Mail Archives: cygwin/2005/05/21/23:47:01

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From: "Gary R. Van Sickle" <g DOT r DOT vansickle AT worldnet DOT att DOT net>
To: <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
Subject: I need some exim hand-holding
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 22:46:47 -0500
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Note-from-DJ: This may be spam

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Ok, I give.  No mas, no mas.

I have a new mutt build ready to go, but I can no longer test it since I've
gone DSL.  AT&T does [E]SMTP over SSL, and ssmtp (which I had been using)
doesn't (the official Cygwin one anyway).  So I'm trying to set up exim as a
sendmail replacement, and of course getting millimeters away from it
actually working and then being stopped cold by unknowns.

I'm going to try building ssmtp with SSL support, but in the meantime, can
somebody tell me what the secret is to getting exim to work in this

- This is on XP, NTFS, ntsec on.
- This is send-only, as mutt has POP built in.
- I'm trying to use it in this manner, in the Cyg-specific README's
*nontsec* section:
"6) Mail User Agent programs can use exim to send local and remote 
   mail. If you are using mutt, add the following in .muttrc
   set sendmail="/bin/exim -i" . To use exim from cron, point the 
   symlink /usr/sbin/sendmail to /bin/exim ."
- I'm using mua_wrapper, and not using the daemon at all, so does this
section still apply?
"8) Due to file permission settings (there is no suid in Windows), 
   Mail User Agent programs cannot call exim directly for local 
   deliveries in a secure environment. They should smtp to exim on
   localhost (port 25). 
   This restriction can be lifted (while maintaining some security) 
   by using the -odq option and giving append permissions to the 
   spool, input and msglog directories and the log files, and read 
   permission to the /etc/exim.conf file.
   Deliveries are then made by the daemon on the next queue run.
   This restriction is also lifted if all modes are 0777 or 0666."
I'm getting no failures that look like file permission problems.
- I appear to have TLS/SSL set up correctly, since exim gets to the point
where it receives a 221 and sends an EHLO or HELO.  But then the AT&T server
(apparently) just sits there, and after a few minutes drops the socket.
- I've read everything I can find and FWICT what I have in /etc/exim.conf
should work.  I have of course tried many other permutations of options as
well.  Attached if a kind soul would care to look it over.

The results of an "exim -d g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net" are also attached.  Late
breaking news: that was done using the same exim.conf which is attached,
with my ATT username and password munged, but I get the same results when I
have my real UN & PW in (what I believe to be) the proper exim.conf

So is it a Cygwin problem, an exim problem, or a Gary problem?  I'll let you
guys know how the ssmtp+SSL thing goes.

Gary R. Van Sickle

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#                  Runtime configuration file for Exim               #

# This is a default configuration file which will operate correctly in
# uncomplicated installations. Please see the manual for a complete list
# of all the runtime configuration options that can be included in a
# configuration file. There are many more than are mentioned here. The
# manual is in the file doc/spec.txt in the Exim distribution as a plain
# ASCII file. Other formats (PostScript, Texinfo, HTML, PDF) are available
# from the Exim ftp sites. The manual is also online at the Exim web sites.

# This file is divided into several parts, all but the first of which are
# headed by a line starting with the word "begin". Only those parts that
# are required need to be present. Blank lines, and lines starting with #
# are ignored.

mua_wrapper =3D true
tls_advertise_hosts =3D *
tls_on_connect_ports =3D 465:995
#daemon_smtp_ports =3D 465

########### IMPORTANT ########## IMPORTANT ########### IMPORTANT ###########
#                                                                          #
# Whenever you change Exim's configuration file, you *must* remember to    #
# HUP the Exim daemon, because it will not pick up the new configuration   #
# until you do. However, any other Exim processes that are started, for    #
# example, a process started by an MUA in order to send a message, will    #
# see the new configuration as soon as it is in place.                     #
#                                                                          #
# You do not need to HUP the daemon for changes in auxiliary files that    #
# are referenced from this file. They are read every time they are used.   #
#                                                                          #
# It is usually a good idea to test a new configuration for syntactic      #
# correctness before installing it (for example, by running the command    #
# "exim -C /config/ -bV").                                         #
#                                                                          #
########### IMPORTANT ########## IMPORTANT ########### IMPORTANT ###########

#                    MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS                     #

# Specify your host's canonical name here. This should normally be the fully
# qualified "official" name of your host. If this option is not set, the
# uname() function is called to obtain the name. In many cases this does
# the right thing and you need not set anything explicitly.

