Mail Archives: cygwin/2005/09/17/02:28:13
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Yaakov S wrote:
> Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>> script does not build out of the box. I ported another similar tool,
>> I believe Reini has done something similar. Unfortunately I cannot
>> find the announcement / bookmark / package name / patch.
> As have I:
> Yaakov
I appear to have an issue with this application, it immediately exits
upon being called, producing a stackdump... Is there a particular CYGWIN
setting that is required? Or should it work OOTB? I use rxvt.
$ strace script test>strace_out.txt
cyberhome: />
$ cat script.exe.stackdump
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=6106216F
eax=00000080 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=48002580 esi=00000000
ebp=00000000 esp=0022E5B0 program=C:\cygwin\bin\script.exe, pid 4712,
thread main
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
End of stack trace
strace attached
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline;
Program name: C:\cygwin\bin\script.exe (pid 5108, ppid 1)
App version: 1005.10, api: 0.116
DLL version: 1005.19, api: 0.138
DLL build: 20050912 17:20:51SNP
OS version: Windows NT-5.1
Heap size: 402653184
Date/Time: 2005-09-17 02:24:25
39 358 [main] script 5108 set_myself: myself->dwProcessId 5108
36 394 [main] script 5108 time: 1126938265 =3D time (0)
445 839 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000238: !::=3D::\
58 897 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000248: ALLUSERSPROFILE=
=3DC:\Documents and Settings\All Users
141 1038 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000280: ANT_HOME=3D/C/ap=
43 1081 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480002A8: APPDATA=3D/home/=
41 1122 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480002D0: APR_ICONV_PATH=
40 1162 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000308: BLINKPID=3D2644
39 1201 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000320: CLASSPATH=3D.:/C=
41 1242 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000378: COLORFGBG=3Ddefa=
39 1281 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000398: COLORTERM=3Drxvt=
39 1320 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480003B0: COMMONPROGRAMFIL=
ES=3DC:\Program Files\Common Files
40 1360 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480003E8: COMPUTERNAME=3DC=
39 1399 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000408: COMSPEC=3DC:\WIN=
43 1442 [main] script 5108 parse_options: server 1
54 1496 [main] script 5108 parse_options: ntsec (called func)
41 1537 [main] script 5108 parse_options: tty 1001
39 1576 [main] script 5108 parse_options: returning
20 1596 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000430: CYGWIN=3Dserver =
ntsec tty
40 1636 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000480: C_INCLUDE_PATH=
40 1676 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480004A0: DISPLAY=3D:0
40 1716 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480004B0: FP_NO_HOST_CHECK=
39 1755 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480004C8: GCC_EXEC_PREFIX=
40 1795 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480004E8: GTK_BASEPATH=3DC=
41 1836 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000518: HISTFILE=3D/home=
40 1876 [main] script 5108 getwinenv: can't set native for HOME=3D si=
nce no environ yet
43 1919 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
26 1945 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\home\rthom=
pso =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso)
32 1977 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/rtho=
mpso =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso)
61 2038 [main] script 5108 win_env::add_cache: posix /home/rthompso
20 2058 [main] script 5108 win_env::add_cache: native HOME=3DC:\cygwi=
21 2079 [main] script 5108 posify: env var converted to HOME=3D/home/=
40 2119 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000570: HOME=3D/home/rth=
40 2159 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000548: HOMEDRIVE=3DC:
40 2199 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480006C0: HOMEPATH=3D/home=
41 2240 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480006E0: INCLUDE=3DC:\Pro=
gram Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2=
.0\INCLUDE\GTK-2.0;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\INCLUDE\GLIB-2.0;C=
:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\INCLUDE\PANGO-1.0;C:\Program Files\Com=
mon Files\GTK\2.0\INCLUDE\ATK-1.0;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\INC=
LUDE\GTKGLEXT-1.0;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\LIB\GTK-2.0\INCLUDE=
;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\LIB\GLIB-2.0\INCLUDE;C:\Program File=
s\Common Files\GTK\2.0\LIB\GTKGLEXT-1.0\INCLUDE;C:\Program Files\Common Fil=
es\GTK\2.0\INCLUDE\LIBGLADE-2.0;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\INCLU=
DE\LIBXML2;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\FrameworkSDK\inclu=
96 2336 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480009A0: J2D_D3D=3Dfalse
43 2379 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480009B8: JAVA_HOME=3D/C/J=
40 2419 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480009E0: KDEDIR=3D/opt/kd=
46 2465 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480009F8: LIB=3DC:\Program=
Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\LIB;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .N=
42 2507 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000A70: LIBRARY_PATH=3D/=
41 2548 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000AB8: LOGONSERVER=3D\\=
41 2589 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000AD8: LS_COLORS=3Dno=
46 2635 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000C48: MAIL=3D/home/rth=
40 2675 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000C70: MAVEN_HOME=3D/C/=
40 2715 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000CA8: NUMBER_OF_PROCES=
39 2754 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000CC8: OLDPWD=3D/C/Down=
40 2794 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000CE0: OS=3DWindows_NT
48 2842 [main] script 5108 getwinenv: can't set native for PATH=3D si=
nce no environ yet
28 2870 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: src .
31 2901 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
25 2926 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin =3D normal=
ize_win32_path (C:\cygwin)
23 2949 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: / =3D conv=
_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin)
25 2974 [main] script 5108 cwdstuff::get: posix /
24 2998 [main] script 5108 cwdstuff::get: (/) =3D cwdstuff::get (0x22=
EBC0, 260, 1, 0), errno 0
23 3021 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: / =3D normalize_posi=
x_path (.)
22 3043 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/)
30 3073 [main] script 5108 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
23 3096 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
, dst C:\cygwin, flags 0xA, rc 0
64 3160 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
26 3186 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin, 0x22E880) (0xA)
589 3775 [main] script 5108 set_privilege: 1 =3D set_privilege ((token=
738) SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, 1)
109 3884 [main] script 5108 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\cygwin), h=
57 3941 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
24 3965 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\home\rthom=
pso\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin)
23 3988 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/rtho=
mpso/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin)
23 4011 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (., keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 4033 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: . =3D conv=
_to_posix_path (.)
