Mail Archives: cygwin/2005/06/27/14:51:35
HOw about using a trap on sig TERM? Have it do something harmless
or ignore it
On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 11:47:38AM -0700, jxshea AT regence DOT com wrote:
> I have some wrappers to invoke a telnet or an ssh within an rxvt window so
> that I can label it with the host I'm connecting to. I love rxvt because
> it has real vt emulation, and also gives me X-like middle mouse cut and
> paste operations that I'm used to from my Sun environment, but all without
> the overhead of running X. However, a really annoying and quite hazardous
> artifact of rxvt in cygwin is that it will grab the control-Cs sent from
> the parent bash session and close down. Unfortunately, pings, by default
> are unlimited in iteration and so must be killed when you're done with it
> and also, I'm in the habit of using control-C to quit a command line in
> progress to get back to a prompt.
> Unless I remember to to start a new bash window to do anything where I
> might send a Control-C, I end up clobbering the 20 odd telnet/ssh sessions
> I have up, some of which could contain important processes that are
> difficult to recover from being terminated.
> Any advice on
> 1) Whether this is an issue with bash or rxvt or both?
> 2) Any workarounds i.e.- application flags for rxvt or bash that I can
> code in to avoid this behavior.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jackson Shea
> cygwinquery AT joethefish DOT com
> ==================================
> == wrapper scripts ==
> ==================================
> telnet script:
> #!/usr/bin/bash
> echo "telnet $1" > /tmp/cmdfile.$$
> chmod a+x /tmp/cmdfile.$$
> rxvt -sl 2000 -fn 9x18 -fg yellow -bg black -title $1 -e /tmp/cmdfile.$$ &
> sleep 5
> rm /tmp/cmdfile.$$
> ssh script:
> #!/usr/bin/bash
> echo "telnet $1" > /tmp/cmdfile.$$
> chmod a+x /tmp/cmdfile.$$
> rxvt -sl 2000 -fn 9x18 -fg yellow -bg black -title $1 -e /tmp/cmdfile.$$ &
> sleep 5
> rm /tmp/cmdfile.$$
> (See attached file: cygcheck.out)
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