# primary_hostname =3D

# The next three settings create two lists of domains and one list of hosts.
# These lists are referred to later in this configuration using the syntax
# +local_domains, +relay_to_domains, and +relay_from_hosts, respectively. T=
# are all colon-separated lists:

domainlist local_domains =3D @
domainlist relay_to_domains =3D
hostlist   relay_from_hosts =3D

# Most straightforward access control requirements can be obtained by
# appropriate settings of the above options. In more complicated situations=
, you
# may need to modify the Access Control List (ACL) which appears later in t=
# file.

# The first setting specifies your local domains, for example:
#   domainlist local_domains =3D my.first.domain : my.second.domain
# You can use "@" to mean "the name of the local host", as in the default
# setting above. This is the name that is specified by primary_hostname,
# as specified above (or defaulted). If you do not want to do any local
# deliveries, remove the "@" from the setting above. If you want to accept =
# addressed to your host's literal IP address, for example, mail addressed =
# "user@[]", you can add "@[]" as an item in the local domains
# list. You also need to uncomment "allow_domain_literals" below. This is n=
# recommended for today's Internet.

# The second setting specifies domains for which your host is an incoming r=
# If you are not doing any relaying, you should leave the list empty. Howev=
# if your host is an MX backup or gateway of some kind for some domains, you
# must set relay_to_domains to match those domains. For example:
# domainlist relay_to_domains =3D * :
# This will allow any host to relay through your host to those domains.
# See the section of the manual entitled "Control of relaying" for more
# information.

# The third setting specifies hosts that can use your host as an outgoing r=
# to any other host on the Internet. Such a setting commonly refers to a
# complete local network as well as the localhost. For example:
# hostlist relay_from_hosts =3D :
# The "/16" is a bit mask (CIDR notation), not a number of hosts. Note that=
# have to include if you want to allow processes on your host to =
# SMTP mail by using the loopback address. A number of MUAs use this method=
# sending mail.

# All three of these lists may contain many different kinds of item, includ=
# wildcarded names, regular expressions, and file lookups. See the reference
# manual for details. The lists above are used in the access control list f=
# incoming messages. The name of this ACL is defined here:

acl_smtp_rcpt =3D acl_check_rcpt

# You should not change that setting until you understand how ACLs work.

# Specify the domain you want to be added to all unqualified addresses
# here. An unqualified address is one that does not contain an "@" character
# followed by a domain. For example, "caesar AT rome DOT example" is a fully quali=
# address, but the string "caesar" (i.e. just a login name) is an unqualifi=
# email address. Unqualified addresses are accepted only from local callers=
# default. See the recipient_unqualified_hosts option if you want to permit
# unqualified addresses from remote sources. If this option is not set, the
# primary_hostname value is used for qualification.

# qualify_domain =3D

# If you want unqualified recipient addresses to be qualified with a differ=
# domain to unqualified sender addresses, specify the recipient domain here.
# If this option is not set, the qualify_domain value is used.

# qualify_recipient =3D

# When reading a user name from the gecos field in the passwd file, remove=
# the Cygwin specific information.

gecos_pattern =3D (.*?)(,U-|,S-|$)
gecos_name =3D $1=20

# The following line must be uncommented if you want Exim to recognize
# addresses of the form "user@[]" that is, with a "domain litera=
# (an IP address) instead of a named domain. The RFCs still require this fo=
# but it makes little sense to permit mail to be sent to specific hosts by
# their IP address in the modern Internet. This ancient format has been used
# by those seeking to abuse hosts by using them for unwanted relaying. If y=
# really do want to support domain literals, uncomment the following line, =
# see also the "domain_literal" router below.

# allow_domain_literals

# No deliveries will ever be run under the uids of these users (a colon-
# separated list). An attempt to do so causes a panic error to be logged, a=
# the delivery to be deferred. This is a paranoic safety catch. There is an
# even stronger safety catch in the form of the FIXED_NEVER_USERS setting
# in the configuration for building Exim. The list of users that it specifi=
# is built into the binary, and cannot be changed. The option below just ad=
# additional users to the list. The default for FIXED_NEVER_USERS is "root",
# but just to be absolutely sure, the default here is also "root".