22 4055 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\ssl\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 4077 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\usr\local\=
ssl\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\ssl\bin)
23 4100 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/local=
/ssl/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\ssl\bin)
23 4123 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 4145 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\usr\local\=
bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin)
71 4216 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/local=
/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin)
28 4244 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\pgsql\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 4267 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\usr\local\=
pgsql\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\pgsql\bin)
23 4290 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/local=
/pgsql/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\usr\local\pgsql\bin)
23 4313 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 4336 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\bin =3D no=
rmalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\bin)
22 4358 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/bin =
=3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\bin)
23 4381 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
61 4442 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\home\rthom=
pso =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso)
26 4468 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/rtho=
mpso =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso)
24 4492 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\usr\sbin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 4515 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\usr\sbin =
=3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\usr\sbin)
23 4538 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/sbin =
=3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\usr\sbin)
23 4561 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\usr\jikes\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 4583 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\usr\jikes\=
bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\usr\jikes\bin)
24 4607 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/jikes=
/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\usr\jikes\bin)
22 4629 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\usr, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 4652 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\usr =3D no=
rmalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\usr)
23 4675 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr =3D c=
onv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\usr)
23 4698 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 4720 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin=
=3D normalize_win32_path (C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin)
23 4743 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/j2sdk1.=
4.2_03/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin)
23 4766 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 4789 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\=
bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin)
23 4812 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/X11R6=
/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin)
23 4835 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\opt\gnome2\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 4858 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\opt\gnome2=
\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\opt\gnome2\bin)
23 4881 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /opt/gnome=
2/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\opt\gnome2\bin)
23 4904 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\opt\kde3\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 4926 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\opt\kde3\b=
in =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\opt\kde3\bin)
23 4949 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /opt/kde3/=
bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\opt\kde3\bin)
23 4972 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
27 4999 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\home\rthom=
pso\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin)
24 5023 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/rtho=
mpso/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin)
23 5046 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\apache-ant-1.6.1\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 5069 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\apache-ant-1.6.1\=
bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\apache-ant-1.6.1\bin)
23 5092 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/apache-=
ant-1.6.1/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\apache-ant-1.6.1\bin)
23 5115 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\ApacheSoftwareFoundation\Maven1.0.1\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slas=
23 5138 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\ApacheSoftwareFou=
ndation\Maven1.0.1\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\ApacheSoftwareFoundatio=
24 5162 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/ApacheS=
oftwareFoundation/Maven1.0.1/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\ApacheSoftwareF=
23 5185 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\opt\vim63\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 5208 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\opt\vim63\=
bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\opt\vim63\bin)
23 5231 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /opt/vim63=
/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\opt\vim63\bin)
23 5254 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\ruby\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 5276 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\ruby\bin =3D norm=
alize_win32_path (C:\ruby\bin)
23 5299 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/ruby/bi=
n =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\ruby\bin)
23 5322 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\GTK\2.0\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 5345 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1=
\GTK\2.0\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\GTK\2.0\bin)
23 5368 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/PROGRA~=
1/COMMON~1/GTK/2.0/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\GTK\2.0=
29 5397 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\MyPrograms\CBuilderX\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 5420 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\MyPrograms\CBuild=
erX\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\MyPrograms\CBuilderX\bin)
23 5443 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/MyProgr=
ams/CBuilderX/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\MyPrograms\CBuilderX\bin)
23 5466 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\WINDOWS\system32, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 5489 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\WINDOWS\system32 =
=3D normalize_win32_path (C:\WINDOWS\system32)
23 5512 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/WINDOWS=
/system32 =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINDOWS\system32)
23 5535 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\WINDOWS, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 5557 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\WINDOWS =3D norma=
lize_win32_path (C:\WINDOWS)
23 5580 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/WINDOWS=
=3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINDOWS)
22 5602 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 5625 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\=
Wbem =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem)
23 5648 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/WINDOWS=
/System32/Wbem =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem)
23 5671 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\MyPrograms\Vim\vim62, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
57 5728 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\MyPrograms\Vim\vi=
m62 =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\MyPrograms\Vim\vim62)
26 5754 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/MyProgr=
ams/Vim/vim62 =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\MyPrograms\Vim\vim62)
24 5778 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 5800 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\bin =3D no=
rmalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\bin)
22 5822 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/bin =
=3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\bin)
22 5844 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 5867 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\home\rthom=
