Mail Archives: cygwin/2005/06/12/10:10:25
Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> > For a few months now I've been suffering from mcedit internal error.
> > Every once in a while, without any reason, mcedit stackdumps during
> > exit procedure (after pressing F10 or double ESC). I got this error
> > with 1.5.16, then with 1.5.17 snapshots, and now with 1.5.17 as
> > well. I haven't tried current snapshots yet. Should I?
> >
> > Debugging mcedit seems pointless as stackdumps occur on a very
> > irregular basis. Can I provide any more information?
> Yes. What kind of file do you edit ? Is it a file for which there is a
> syntax highlighting ?
mcedit stackdumps on C++ files with standard syntax highlighting, and also
on Apache access log (no highlighting).
> Do you start mcedit alone or from withing MC i.e.
> pressing F4 ?
The problem happens if I start mcedit from shell (mcedit somefile.cpp). I
don't remember seeing a stackdump if I called mcedit directly with
execl("/usr/bin/mc.exe", "/usr/bin/mcedit.exe", "somefile", NULL) and
usually I do it this way.
Krzysztof Duleba
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