# Note that the default setting means you cannot deliver mail addressed to =
# as if it were a normal user. This isn't usually a problem, as most sites =
# an alias for root that redirects such mail to a human administrator.
# The default is disabled in Cygwin, not all installations have root.
# never_users =3D root

# The setting below causes Exim to do a reverse DNS lookup on all incoming
# IP calls, in order to get the true host name. If you feel this is too
# expensive, you can specify the networks for which a lookup is done, or
# remove the setting entirely.
# In Cygwin the localhost is not looked up (matching relay_from_hosts)

host_lookup =3D !*

# The settings below, which are actually the same as the defaults in the
# code, cause Exim to make RFC 1413 (ident) callbacks for all incoming SMTP
# calls. You can limit the hosts to which these calls are made, and/or chan=
# the timeout that is used. If you set the timeout to zero, all RFC 1413 ca=
# are disabled. RFC 1413 calls are cheap and can provide useful information
# for tracing problem messages, but some hosts and firewalls have problems
# with them. This can result in a timeout instead of an immediate refused
# connection, leading to delays on starting up an SMTP session.

rfc1413_hosts =3D !*
rfc1413_query_timeout =3D 30s

# By default, Exim expects all envelope addresses to be fully qualified, th=
# is, they must contain both a local part and a domain. If you want to acce=
# unqualified addresses (just a local part) from certain hosts, you can spe=
# these hosts by setting one or both of
# sender_unqualified_hosts =3D
# recipient_unqualified_hosts =3D
# to control sender and recipient addresses, respectively. When this is don=
# unqualified addresses are qualified using the settings of qualify_domain
# and/or qualify_recipient (see above).

# If you want Exim to support the "percent hack" for certain domains,
# uncomment the following line and provide a list of domains. The "percent
# hack" is the feature by which mail addressed to x%y AT z (where z is one of
# the domains listed) is locally rerouted to x AT y and sent on. If z is not o=
# of the "percent hack" domains, x%y is treated as an ordinary local part. =
# hack is rarely needed nowadays; you should not enable it unless you are s=
# that you really need it.
# percent_hack_domains =3D
# As well as setting this option you will also need to remove the test
# for local parts containing % in the ACL definition below.

# When Exim can neither deliver a message nor return it to sender, it "free=
# the delivery error message (aka "bounce message"). There are also other
# circumstances in which messages get frozen. They will stay on the queue f=
# ever unless one of the following options is set.

# This option unfreezes frozen bounce messages after two days, tries
# once more to deliver them, and ignores any delivery failures.

ignore_bounce_errors_after =3D 2d

# This option cancels (removes) frozen messages that are older than a week.

timeout_frozen_after =3D 7d

#                       ACL CONFIGURATION                            #
#         Specifies access control lists for incoming SMTP mail      #

begin acl

# This access control list is used for every RCPT command in an incoming
# SMTP message. The tests are run in order until the address is either
# accepted or denied.


  # Accept if the source is local SMTP (i.e. not over TCP/IP). We do this by
  # testing for an empty sending host field.

  accept  hosts =3D :

  # The following section of the ACL is concerned with local parts that con=
  # @ or % or ! or / or | or dots in unusual places.
  # The characters other than dots are rarely found in genuine local parts,=
  # are often tried by people looking to circumvent relaying restrictions.
  # Therefore, although they are valid in local parts, these rules lock them
  # out, as a precaution.
  # Empty components (two dots in a row) are not valid in RFC 2822, but Exim
  # allows them because they have been encountered. (Consider local parts
  # constructed as "firstinitial.secondinitial.familyname" when applied to
  # someone like me, who has no second initial.) However, a local part star=
  # with a dot or containing /../ can cause trouble if it is used as part o=
f a
  # file name (e.g. for a mailing list). This is also true for local parts =
  # contain slashes. A pipe symbol can also be troublesome if the local par=
t is
  # incorporated unthinkingly into a shell command line.
  # Two different rules are used. The first one is stricter, and is applied=
  # messages that are addressed to one of the local domains handled by this
  # host. It blocks local parts that begin with a dot or contain @ % ! / or=
  # If you have local accounts that include these characters, you will have=
  # modify this rule.

  deny    message       =3D Restricted characters in address
          domains       =3D +local_domains
          local_parts   =3D ^[.] : ^.*[@%!/|]