pso\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin)
22 5889 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/rtho=
mpso/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\home\rthompso\bin)
23 5912 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 5934 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\bin =3D no=
rmalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\bin)
22 5956 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/bin =
=3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\bin)
22 5978 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\MyPrograms\Subversion\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 6000 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\MyPrograms\Subver=
sion\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\MyPrograms\Subversion\bin)
23 6023 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/MyProgr=
ams/Subversion/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\MyPrograms\Subversion\bin)
22 6045 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 6068 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\Program Files\Com=
mon Files\GTK\2.0\bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\Program Files\Common Fil=
23 6091 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/Program=
Files/Common Files/GTK/2.0/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\Program Files\Co=
mmon Files\GTK\2.0\bin)
24 6115 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 6137 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\=
bin =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin)
23 6160 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/X11R6=
/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin)
22 6182 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\Photo, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 6204 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\Photo =3D normali=
ze_win32_path (C:\Photo)
22 6226 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/Photo =
=3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\Photo)
22 6248 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (D:\WideStudio\ws\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 6270 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: D:\WideStudio\ws\bin=
=3D normalize_win32_path (D:\WideStudio\ws\bin)
22 6292 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /D/WideStu=
dio/ws/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (D:\WideStudio\ws\bin)
23 6315 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (D:\WideStudio\ruby\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 6337 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: D:\WideStudio\ruby\b=
in =3D normalize_win32_path (D:\WideStudio\ruby\bin)
160 6497 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /D/WideStu=
dio/ruby/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (D:\WideStudio\ruby\bin)
28 6525 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (D:\WideStudio\Perl\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 6548 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: D:\WideStudio\Perl\b=
in =3D normalize_win32_path (D:\WideStudio\Perl\bin)
23 6571 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /D/WideStu=
dio/Perl/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (D:\WideStudio\Perl\bin)
26 6597 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (D:\WideStudio\Python, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 6620 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: D:\WideStudio\Python=
=3D normalize_win32_path (D:\WideStudio\Python)
23 6643 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /D/WideStu=
dio/Python =3D conv_to_posix_path (D:\WideStudio\Python)
23 6666 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (D:\WideStudio\gcc\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 6688 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: D:\WideStudio\gcc\bi=
n =3D normalize_win32_path (D:\WideStudio\gcc\bin)
23 6711 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /D/WideStu=
dio/gcc/bin =3D conv_to_posix_path (D:\WideStudio\gcc\bin)
22 6733 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (usr\local\lib, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 6755 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: usr/local/=
lib =3D conv_to_posix_path (usr\local\lib)
105 6860 [main] script 5108 win_env::add_cache: posix /home/rthompso/b=
thompso/bin:/usr/bin:/C/MyPrograms/Subversion/bin:/C/Program Files/Common F=
41 6901 [main] script 5108 win_env::add_cache: native PATH=3DC:\cygwi=
o\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\MyPrograms\Subversion\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Fi=
38 6939 [main] script 5108 posify: env var converted to PATH=3D/home/=
in:/home/rthompso/bin:/usr/bin:/C/MyPrograms/Subversion/bin:/C/Program File=
s/Common Files/GTK/2.0/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/C/Photo:/D/WideStudio/ws/bin:/D/=
54 6993 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48001060: PATH=3D/home/rth=
/home/rthompso/bin:/usr/bin:/C/MyPrograms/Subversion/bin:/C/Program Files/C=
ommon Files/GTK/2.0/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/C/Photo:/D/WideStudio/ws/bin:/D/Wid=
62 7055 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000CF8: PATHEXT=3D.COM;.=
42 7097 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000D40: PGDATA=3D/usr/lo=
41 7138 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000D68: PROCESSOR_ARCHIT=
40 7178 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000D88: PROCESSOR_IDENTI=
FIER=3Dx86 Family 6 Model 10 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD
41 7219 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000DD0: PROCESSOR_LEVEL=
40 7259 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000DE8: PROCESSOR_REVISI=
41 7300 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000E08: PROGRAMFILES=3DC=
:\Program Files
71 7371 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000E30: PS1=3D=1B]2;$HOS=
TNAME-$USERNAME:$PWD=07$HOSTNAME: \[\033[33m\]$PWD> \[\033[0m\]
44 7415 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000560: PWD=3D/
74 7489 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000E88: SERVERROOT=3DC:\=
42 7531 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000EC0: SESSIONNAME=3DCo=
40 7571 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000ED8: SHELL=3D/usr/bin=
40 7611 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000EF0: SHLVL=3D1
39 7650 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000F00: SVN_EDITOR=3DC:\=
40 7690 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000F30: SYSTEMDRIVE=3DC:
40 7730 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000F48: SYSTEMROOT=3DC:\=
40 7770 [main] script 5108 getwinenv: can't set native for TEMP=3D si=
nce no environ yet
41 7811 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\tmp, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
22 7833 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\tmp =3D no=
rmalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\tmp)
22 7855 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /tmp =3D c=
onv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\tmp)
59 7914 [main] script 5108 win_env::add_cache: posix /tmp
20 7934 [main] script 5108 win_env::add_cache: native TEMP=3DC:\cygwi=
21 7955 [main] script 5108 posify: env var converted to TEMP=3D/tmp
39 7994 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48001E10: TEMP=3D/tmp
40 8034 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000F68: TERM=3Dxterm
40 8074 [main] script 5108 getwinenv: can't set native for TMP=3D sin=
ce no environ yet
47 8121 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\tmp, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
23 8144 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\tmp =3D normalize=
_win32_path (C:\tmp)
23 8167 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /C/tmp =3D=
conv_to_posix_path (C:\tmp)
58 8225 [main] script 5108 win_env::add_cache: posix /C/tmp
20 8245 [main] script 5108 win_env::add_cache: native TMP=3DC:\tmp
21 8266 [main] script 5108 posify: env var converted to TMP=3D/C/tmp
44 8310 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48001F20: TMP=3D/C/tmp
41 8351 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000FD8: TOMCAT_HOME=3D
40 8391 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48000FF0: USERDOMAIN=3DCYB=
39 8430 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48001010: USERNAME=3Drthom=
40 8470 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48001028: USERPROFILE=3D/h=
41 8511 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48002030: VJSHARPTOOLS=3DC=
:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual J# .NET\Framework\Bin;C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft=
Visual JSharp .NET\Framework\v1.0.4205;
42 8553 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x480020B8: VSCOMNTOOLS=3D"C=
:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\Tools\"
40 8593 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48001048: WINDIR=3DC:\WIND=
40 8633 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48002108: WINDOWID=3D12079=
