Mail Archives: cygwin/2005/06/25/04:24:00
On Jun 25 00:40, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Jun 2005, Dave Hughes wrote:
> > I can understand the rationale behind wanting to package gvim separately
> > to vim (allows for people who want vim, but don't want X).
> Well, gvim is kinda special. You might want to compile it with both the
> X11 libraries and W11 libraries from rxvt, to allow people to run windowed
> gvim without X. I don't know how easy or hard it is, just a thought.
YMMV, but I think it's ok if gvim is a pure X application, residing in
/usr/X11R6/bin. If you don't have X, just start vim in another local
rxvt window and you're all set.
> > However, they're basically the same app. Would it make sense for a gvim
> > package to include just the gvim binary, and have a dependency on the
> > main vim package to provide the runtime files (syntax highlighting
> > configs and such like)?
> Definitely yes. It would make even more sense to split the vim package
> into the base editor and the runtime support files. Corinna Vinschen,
> who, in addition to being the Cygwin project co-leader, also maintains
> quite a few packages (including vim), has repeatedly expressed desire to
> hand off some of her packages. Don't know if vim is one of them, but it
> doesn't hurt to ask. If you take over vim (provided Corinna agrees), you
> can handle the proper repackaging easily enough.
I have no ambition to split the vim package. As long as I'm vim maintainer,
I'd rather have gvim just being a binary package using the vim source
package and having a dependency to the vim package as a whole. Talking
about maintainership, vim isn't exactly tricky to maintain, so I never
thought about passing it on. But if you really want to take over, feel free.
Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader mailto:cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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