  # The second rule applies to all other domains, and is less strict. This
  # allows your own users to send outgoing messages to sites that use slash=
  # and vertical bars in their local parts. It blocks local parts that begin
  # with a dot, slash, or vertical bar, but allows these characters within =
  # local part. However, the sequence /../ is barred. The use of @ % and ! =
  # blocked, as before. The motivation here is to prevent your users (or
  # your users' viruses) from mounting certain kinds of attack on remote si=

  deny    message       =3D Restricted characters in address
          domains       =3D !+local_domains
          local_parts   =3D ^[./|] : ^.*[@%!] : ^.*/\\.\\./

  # Accept mail to postmaster in any local domain, regardless of the source,
  # and without verifying the sender.

  accept  local_parts   =3D postmaster
          domains       =3D +local_domains

  # Deny unless the sender address can be verified.

  require verify        =3D sender

  # There are no checks on DNS "black" lists because the domains that conta=
  # these lists are changing all the time. However, here are two examples of
  # how you could get Exim to perform a DNS black list lookup at this point.
  # The first one denies, while the second just warns.
  # deny    message       =3D rejected because $sender_host_address is in a=
 black list at $dnslist_domain\n$dnslist_text
  #         dnslists      =3D black.list.example
  # warn    message       =3D X-Warning: $sender_host_address is in a black=
 list at $dnslist_domain
  #         log_message   =3D found in $dnslist_domain
  #         dnslists      =3D black.list.example

  # Accept if the address is in a local domain, but only if the recipient c=
  # be verified. Otherwise deny. The "endpass" line is the border between
  # passing on to the next ACL statement (if tests above it fail) or denying
  # access (if tests below it fail).

  accept  domains       =3D +local_domains
          verify        =3D recipient

  # Accept if the address is in a domain for which we are relaying, but aga=
  # only if the recipient can be verified.

  accept  domains       =3D +relay_to_domains
          verify        =3D recipient

  # If control reaches this point, the domain is neither in +local_domains
  # nor in +relay_to_domains.

  # Accept if the message comes from one of the hosts for which we are an
  # outgoing relay. Recipient verification is omitted here, because in many
  # cases the clients are dumb MUAs that don't cope well with SMTP error
  # responses. If you are actually relaying out from MTAs, you should proba=
  # add recipient verification here.

  accept  hosts         =3D +relay_from_hosts

  # Accept if the message arrived over an authenticated connection, from
  # any host. Again, these messages are usually from MUAs, so recipient
  # verification is omitted.

  accept  authenticated =3D *

  # Reaching the end of the ACL causes a "deny", but we might as well give
  # an explicit message.

  deny    message       =3D relay not permitted

#                      ROUTERS CONFIGURATION                         #
#               Specifies how addresses are handled                  #
# An address is passed to each router in turn until it is accepted.  #

begin routers

# This router routes to remote hosts over SMTP by explicit IP address,
# when an email address is given in "domain literal" form, for example,
# <user@[]>. The RFCs require this facility. However, it is
# little-known these days, and has been exploited by evil people seeking
# to abuse SMTP relays. Consequently it is commented out in the default
# configuration. If you uncomment this router, you also need to uncomment
# allow_domain_literals above, so that Exim can recognize the syntax of
# domain literal addresses.

# domain_literal:
#   driver =3D ipliteral
#   domains =3D ! +local_domains
#   transport =3D remote_smtp

# This router routes addresses that are not in local domains by doing a DNS
# lookup on the domain name. Any domain that resolves to or to a
# loopback interface address ( is treated as if it had no DNS
# entry. Note that is the same as, which is commonly tre=
# as the local host inside the network stack. It is not, the defa=
# route. If the DNS lookup fails, no further routers are tried because of
# the no_more setting, and consequently the address is unrouteable.

    driver =3D manualroute
    route_list =3D !+local_domains
    transport =3D remote_smtp

##  driver =3D dnslookup
##  domains =3D ! +local_domains
##  transport =3D remote_smtp
##  ignore_target_hosts =3D :
# If the first host starts with '&', fallback on DEFER or FAIL.
# If the first host starts with '=3D', fallback on FAIL only.
# If neither, fallback on DEFER only.
# The first cases are Cygwin extensions for users with dynamic ip addresses.
#  fallback_hosts =3D =3D :
##  no_more