40 8673 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48002120: WSDIR2=3DD:\Wide=
44 8717 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48002140: WSDIR=3DD:/WideS=
40 8757 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48002160: XAPPLOADDIR=3D/C=
40 8797 [main] script 5108 environ_init: 0x48002188: _=3D/usr/bin/str=
44 8841 [main] script 5108 pinfo_init: Set nice to 0
24 8865 [main] script 5108 pinfo_init: pid 5108, pgid 5108
518 9383 [main] script 5108 set_privilege: 0 =3D set_privilege ((token=
764) SeRestorePrivilege, 1)
34 9417 [main] script 5108 set_privilege: 1 =3D set_privilege ((token=
764) SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, 1)
86 9503 [main] script 5108 dtable::extend: size 32, fds 0x6115E6CC
38 9541 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: src /etc/passwd
25 9566 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: /etc/passwd =3D norm=
alize_posix_path (/etc/passwd)
23 9589 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/etc/passwd)
26 9615 [main] script 5108 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
23 9638 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
etc/passwd, dst C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, flags 0xA, rc 0
60 9698 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
28 9726 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin\etc\passwd, 0x22E840) (0xA)
26 9752 [main] script 5108 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\cygwin\etc=
\passwd), has_acls(1)
99 9851 [main] script 5108 etc::test_file_change: FindFirstFile succe=
211 10062 [main] script 5108 pwdgrp::load: /etc/passwd curr_lines 8
24 10086 [main] script 5108 pwdgrp::load: /etc/passwd load succeeded
49 10135 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: src /etc/group
24 10159 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: /etc/group =3D norma=
lize_posix_path (/etc/group)
22 10181 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/etc/group)
26 10207 [main] script 5108 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
23 10230 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
etc/group, dst C:\cygwin\etc\group, flags 0xA, rc 0
48 10278 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
25 10303 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin\etc\group, 0x22E810) (0xA)
24 10327 [main] script 5108 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\cygwin\etc=
\group), has_acls(1)
67 10394 [main] script 5108 etc::test_file_change: FindFirstFile succe=
199 10593 [main] script 5108 pwdgrp::load: /etc/group curr_lines 12
24 10617 [main] script 5108 pwdgrp::load: /etc/group load succeeded
31 10648 [main] script 5108 cygheap_user::ontherange: what 2, pw 0x480=
28 10676 [main] script 5108 cygheap_user::ontherange: HOME is already =
in the environment /home/rthompso
131 10807 [main] script 5108 sigproc_init: process/signal handling enab=
142 10949 [main] script 5108 tty_list::allocate_tty: console 1C03E2 alr=
eady associated with tty0
33 10982 [main] script 5108 tty_list::allocate_tty: console 0x1C03E2 a=
ssociated with tty0
48 11030 [main] script 5108 build_argv: argv[0] =3D 'script'
21 11051 [main] script 5108 build_argv: argv[1] =3D 'test'
21 11072 [main] script 5108 build_argv: argc 2
151 11223 [main] script 5108 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6115E814
42 11265 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10002, s=
upplied_bin 0x0
24 11289 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY =
set in flags 0x10000
22 11311 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to =
22 11333 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::init: created new fhandler_=
base for handle 0x20C, bin 1
137 11470 [sig] script 5108 wait_sig: myself->dwProcessId 5108
34 11504 [sig] script 5108 wait_sig: entering ReadFile loop, readsig 0=
x730, myself->sendsig 0x72C
12235 23739 [main] script 5108 handle_to_fn: nt name '\Device\HarddiskVol=
992 24731 [main] script 5108 handle_to_fn: current match '\Device\Hardd=
147 24878 [main] script 5108 handle_to_fn: derived path 'C:\cygwin\stra=
35 24913 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_po=
six_path (C:\cygwin\strace_out.txt, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
26 24939 [main] script 5108 normalize_win32_path: C:\cygwin\strace_out=
.txt =3D normalize_win32_path (C:\cygwin\strace_out.txt)
27 24966 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /strace_ou=
t.txt =3D conv_to_posix_path (C:\cygwin\strace_out.txt)
28 24994 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: src /strace_out.txt
23 25017 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: /strace_out.txt =3D =
normalize_posix_path (/strace_out.txt)
23 25040 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/strace_out.txt)
26 25066 [main] script 5108 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
22 25088 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
strace_out.txt, dst C:\cygwin\strace_out.txt, flags 0xA, rc 0
67 25155 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
28 25183 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin\strace_out.txt, 0x2263F0) (0xA)
27 25210 [main] script 5108 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\cygwin\str=
ace_out.txt), has_acls(1)
29 25239 [main] script 5108 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6115EA1C
29 25268 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10002, s=
upplied_bin 0x0
24 25292 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY =
set in flags 0x10000
22 25314 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to =
23 25337 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::init: created new fhandler_=
base for handle 0x6BC, bin 1
76 25413 [main] script 5108 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6115EC24
25 25438 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x10002, s=
upplied_bin 0x0
23 25461 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY =
set in flags 0x10000
22 25483 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to =
21 25504 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::init: created new fhandler_=
base for handle 0x210, bin 1
43 25547 [main] script 5108 dll_crt0_1: user_data->main 0x4011B0
22 25569 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: void dll_crt0_1(char*):883 va=
l 0
24 25593 [main] script 5108 wait_for_sigthread: wait_sig_inited 0x728
234 25827 [main] script 5108 open: open (test, 0x601)
27 25854 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: src test
23 25877 [main] script 5108 cwdstuff::get: posix /
119 25996 [main] script 5108 cwdstuff::get: (/) =3D cwdstuff::get (0x22=
E1C0, 260, 1, 0), errno 0
25 26021 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: /test =3D normalize_=
posix_path (test)
22 26043 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/test)
23 26066 [main] script 5108 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
22 26088 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
test, dst C:\cygwin\test, flags 0xA, rc 0
48 26136 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
27 26163 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin\test, 0x22DE80) (0xA)
23 26186 [main] script 5108 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\cygwin\tes=
t), has_acls(1)
24 26210 [main] script 5108 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6115EE2C
39 26249 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::open: (C:\cygwin\test, 0x10=
50 26299 [main] script 5108 alloc_sd: uid 500, gid 513, attribute 1B6
41 26340 [main] script 5108 cygpsid::debug_print: alloc_sd: owner SID =
=3D S-1-5-21-1454471165-1682526488-725345543-500
28 26368 [main] script 5108 cygpsid::debug_print: alloc_sd: group SID =
=3D S-1-5-21-1454471165-1682526488-725345543-513
42 26410 [main] script 5108 alloc_sd: ACL-Size: 100
68 26478 [main] script 5108 alloc_sd: Created SD-Size: 176
221 26699 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x100601, =
supplied_bin 0x10000
31 26730 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to =
22 26752 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::open: 0 =3D NtCreateFile (0=
x728, 40100080, C:\cygwin\test, io, NULL, 80, 7, 5, 20, NULL, 0)
29 26781 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::open: 1 =3D fhandler_base::=
open (C:\cygwin\test, 0x100601)
43 26824 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::open_fs: 1 =3D fhandler_dis=
k_file::open (C:\cygwin\test, 0x601)
26 26850 [main] script 5108 open: 3 =3D open (test, 0x601)
44 26894 [main] script 5108 _cygwin_istext_for_stdio: fd 3: opened as =
44 26938 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: int tcgetattr(int, termios*):=
180 val 25
22 26960 [main] script 5108 tcgetattr: -1 =3D tcgetattr (0, 0x404090)
23 26983 [main] script 5108 ioctl: fd 0, cmd 5401
23 27006 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: virtual int fhandler_base::io=
ctl(unsigned int, void*):1163 val 22
22 27028 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::ioctl: -1 =3D ioctl (5401, =
23 27051 [main] script 5108 ioctl: returning -1
22 27073 [main] script 5108 open: open (/dev/ptmx, 0x8002)
23 27096 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/ptmx
21 27117 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: /dev/ptmx =3D normal=
ize_posix_path (/dev/ptmx)
