Mail Archives: cygwin/2005/04/04/02:58:33
On 1 Apr, Michael Wardle wrote:
> By what mechanism are you ensuring zsh is invoked as a login shell
> rather than a non-login shell?
I think we were starting it via the cygwin shortcut (cygwin.bat), which
as you have said, just runs bash --login. IIRC, the way we were
starting zsh was via an exec inside the user's .profile. The trouble
was, the .profile was not being run if Cygwin's mkdir created the
/home mount point directory instead of Windows.
> Does $- include "i"?
> Does setopt show that interactive is on?
> With Cygwin 1.5.13, zsh 4.2.4-1 and the simple shell invocation utility
> posted to this list on March 24 <4242381E DOT 2020008 AT endbracket DOT net> (which
> sets argv[0] to "-zsh"), zsh recognizes that it is a login shell and
> correctly sources .zprofile.
Ah! Looks perfect! Thanks, Michael, we'll give that a try.
> You've probably already checked these things, but I'd be surprised if
> this behavior was due to file permissions.
We weren't surprised - we were flabbergasted! Anyway, we'll give your
excellent shell.c a try and see how that goes.
Peter Castro replied to:
> > But /etc/passwd would source $HOME/.zprofile if /home had been created
> > by Windows Explorer.
> I am unable to reproduce this. Are you using the zsh.bat file provided
> or a custom startup bat file or just running the shell by itself? Please
> make sure you are using the '-l' option to force a login shell. zsh has
> greatly changed in a years time. Please consider upgrading to a later
> release.
No, we weren't using zsh.bat. Where does that get installed? I can't
find it, though I see I have zsh 4.2.4 installed from my very recent
complete re-install.
I like the sound of Michael's shell.c because you don't need a separate
..bat file to start up each different shell.
Thanks for the suggestions,
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