# The remaining routers handle addresses in the local domain(s).

# This router handles aliasing using a linearly searched alias file with the
# name /etc/aliases. When this configuration is installed automatically,
# the name gets inserted into this file from whatever is set in Exim's
# build-time configuration. The default path is the traditional /etc/aliase=
# If you install this configuration by hand, you need to specify the correct
# path in the "data" setting below.
##### NB  You must ensure that the alias file exists. It used to be the case
##### NB  that every Unix had that file, because it was the Sendmail defaul=
##### NB  These days, there are systems that don't have it. Your aliases
##### NB  file should at least contain an alias for "postmaster".
# If any of your aliases expand to pipes or files, you will need to set
# up a user and a group for these deliveries to run under. You can do
# this by uncommenting the "user" option below (changing the user name
# as appropriate) and adding a "group" option if necessary. Alternatively, =
# can specify "user" on the transports that are used. Note that the transpo=
# listed below are the same as are used for .forward files; you might want
# to set up different ones for pipe and file deliveries from aliases.

  driver =3D redirect
  data =3D ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}}
# user =3D exim
  file_transport =3D address_file
  pipe_transport =3D address_pipe

# This router handles forwarding using traditional .forward files in users'
# home directories. If you want it also to allow mail filtering when a forw=
# file starts with the string "# Exim filter" or "# Sieve filter", uncomment
# the "allow_filter" option.

# If you want this router to treat local parts with suffixes introduced by =
# or "+" characters as if the suffixes did not exist, uncomment the two loc=
# part_suffix options. Then, for example, xxxx-foo AT your DOT domain will be trea=
# in the same way as xxxx AT your DOT domain by this router. You probably want to =
# the same change to the localuser router.

# The no_verify setting means that this router is skipped when Exim is
# verifying addresses. Similarly, no_expn means that this router is skipped=
# Exim is processing an EXPN command.

# The check_ancestor option means that if the forward file generates an
# address that is an ancestor of the current one, the current one gets
# passed on instead. This covers the case where A is aliased to B and B
# has a .forward file pointing to A.

# The three transports specified at the end are those that are used when
# forwarding generates a direct delivery to a file, or to a pipe, or sets
# up an auto-reply, respectively.

  driver =3D redirect
# local_part_suffix =3D +* : -*
# local_part_suffix_optional
  file =3D $home/.forward
# allow_filter
  file_transport =3D address_file
  pipe_transport =3D address_pipe
  reply_transport =3D address_reply

# This router matches local user mailboxes. If the router fails, the error
# message is "Unknown user".

# If you want this router to treat local parts with suffixes introduced by =
# or "+" characters as if the suffixes did not exist, uncomment the two loc=
# part_suffix options. Then, for example, xxxx-foo AT your DOT domain will be trea=
# in the same way as xxxx AT your DOT domain by this router.

  driver =3D accept
# local_part_suffix =3D +* : -*
# local_part_suffix_optional
  transport =3D local_delivery
  cannot_route_message =3D Unknown user

#                      TRANSPORTS CONFIGURATION                      #
#                       ORDER DOES NOT MATTER                        #
#     Only one appropriate transport is called for each delivery.    #

# A transport is used only when referenced from a router that successfully
# handles an address.

begin transports

# This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections.

  driver =3D smtp
  port =3D 465
  tls_certificate =3D /etc/exim.cert
  hosts_require_tls =3D
  hosts_require_auth =3D
  hosts_avoid_esmtp =3D

# This transport is used for local delivery to user mailboxes in traditional
# BSD mailbox format. By default it will be run under the uid and gid of the
# local user, and requires the sticky bit to be set on the /var/mail direct=
# On Windows this can be done setting permissions RWE, but NOT DELETE,=20
# for Everyone, on /var/spool/mail.=20
# Some systems use the alternative approach of running mail deliveries unde=
r a
# particular group instead of using the sticky bit. The commented options b=
# show how this can be done.
# The default on Cygwin is to allow maximum access and not check owner & gr=
# Turning initgroups on is very inefficient. It should only be done if=20
# supplementary groups are needed during deliveries, e.g. to run filters.=
  driver =3D appendfile
  file =3D /var/spool/mail/$local_part
# group =3D mail
  initgroups =3D no
  mode =3D 0666
  mode_fail_narrower =3D no
  check_group =3D no
  check_owner =3D no