21 27138 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/dev/ptmx)
28 27166 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
dev/ptmx, dst \dev\ptmx, flags 0x2, rc 0
28 27194 [main] script 5108 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6115F034
67 27261 [main] script 5108 tty_list::allocate_tty: tty3 allocated
117 27378 [main] script 5108 tty::make_pipes: tty3 from_slave 0x718, to=
_slave 0x71C
259 27637 [main] script 5108 tty::get_event: created event
53 27690 [main] script 5108 tty::common_init: tty3 opened
49 27739 [main] script 5108 tty::create_inuse: cygwin1S4.cygtty.master=
_alive.3 0x704
26 27765 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x18002, s=
upplied_bin 0x0
23 27788 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY =
set in flags 0x10000
21 27809 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to =
21 27830 [main] script 5108 fhandler_pty_master::open: opened pty mast=
er tty3
28 27858 [main] script 5108 open: 4 =3D open (/dev/ptmx, 0x8002)
26 27884 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: int revoke(char*):45 val 88
23 27907 [main] script 5108 open: open (/dev/tty3, 0x8002)
22 27929 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/tty3
21 27950 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: /dev/tty3 =3D normal=
ize_posix_path (/dev/tty3)
22 27972 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/dev/tty3)
26 27998 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
dev/tty3, dst \dev\tty3, flags 0x2, rc 0
29 28027 [main] script 5108 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6115F23C
32 28059 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x18002, s=
upplied_bin 0x0
24 28083 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY =
set in flags 0x10000
22 28105 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to =
56 28161 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::open: (509): tty outpu=
t_mutex: waiting 500 ms
27 28188 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::open: (509): tty outpu=
t_mutex: acquired
37 28225 [main] script 5108 tty::create_inuse: cygwin1S4.cygtty.slave_=
alive.3 0x6F4
26 28251 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::open: (512): tty outpu=
t_mutex released
23 28274 [main] script 5108 client_request_attach_tty::client_request_=
attach_tty: created: pid =3D 5108, master_pid =3D 5108, from_master =3D 182=
4, to_master =3D 1812
226 28500 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::open: duplicated from_=
master 0x720->0x6EC from tty_owner
26 28526 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::open: duplicated to_ma=
ster 0x714->0x6E8 from tty_owner
63 28589 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::open: /dev/tty3 opened=
, incremented open_fhs 1, usecount 1
28 28617 [main] script 5108 _pinfo::set_ctty: checking if /dev/tty0 ch=
27 28644 [main] script 5108 open: 5 =3D open (/dev/tty3, 0x8002)
25 28669 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::tcsetattr: (1037): tty=
output_mutex: waiting -1 ms
23 28692 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::tcsetattr: (1037): tty=
output_mutex: acquired
24 28716 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::tcsetattr: (1039): tty=
output_mutex released
23 28739 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: int tcsetattr(int, int, const=
termios*):161 val 88
22 28761 [main] script 5108 tcsetattr: iflag 0x0, oflag 0x0, cflag 0x0=
, lflag 0x0, VMIN 0, VTIME 0
23 28784 [main] script 5108 tcsetattr: 0 =3D tcsetattr (5, 1, 404090)
22 28806 [main] script 5108 ioctl: fd 5, cmd 5402
76 28882 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::ioctl: ioctl (5402)
26 28908 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::ioctl: (1095): tty out=
put_mutex: waiting -1 ms
24 28932 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::ioctl: (1095): tty out=
put_mutex: acquired
25 28957 [main] script 5108 kill0: kill (-5108, 28)
23 28980 [main] script 5108 kill_pgrp: pid 5108, signal 28
1312 30292 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x3F0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6F0
66 30358 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x660000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6E4
70 30428 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x670000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6E0
31 30459 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 12=
40, cygwin pid 1180
44 30503 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x670000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6E0
40 30543 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x680000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6DC
28 30571 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 12=
48, cygwin pid 1188
37 30608 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x680000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6DC
39 30647 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x690000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6D8
40 30687 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x6A0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6D4
40 30727 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x6B0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6D0
91 30818 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x6C0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6CC
122 30940 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x6D0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C8
30 30970 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 26=
12, cygwin pid 2596
37 31007 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x6D0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C8
360 31367 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x6E0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C4
30 31397 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 51=
04, cygwin pid 5064
36 31433 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x6E0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C4
40 31473 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x6F0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C0
39 31512 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x700000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6B8
28 31540 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 10=
52, cygwin pid 6128
38 31578 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x700000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6B8
38 31616 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x710000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6B0
28 31644 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 29=
64, cygwin pid 2644
36 31680 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x710000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6B0
39 31719 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x720000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6AC
45 31764 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x730000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6A8
28 31792 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 53=
96, cygwin pid 3060
38 31830 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x730000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6A8
41 31871 [main] script 5108 kill_pgrp: killing pid 5108, pgrp 5108, p-=
>ctty 0, myself->ctty 0
28 31899 [main] script 5108 sig_send: sendsig 0x72C, pid 5108, signal =
28, its_me 1
37 31936 [main] script 5108 sig_send: wakeup 0x6A8
35 31971 [main] script 5108 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x6A8
34 32005 [sig] script 5108 sigpacket::process: signal 28 processing
29 32034 [sig] script 5108 _cygtls::find_tls: sig 28
23 32057 [sig] script 5108 sigpacket::process: default signal 28 ignor=
23 32080 [sig] script 5108 sigpacket::process: returning 1
23 32103 [sig] script 5108 wait_sig: signalled 0x6A8
31 32134 [main] script 5108 sig_send: returning 0x0 from sending signa=
l 28
25 32159 [main] script 5108 _pinfo::kill: 0 =3D _pinfo::kill (5108, 28=
), process_state 0x1041
23 32182 [main] script 5108 kill_pgrp: 0 =3D kill (5108, 28)
105 32287 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::ioctl: (1143): tty out=
put_mutex released
24 32311 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::ioctl: 0 =3D ioctl (54=
22 32333 [main] script 5108 ioctl: returning 0
25 32358 [main] script 5108 time: 1126938265 =3D time (0)
88 32446 [main] script 5108 get_file_attribute: file: C:\cygwin\strace=
72 32518 [main] script 5108 cygpsid::debug_print: get_sids_info: owner=
SID =3D S-1-5-21-1454471165-1682526488-725345543-500
29 32547 [main] script 5108 cygpsid::debug_print: get_sids_info: group=
SID =3D S-1-5-21-1454471165-1682526488-725345543-513
31 32578 [main] script 5108 get_info_from_sd: ACL 1B6, uid 500, gid 513
42 32620 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::fstat_helper: 0 =3D fstat (=
, 0x22C930) st_atime=3D432BB699 st_size=3D46107, st_mode=3D0x81B6, st_ino=
=3D347570, sizeof=3D96
26 32646 [main] script 5108 fstat64: 0 =3D fstat (1, 0x22C930)
225 32871 [main] script 5108 open: open (/usr/share/zoneinfo/posixrules=
, 0x10000)
27 32898 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: src /usr/share/zonei=
