
0022EAD8 00441BEA (100910A0, 10090708, 7C809F8A, 610BE30D)
0022EB48 0043FD0E (0022ED8C, 10090708, 0022EFD0, 7C8399F3)
0022EB68 0043FC1B (0022ED8C, 100906F8, 0022EB98, 610BE3A7)
0022EBE8 0043FDEA (0022ED8C, 100906F8, 0022ED90, 00000000)
0022EC98 0044012D (0022ED8C, 0022EE4C, 0022ECB8, 004126C4)
0022ECA8 0043EC50 (0022ED8C, 0022EE4C, 0022ECC8, 00412628)
0022ECB8 004126C4 (0022ED80, 0022EE40, 0022EDC8, 00411CD0)
0022ECC8 00412628 (0022ED80, 0022EE40, 0022ECF8, 610BE3A7)
0022EDC8 00411CD0 (0022EE40, 10091178, 00447210, 0022EE70)
0022EEB8 00412104 (0022EF70, 00000000, 00000009, 00401181)
0022EFA8 004011E1 (00000001, 61822DC0, 100900A8, 0022F000)
0022EFE8 61006A1D (0022F000, 0022F020, 0022F368, 0022F880)
0022FF88 61006E41 (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
End of stack trace
I try, install cygwin again, and the problem persist, i try to run all the
examples in cppunit documentation, and the problem is the same, the code is
transformed to *.exe files, with no complain from the compiler but when i run
it i have the "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" message, when i debbug the
code, i find the problem arise when i call the method addTest(Test *test) from
the class TestRunner
i can call the method with diferent arguments and the problem is the same.
Some help please??, i really want to start coding my program, and is the first
time i try to create the tests first, and i start to feel impatient.
Thanks to all.
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