# This transport is used for handling pipe deliveries generated by alias or
# .forward files. If the pipe generates any standard output, it is returned
# to the sender of the message as a delivery error. Set return_fail_output
# instead of return_output if you want this to happen only when the pipe fa=
# to complete normally. You can set different transports for aliases and
# forwards if you want to - see the references to address_pipe in the route=
# section above.

  driver =3D pipe

# This transport is used for handling deliveries directly to files that are
# generated by aliasing or forwarding.

  driver =3D appendfile

# This transport is used for handling autoreplies generated by the filtering
# option of the userforward router.

  driver =3D autoreply

#                      RETRY CONFIGURATION                           #

begin retry

# This single retry rule applies to all domains and all errors. It specifies
# retries every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then increasing retry intervals,
# starting at 1 hour and increasing each time by a factor of 1.5, up to 16
# hours, then retries every 6 hours until 4 days have passed since the first
# failed delivery.

# Address or Domain    Error       Retries
# -----------------    -----       -------

*                      *           F,2h,15m; G,16h,1h,1.5; F,4d,6h

#                      REWRITE CONFIGURATION                         #

# There are no rewriting specifications in this default configuration file.

begin rewrite

#                   AUTHENTICATION CONFIGURATION                     #

# There are no authenticator specifications in this default configuration f=

begin authenticators

 driver =3D plaintext=20
 public_name =3D PLAIN=20
 client_send =3D ^my.att.username^my.att.password

    driver =3D plaintext
    public_name =3D LOGIN
    client_send =3D : my.att.username : my.att.password

#                   CONFIGURATION FOR local_scan()                   #

# If you have built Exim to include a local_scan() function that contains
# tables for private options, you can define those options here. Remember to
# uncomment the "begin" line. It is commented by default because it provokes
# an error with Exim binaries that are not built with LOCAL_SCAN_HAS_OPTIONS
# set in the Local/Makefile.

# begin local_scan

# End of Exim configuration file

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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Exim version 4.50 uid=3D1008 gid=3D513 pid=3D2664 D=3Dfbb95cfd
Probably GDBM (native mode)
Support for: iconv() PAM OpenSSL
Lookups: lsearch wildlsearch nwildlsearch iplsearch dbm dbmnz dnsdb dsearch=
 ldap ldapdn ldapm passwd
Authenticators: cram_md5 plaintext spa
Routers: accept dnslookup ipliteral manualroute queryprogram redirect
Transports: appendfile/maildir/mailstore/mbx autoreply pipe smtp
changed uid/gid: forcing real =3D effective
  uid=3D1008 gid=3D513 pid=3D2664
  auxiliary group list: <none>
configuration file is /etc/exim.conf
log selectors =3D 00000ffc 00020800
trusted user
admin user
changed uid/gid: privilege not needed
  uid=3D1008 gid=3D513 pid=3D2664
  auxiliary group list: <none>
user name "U-DFW5RB41\GaryV" extracted from gecos field "U-DFW5RB41\GaryV,S=
originator: uid=3D1008 gid=3D513 login=3DGaryV name=3D"U-DFW5RB41\GaryV"
sender address =3D GaryV AT DFW5RB41
set_process_info:  2664 accepting a local non-SMTP message from <GaryV AT DFW5=
Sender: GaryV AT DFW5RB41
  g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
search_tidyup called
To: g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net

>>Headers received:
To: g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net

rewrite_one_header: type=3DT:
  To: g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
rewrite_one_header: type=3DF:
  From: "U-DFW5RB41\GaryV" <GaryV AT DFW5RB41>
search_tidyup called
>>Headers after rewriting and local additions:
T To: g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
I Message-Id: <EIGVGB8-000220-HD AT DFW5RB41>
F From: "U-DFW5RB41\GaryV" <GaryV AT DFW5RB41>
  Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 22:28:42 -0500