24 32922 [main] script 5108 normalize_posix_path: /usr/share/zoneinfo/=
posixrules =3D normalize_posix_path (/usr/share/zoneinfo/posixrules)
23 32945 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/usr/share/zoneinfo/posixrules)
28 32973 [main] script 5108 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
22 32995 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
usr/share/zoneinfo/posixrules, dst C:\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo\posixrules,=
flags 0xA, rc 0
112 33107 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: GetFileAttributes (C:=
\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo\posixrules) failed
29 33136 [main] script 5108 geterrno_from_win_error: windows error 3 =
=3D=3D errno 2
57 33193 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: GetFileAttributes (C:=
\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo\posixrules.lnk) failed
27 33220 [main] script 5108 geterrno_from_win_error: windows error 3 =
=3D=3D errno 2
23 33243 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo\posixrules, 0x22B870) (0xA)
24 33267 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/usr/share/zoneinfo)
22 33289 [main] script 5108 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
22 33311 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
usr/share/zoneinfo, dst C:\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo, flags 0xA, rc 0
51 33362 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: GetFileAttributes (C:=
\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo) failed
27 33389 [main] script 5108 geterrno_from_win_error: windows error 2 =
=3D=3D errno 2
48 33437 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: GetFileAttributes (C:=
\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo.lnk) failed
27 33464 [main] script 5108 geterrno_from_win_error: windows error 2 =
=3D=3D errno 2
21 33485 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo, 0x22B870) (0xA)
23 33508 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/usr/share)
24 33532 [main] script 5108 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
21 33553 [main] script 5108 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
usr/share, dst C:\cygwin\usr\share, flags 0xA, rc 0
46 33599 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
28 33627 [main] script 5108 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin\usr\share, 0x22B870) (0xA)
26 33653 [main] script 5108 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\cygwin\usr=
\share\zoneinfo\posixrules), has_acls(1)
28 33681 [main] script 5108 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6115F694
36 33717 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::open: (C:\cygwin\usr\share\=
zoneinfo\posixrules, 0x110000)
54 33771 [main] script 5108 seterrno_from_win_error: /netrel/src/cygwi=
n-snapshot-20050912-1/winsup/cygwin/ windows error 3
27 33798 [main] script 5108 geterrno_from_win_error: windows error 3 =
=3D=3D errno 2
23 33821 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: void seterrno_from_win_error(=
const char*, int, DWORD):308 val 2
22 33843 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::open: C000003A =3D NtCreate=
File (0x0, 80100000, C:\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo\posixrules, io, NULL, 0, =
7, 1, 20, NULL, 0)
25 33868 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::open: 0 =3D fhandler_base::=
open (C:\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo\posixrules, 0x110000)
24 33892 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::open_fs: 0 =3D fhandler_dis=
k_file::open (C:\cygwin\usr\share\zoneinfo\posixrules, 0x10000)
25 33917 [main] script 5108 open: -1 =3D open (/usr/share/zoneinfo/pos=
ixrules, 0x10000)
37 33954 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: save_errno::~save_errno():47 =
val 88
155 34109 [main] script 5108 get_file_attribute: file: C:\cygwin\test
55 34164 [main] script 5108 cygpsid::debug_print: get_sids_info: owner=
SID =3D S-1-5-21-1454471165-1682526488-725345543-500
28 34192 [main] script 5108 cygpsid::debug_print: get_sids_info: group=
SID =3D S-1-5-21-1454471165-1682526488-725345543-513
25 34217 [main] script 5108 get_info_from_sd: ACL 1B6, uid 500, gid 513
41 34258 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::fstat_helper: 0 =3D fstat (=
, 0x22C930) st_atime=3D432BB699 st_size=3D0, st_mode=3D0x81B6, st_ino=3D347=
567, sizeof=3D96
24 34282 [main] script 5108 fstat64: 0 =3D fstat (3, 0x22C930)
83 34365 [main] script 5108 writev: writev (3, 0x22E570, 1)
26 34391 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::write: binary write
92 34483 [main] script 5108 writev: 43 =3D write (3, 0x22E570, 1), err=
no 88
46 34529 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: int tcsetattr(int, int, const=
termios*):161 val 25
23 34552 [main] script 5108 tcsetattr: iflag 0x0, oflag 0x0, cflag 0x3=
0, lflag 0x0, VMIN 0, VTIME 0
23 34575 [main] script 5108 tcsetattr: -1 =3D tcsetattr (0, 1, 22EEB0)
30 34605 [main] script 5108 child_info::child_info: subproc_ready 0x6AC
27 34632 [main] script 5108 fork: entering
22 34654 [main] script 5108 sig_send: sendsig 0x72C, pid 5108, signal =
-40, its_me 1
30 34684 [main] script 5108 sig_send: wakeup 0x6B8
27 34711 [main] script 5108 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x6B8
28 34739 [main] script 5108 sig_send: returning 0x0 from sending signa=
l -40
306 35045 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::write: binary write
Script started, output file is test
65 35110 [main] script 5108 stack_base: bottom 0x230000, top 0x30000, =
stack 0x22E450, size 7088, reserve 2097152
25 35135 [main] script 5108 fork_parent: CreateProcess (C:\cygwin\bin\=
script.exe, C:\cygwin\bin\script.exe, 0, 0, 1, 0x20, 0, 0, 0x22E470, 0x22E4=
1449 36584 [sig] script 5108 wait_sig: signalled 0x6B8
538 37122 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x670000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C4
42 37164 [main] script 5108 time: 1126938265 =3D time (0)
30 37194 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: args: 1, 2286608
79 37273 [main] script 5108 _pinfo::dup_proc_pipe: closed wr_proc_pipe=
0x7FC for pid 4712(4712)
945 38218 [main] script 5108 pinfo::wait: created tracking thread for p=
id 4712, winpid 0x1268, rd_pipe 0x6C0
34 38252 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: added pid 4712 to proc table=
, slot 0
24 38276 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: returning 1
24 38300 [main] script 5108 child_info::sync: waiting for subproc_read=
y(0x6AC) and child process(0x6D4)
Program name: C:\cygwin\bin\script.exe (pid 4712, ppid 5108)
App version: 1005.19, api: 0.138
DLL version: 1005.19, api: 0.138
DLL build: 20050912 17:20:51SNP
OS version: Windows NT-5.1
2186 40486 [proc_waiter] script 5108 cygthread::stub: thread 'proc_waite=
r', id 0xE58, stack_ptr 0x87EFC0
Heap size: 402653184
Date/Time: 2005-09-17 02:24:25
27 332 [main] script 4712 set_myself: myself->dwProcessId 4712
41 373 [main] script 4712 events_init: windows_system_directory 'C:\=
WINDOWS\system32\', windows_system_directory_length 20
135 508 [main] script 4712 fork_child: child is running. pid 4712, p=
pid 5108, stack here 0x22E618
34 542 [main] script 4712 sync_with_parent: signalling parent: after=
342 40828 [main] script 5108 child_info::sync: got subproc_ready for pi=
d 4712
32 40860 [main] script 5108 fork_parent: child is alive (but stopped)
43 40903 [main] script 5108 fork_copy: child handle 0x6D4, low 0x40300=
0, high 0x403010, res 1
32 40935 [main] script 5108 fork_copy: child handle 0x6D4, low 0x40400=
0, high 0x404110, res 1
398 41333 [main] script 5108 fork_copy: child handle 0x6D4, low 0x48000=
000, high 0x48028000, res 1
51 41384 [main] script 5108 fork_copy: child handle 0x6D4, low 0x22E3A=
0, high 0x230000, res 1
102 41486 [main] script 5108 fork_copy: child handle 0x6D4, low 0x610F9=
000, high 0x610FDB60, res 1
131 41617 [main] script 5108 fork_copy: child handle 0x6D4, low 0x61137=
000, high 0x61140820, res 1
27 41644 [main] script 5108 fork_copy: done
25 41669 [main] script 5108 resume_child: signalled child
41151 41693 [main] script 4712 child_info::ready: signalled 0x6AC that I =
was ready
28 41721 [main] script 4712 sync_with_parent: awake
21 41742 [main] script 4712 sync_with_parent: no problems
21 41763 [main] script 4712 fork_child: hParent 0x6B0, child 1 first_d=
ll 0x0, load_dlls 0
120 41789 [main] script 5108 child_info::sync: waiting for subproc_read=
y(0x6AC) and child process(0x6D4)
71 41834 [main] script 4712 set_privilege: 0 =3D set_privilege ((token=
794) SeRestorePrivilege, 1)
29 41863 [main] script 4712 set_privilege: 1 =3D set_privilege ((token=
794) SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, 1)
34 41897 [main] script 4712 set_file_api_mode: File APIs set to ANSI
25 41922 [main] script 4712 fixup_mmaps_after_fork: recreate_mmaps_aft=
er_fork, mmapped_areas 0x0
41 41963 [main] script 4712 dtable::fixup_after_fork: fd 4 (/dev/ptmx)
30 41993 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::fixup_after_fork: inheritin=
g '/dev/ptmx' from parent
26 42019 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::fork_fixup: handle 0x718 al=
ready opened
22 42041 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::fork_fixup: handle 0x71C al=
ready opened
21 42062 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::fork_fixup: handle 0x70C al=
ready opened
22 42084 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::fork_fixup: handle 0x708 al=
ready opened
21 42105 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::fork_fixup: handle 0x710 al=
ready opened
23 42128 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::fork_fixup: handle 0x704 al=
ready opened
24 42152 [main] script 4712 dtable::fixup_after_fork: fd 5 (/dev/tty3)
21 42173 [main] script 4712 fhandler_tty_slave::fixup_after_fork: /dev=
/tty3 inherited, open_fhs 1, usecount 1
28 42201 [main] script 4712 sync_with_parent: signalling parent: perfo=
rmed fork fixup
435 42224 [main] script 5108 child_info::sync: got subproc_ready for pi=
d 4712
196 42397 [main] script 4712 child_info::ready: signalled 0x6AC that I =
was ready
359 42583 [main] script 5108 sig_send: sendsig 0x72C, pid 5108, signal =
-41, its_me 1
29 42612 [main] script 5108 sig_send: wakeup 0x6B8
36 42648 [main] script 5108 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x6B8
297 42694 [main] script 4712 sigproc_init: process/signal handling enab=
37 42731 [main] script 4712 pthread_mutex::_fixup_after_fork: mutex 48=
000060 in _fixup_after_fork
28 42759 [main] script 4712 pthread_mutex::_fixup_after_fork: mutex 61=
140158 in _fixup_after_fork
295 42943 [main] script 5108 sig_send: returning 0x0 from sending signa=
l -41
24 42967 [main] script 5108 fork: 4712 =3D fork()
27 42994 [main] script 5108 close: close (5)
24 43018 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::close: /dev/tty3 close=
d, decremented open_fhs 0, usecount 0
23 43041 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_slave::close: closing last op=
en /dev/tty3 handle
23 43064 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_common::close: tty3 <0x6EC,0x=
6E8> closing
56 43120 [main] script 5108 dtable::delete_archetype: deleting element=
0 for /dev/tty3
26 43146 [main] script 5108 close: 0 =3D close (5)
24 43170 [main] script 5108 time: 1126938265 =3D time (0)
24 43194 [main] script 5108 ioctl: fd 4, cmd 8004667E
24 43218 [main] script 5108 ioctl: returning 0
620 43379 [main] script 4712 wait_for_sigthread: wait_sig_inited 0x6B8
193 43411 [main] script 5108 cygwin_select: 5, 0x22E660, 0x0, 0x0, 0x22=
58 43469 [main] script 5108 dtable::select_read: fd 0
42 43511 [main] script 5108 dtable::select_read: /dev/ptmx fd 4
21 43532 [main] script 5108 cygwin_select: to->tv_sec 2, to->tv_usec 0=
, ms 2000
55 43587 [main] script 5108 cygwin_select: sel.always_ready 0
447 43826 [sig] script 4712 wait_sig: myself->dwProcessId 4712
34 43860 [sig] script 4712 wait_sig: entering ReadFile loop, readsig 0=
x740, myself->sendsig 0x73C
345 43932 [select_pipe] script 5108 cygthread::stub: thread 'select_pip=
e', id 0x14D8, stack_ptr 0xA7EFC0
146 44006 [main] script 4712 sig_send: sendsig 0x73C, pid 4712, signal =
-41, its_me 1
30 44036 [main] script 4712 sig_send: wakeup 0x6B8
27 44063 [main] script 4712 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x6B8
157 44089 [sig] script 5108 wait_sig: signalled 0x6B8
59 44122 [sig] script 4712 wait_sig: signalled 0x6B8
58 44147 [main] script 5108 select_stuff::wait: m 2, ms 2000
59 44181 [main] script 4712 sig_send: returning 0x0 from sending signa=
l -41
25 44206 [main] script 4712 fork: 0 =3D fork()
34 44240 [main] script 4712 normalize_posix_path: src /etc
25 44265 [main] script 4712 normalize_posix_path: /etc =3D normalize_p=
osix_path (/etc)
25 44290 [main] script 4712 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_wi=
n32_path (/etc)
36 44326 [main] script 4712 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
25 44351 [main] script 4712 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /=
etc, dst C:\cygwin\etc, flags 0xA, rc 0
80 44431 [main] script 4712 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
53 44484 [main] script 4712 symlink_info::check: 0 =3D symlink.check (=
C:\cygwin\etc, 0x22DF80) (0xA)
27 44511 [main] script 4712 path_conv::check: this->path(C:\cygwin\etc=
), has_acls(1)
198 44709 [main] script 4712 etc::test_file_change: FindFirstFile succe=
145 44854 [main] script 4712 handle_exceptions: In cygwin_except_handle=
r exc 0xC0000005 at 0x6106216F sp 0x22E5B0
26 44880 [main] script 4712 handle_exceptions: In cygwin_except_handle=
r sig 11 at 0x6106216F
22 44902 [main] script 4712 handle_exceptions: In cygwin_except_handle=
r calling 0x0
22 44924 [main] script 4712 try_to_debug: debugger_command ''
228 45152 [main] script 4712 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to=
80036 125188 [main] script 4712 signal_exit: about to call do_exit (8B)
39 125227 [main] script 4712 do_exit: do_exit (139), exit_state 0
29 125256 [main] script 4712 void: 0x0 =3D signal (20, 0x1)
23 125279 [main] script 4712 void: 0x0 =3D signal (1, 0x1)
20 125299 [main] script 4712 void: 0x0 =3D signal (2, 0x1)
21 125320 [main] script 4712 void: 0x0 =3D signal (3, 0x1)
25 125345 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::close: closing '' handle 0x=
28 125373 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::close: closing '/strace_out=
.txt' handle 0x6BC
25 125398 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::close: closing '' handle 0x=
25 125423 [main] script 4712 fhandler_base::close: closing '/test' hand=
le 0x728
46 125469 [main] script 4712 fhandler_tty_common::close: tty2 <0x718,0x=
71C> closing
52 125521 [main] script 4712 fhandler_tty_slave::close: /dev/tty3 close=
d, decremented open_fhs 0, usecount 0
39 125560 [main] script 4712 fhandler_tty_slave::close: closing last op=
en /dev/tty3 handle
26 125586 [main] script 4712 fhandler_tty_common::close: tty3 <0x6EC,0x=
6E8> closing
41 125627 [main] script 4712 dtable::delete_archetype: deleting element=
0 for /dev/tty3
28 125655 [main] script 4712 sigproc_terminate: entering
31 125686 [main] script 4712 proc_terminate: nprocs 0
21 125707 [main] script 4712 proc_terminate: leaving
41 125748 [main] script 4712 sigproc_terminate: sigproc handling not ac=
21 125769 [main] script 4712 proc_terminate: nprocs 0
20 125789 [main] script 4712 proc_terminate: leaving
25 125814 [main] script 4712 __to_clock_t: dwHighDateTime 0, dwLowDateT=
ime 0
22 125836 [main] script 4712 __to_clock_t: total 00000000 00000000
22 125858 [main] script 4712 __to_clock_t: dwHighDateTime 0, dwLowDateT=
ime 156250
21 125879 [main] script 4712 __to_clock_t: total 00000000 0000000F
428 126307 [main] script 4712 pinfo::maybe_set_exit_code_from_windows: p=
id 4712, exit value - old 0x8000008B, windows 0xDEADBEEF, cygwin 0x8000008B
578686 622833 [proc_waiter] script 5108 pinfo::maybe_set_exit_code_from_wi=
ndows: pid 4712, exit value - old 0x8000008B, windows 0xDEADBEEF, cygwin 0x=
84 622917 [proc_waiter] script 5108 sig_send: sendsig 0x72C, pid 5108, =
signal 20, its_me 1
37 622954 [proc_waiter] script 5108 sig_send: Not waiting for sigcomple=
te. its_me 1 signal 20
25 622979 [proc_waiter] script 5108 sig_send: returning 0x0 from sendin=
g signal 20
1335 624314 [proc_waiter] script 5108 proc_waiter: exiting wait thread fo=
r pid 4712
1587 625901 [select_pipe] script 5108 fhandler_pty_master::hit_eof: all o=
ther handles closed
57 625958 [select_pipe] script 5108 peek_pipe: /dev/ptmx, saw EOF
294 626252 [main] script 5108 select_stuff::wait: woke up. wait_ret 1. =
350 626602 [main] script 5108 set_bits: me 0x48003448, testing fd 4 (/de=
32 626634 [main] script 5108 set_bits: ready 1
22 626656 [main] script 5108 set_bits: me 0x48003418, testing fd 0 ()
23 626679 [main] script 5108 set_bits: ready 0
22 626701 [main] script 5108 select_stuff::wait: gotone 1
21 626722 [main] script 5108 select_stuff::wait: returning 0
25 626747 [main] script 5108 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup rou=
65 626812 [main] script 5108 peek_pipe: /dev/ptmx, already ready for re=
21 626833 [main] script 5108 set_bits: me 0x48003448, testing fd 4 (/de=
25 626858 [main] script 5108 set_bits: ready 1
32 626890 [main] script 5108 select_stuff::poll: returning 1
24 626914 [main] script 5108 select_stuff::cleanup: calling cleanup rou=
22 626936 [main] script 5108 select_stuff::~select_stuff: deleting sele=
ct records
61 626997 [main] script 5108 kill0: kill (4712, 0)
51 627048 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xA80000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C0
33 627081 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: int _pinfo::kill(siginfo_t&):=
190 val 3
45 627126 [main] script 5108 wait4: calling proc_subproc, pid -1, optio=
ns 1
25 627151 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: args: 4, 2292680
25 627176 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: wval->pid -1, wval->options 1
27 627203 [main] script 5108 checkstate: nprocs 1
23 627226 [main] script 5108 stopped_or_terminated: considering pid 4712
25 627251 [main] script 5108 remove_proc: removing procs[0], pid 4712, =
nprocs 1
34 627285 [main] script 5108 checkstate: returning 1
23 627308 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: released waiting thread
23 627331 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: finished processing terminat=
ed/stopped child
23 627354 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: returning 1
24 627378 [main] script 5108 wait4: 0 =3D WaitForSingleObject (...)