Data file written for message IGVGB8-000220-HD
>>Generated Received: header line
P Received: from GaryV by DFW5RB41 with local (Exim 4.50)
        id IGVGB8-000220-HD
        for g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net; Sat, 21 May 2005 22:28:47 -0500
calling local_scan(); timeout=3D300
local_scan() returned 0 NULL
Writing spool header file
Size of headers =3D 284
  <=3D GaryV AT DFW5RB41 U=3DGaryV P=3Dlocal S=3D296
search_tidyup called
set_process_info:  2292 delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD
reading spool file IGVGB8-000220-HD-H
user=3DGaryV uid=3D1008 gid=3D513 sender=3DGaryV AT DFW5RB41
sender_local=3D1 ident=3DGaryV
Empty Tree
---- End of tree ----
body_linecount=3D1 message_linecount=3D7
Delivery address list:
  g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net=20
locking /var/spool/exim/db/retry.lockfile
locked /var/spool/exim/db/retry.lockfile
no retry data available
Considering: g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
unique =3D g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
no domain retry record
no address retry record
g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net: queued for routing
routing g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
--------> send_to_smart_host router <--------
calling send_to_smart_host router
send_to_smart_host router called for g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
  domain =3D
route_item =3D !+local_domains in "@"? no (end of list) in "!+local_domains"? yes (end of list)
original list of hosts =3D "" options =3D=20
expanded list of hosts =3D "" options =3D=20
set transport remote_smtp
finding IP address for
doing DNS lookup
DNS lookup of (A) succeeded
fully qualified name =3D mx=3D-1 sort=3D-416=20
queued for remote_smtp transport: local_part =3D g.r.vansickle
domain =3D
  domain_data=3DNULL localpart_data=3DNULL
routed by send_to_smart_host router
  envelope to: g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
  transport: remote_smtp
  host []
After routing:
  Local deliveries:
  Remote deliveries:
    g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net
  Failed addresses:
  Deferred addresses:
search_tidyup called
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remote deliveries >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
--------> g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net <--------
search_tidyup called
set_process_info:  2292 delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD: waiting for a remote d=
elivery subprocess to finish
selecting on subprocess pipes
changed uid/gid: remote delivery to g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net with transport=3D=
  uid=3D1008 gid=3D513 pid=3D1308
  auxiliary group list: <none>
set_process_info:  1308 delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD using remote_smtp
remote_smtp transport entered
  g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net in queue_smtp_domains? no (option unset)
checking status of
locking /var/spool/exim/db/retry.lockfile
locked /var/spool/exim/db/retry.lockfile
no retry data available []:465 status =3D usable in serialize_hosts? no (option unset)
delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD to []=
 (g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net)
set_process_info:  1308 delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD to imailhost.worldnet.a= [] (g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net)
Connecting to []:465 ... connected
waiting for data on socket
selecting on subprocess pipes
selecting on subprocess pipes
read response data: size=3D22
  SMTP<< 221
gethostbyname looked up these IP addresses: address=3D204.127.134.146 in hosts_avoid_esmtp? yes (matched "imailhost.worldnet.att.=
not sending EHLO (host matches hosts_avoid_esmtp)
waiting for data on socket
ok=3D0 send_quit=3D0 send_rset=3D1 continue_more=3D0 yield=3D1 first_addres=
s is not NULL
  Remote host [] closed connectio=
n in response to HELO DFW5RB41
set_process_info:  1308 delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD: just tried imailhost.w= [] for g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net: result DEFER
added retry item for errn=
o=3D-18 more_errno=3D0,A flags=3D2
all IP addresses skipped or deferred at least one address
Leaving remote_smtp transport
set_process_info:  1308 delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD (just run remote_smtp f=
or g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net in subprocess)
search_tidyup called
reading pipe for subprocess 1308 (not ended)
read() yielded 308
reading retry information for
465 from subprocess
  added retry item
Z0 item read
remote delivery process 1308 ended
set_process_info:  2292 delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD
post-process g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net (2)
  ** g DOT r DOT vansickle AT att DOT net R=3Dsend_to_smart_host T=3Dremote_smtp: Remote h=
ost [] closed connection in respo=
nse to HELO DFW5RB41
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deliveries are done >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
changed uid/gid: post-delivery tidying
  uid=3D1008 gid=3D513 pid=3D2292
  auxiliary group list: <none>
set_process_info:  2292 tidying up after delivering IGVGB8-000220-HD
Delivery failed: Remote host [] c=
losed connection in response to HELO DFW5RB41
end delivery of IGVGB8-000220-HD
search_tidyup called
search_tidyup called
search_tidyup called
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=3D2664 terminating with rc=3D1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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  Copyright © 2019   by DJ Delorie     Updated Jul 2019