98 627476 [main] script 5108 wait4: intpid -1, status 0x22E608, w->stat=
us 139, options 1, res 4712
33 627509 [sig] script 5108 sigpacket::process: signal 20 processing
28 627537 [sig] script 5108 _cygtls::find_tls: sig 20
24 627561 [sig] script 5108 sigpacket::process: default signal 20 ignor=
22 627583 [sig] script 5108 sigpacket::process: returning 1
24 627607 [sig] script 5108 proc_subproc: args: 3, 0
22 627629 [sig] script 5108 proc_subproc: looking for processes to reap=
, nprocs 0
22 627651 [sig] script 5108 proc_subproc: finished processing terminate=
d/stopped child
22 627673 [sig] script 5108 proc_subproc: returning 1
28 627701 [main] script 5108 wait4: calling proc_subproc, pid -1, optio=
ns 1
24 627725 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: args: 4, 2292680
22 627747 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: wval->pid -1, wval->options 1
22 627769 [main] script 5108 checkstate: nprocs 0
23 627792 [main] script 5108 checkstate: no matching terminated childre=
n found
21 627813 [main] script 5108 checkstate: returning 0
21 627834 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: waiting thread found no chil=
22 627856 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: finished processing terminat=
ed/stopped child
22 627878 [main] script 5108 proc_subproc: returning 1
21 627899 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: pid_t wait4(int, int*, int, r=
usage*):91 val 10
24 627923 [main] script 5108 wait4: intpid -1, status 0x22E608, w->stat=
us 0, options 1, res -1
23 627946 [main] script 5108 wait4: *** errno 10
23 627969 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: int tcsetattr(int, int, const=
termios*):161 val 25
23 627992 [main] script 5108 tcsetattr: iflag 0x0, oflag 0x0, cflag 0x0=
, lflag 0x0, VMIN 0, VTIME 0
22 628014 [main] script 5108 tcsetattr: -1 =3D tcsetattr (0, 1, 404090)
24 628038 [main] script 5108 time: 1126938266 =3D time (0)
208 628246 [main] script 5108 writev: writev (3, 0x22E4F0, 1)
24 628270 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::write: binary write
41 628311 [main] script 5108 writev: 41 =3D write (3, 0x22E4F0, 1), err=
no 25
46 628357 [main] script 5108 close: close (3)
22 628379 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::close: closing '/test' hand=
le 0x728
73 628452 [main] script 5108 close: 0 =3D close (3)
82 628534 [main] script 5108 close: close (4)
33 628567 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_common::close: tty2 <0x718,0x=
71C> closing
58 628625 [main] script 5108 fhandler_tty_common::close: no more master=
s left. sending EOF
30 628655 [main] script 5108 close: 0 =3D close (4)
98 628753 [main] script 5108 close: close (0)
22 628775 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::close: closing '' handle 0x=
26 628801 [main] script 5108 close: 0 =3D close (0)
155 628956 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::write: binary write
Script done, output file is test
60 629016 [main] script 5108 close: close (1)
22 629038 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::close: closing '/strace_out=
.txt' handle 0x6BC
24 629062 [main] script 5108 close: 0 =3D close (1)
173 629235 [main] script 5108 close: close (2)
21 629256 [main] script 5108 fhandler_base::close: closing '' handle 0x=
24 629280 [main] script 5108 close: 0 =3D close (2)
90 629370 [main] script 5108 do_exit: do_exit (2816), exit_state 0
23 629393 [main] script 5108 void: 0x0 =3D signal (20, 0x1)
27 629420 [main] script 5108 void: 0x0 =3D signal (1, 0x1)
22 629442 [main] script 5108 void: 0x0 =3D signal (2, 0x1)
21 629463 [main] script 5108 void: 0x0 =3D signal (3, 0x1)
24 629487 [main] script 5108 sigproc_terminate: entering
28 629515 [main] script 5108 proc_terminate: nprocs 0
23 629538 [main] script 5108 proc_terminate: leaving
21 629559 [main] script 5108 do_exit: 5108 =3D=3D pgrp 5108, send SIG{H=
UP,CONT} to stopped children
24 629583 [main] script 5108 kill_pgrp: pid 5108, signal -1
814 630397 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0x670000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x72C
61 630458 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xA80000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x210
77 630535 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xA90000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6BC
30 630565 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 12=
40, cygwin pid 1180
42 630607 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xA90000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6BC
42 630649 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xAA0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x20C
29 630678 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 12=
48, cygwin pid 1188
37 630715 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xAA0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x20C
38 630753 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xAB0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x710
39 630792 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xAC0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x71C
39 630831 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xAD0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x718
84 630915 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xAE0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x70C
53 630968 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xAF0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x708
28 630996 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 26=
12, cygwin pid 2596
38 631034 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xAF0000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x708
371 631405 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB00000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x704
30 631435 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 51=
04, cygwin pid 5064
37 631472 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB00000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x704
39 631511 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB10000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x728
39 631550 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB20000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6D4
28 631578 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 10=
52, cygwin pid 6128
38 631616 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB20000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6D4
38 631654 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB30000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C4
31 631685 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 29=
64, cygwin pid 2644
36 631721 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB30000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6C4
38 631759 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB40000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x700
39 631798 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB50000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6FC
28 631826 [main] script 5108 pinfo::init: execed process windows pid 53=
96, cygwin pid 3060
35 631861 [main] script 5108 open_shared: name cygpid, shared 0xB50000 =
(wanted 0x0), h 0x6FC
38 631899 [main] script 5108 __set_errno: int kill_pgrp(pid_t, siginfo_=
t&):301 val 3
25 631924 [main] script 5108 kill_pgrp: -1 =3D kill (5108, -1)
103 632027 [main] script 5108 do_exit: 5108 =3D=3D sid 5108, send SIGHUP=
to children
44 632071 [main] script 5108 sigproc_terminate: sigproc handling not ac=
22 632093 [main] script 5108 proc_terminate: nprocs 0
21 632114 [main] script 5108 proc_terminate: leaving
25 632139 [main] script 5108 __to_clock_t: dwHighDateTime 0, dwLowDateT=
ime 0
22 632161 [main] script 5108 __to_clock_t: total 00000000 00000000
23 632184 [main] script 5108 __to_clock_t: dwHighDateTime 0, dwLowDateT=
ime 312500
24 632208 [main] script 5108 __to_clock_t: total 00000000 0000001F
470 632678 [main] script 5108 pinfo::maybe_set_exit_code_from_windows: p=
id 5108, exit value - old 0x80000B00, windows 0xDEADBEEF, cygwin 0x80000B00
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