Mail Archives: cygwin/2005/03/05/23:41:11

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Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2005 20:40:57 -0800 (PST)
From: mgk <xmgk42 AT yahoo DOT com>
Subject: rsync over ssh hanging on connect
To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Note-from-DJ: This may be spam

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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having trouble trying to connect from cygwin machine
linux machine running Fedora 3. when i run:

$ rsync -vv -e ssh linux-machine:

i get:
opening connection using ssh linux-machine rsync
--server --sender --vvr

and then no further output (no password prompt).

the task manager shows ssh.exe chugging (99% of CPU)

relevant facts:
 - connecting from cygwin machine via ssh works fine
 - scp from cygwin machine works fine
 - rsync to linux machine works from other cygwin and
linux machines
 - rsync to other linux machines from original cygwin
machine also fails
 - same results with version 12 or the new version 13
   cygwin libs

any and all suggestions appreciated.


cygcheck output

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Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Sat Mar 05 23:30:52 2005

Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Path:	C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin
	c:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel
	c:\Program Files\Common Files\Sonic Shared

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (nontsec)
UID: 1005(mgk) GID: 513(None)

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe (ntsec)
UID: 1005(mgk)      GID: 513(None)
0(root)             513(None)           544(Administrators) 545(Users)

SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32

HOME = `C:\cygwin\home\mgk'
MAKE_MODE = `unix'
PWD = `/home/mgk'
USER = `mgk'

ALLUSERSPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
APPDATA = `C:\Documents and Settings\mgk\Application Data'
CLIENTNAME = `Console'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files\Common Files'
COMSPEC = `C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'
CVS_RSH = `/bin/ssh'
HOMEPATH = `\Documents and Settings\mgk'
INFOPATH = `/usr/local/info:/usr/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/autotool/devel/info:/usr/autotool/stable/info:'
MANPATH = `/usr/local/man:/usr/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/autotool/devel/man::/usr/ssl/man'
OLDPWD = `/usr/bin'
OS = `Windows_NT'
PRINTER = `PS file'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = `x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel'
PROGRAMFILES = `c:\prog'
PS1 = `\[\033]0;\w\007
\033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]
$ '
SHLVL = `1'
TEMP = `C:\DOCUME~1\mgk\LOCALS~1\Temp'
TERM = `cygwin'
TMP = `C:\DOCUME~1\mgk\LOCALS~1\Temp'
USERNAME = `mgk'
USERPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\mgk'
_ = `/usr/bin/cygcheck'

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2
  (default) = `/cygdrive'
  cygdrive flags = 0x00000022
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/
  (default) = `C:\cygwin'
  flags = 0x0000000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/bin
  (default) = `C:\cygwin/bin'
  flags = 0x0000000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/usr/lib
  (default) = `C:\cygwin/lib'
  flags = 0x0000000a
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options

c:  hd  NTFS     54046Mb  60% CP CS UN PA FC     
d:  cd             N/A    N/A                    

C:\cygwin      /          system  binmode
C:\cygwin/bin  /usr/bin   system  binmode
C:\cygwin/lib  /usr/lib   system  binmode
.              /cygdrive  system  binmode,cygdrive

Found: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe
Not Found: cpp (good!)
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Not Found: gcc
Not Found: gdb
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\grep.exe
Not Found: ld
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Not Found: make
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\mv.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\rm.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe

   55k 2004/09/14 C:\cygwin\bin\cygbz2-1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygbz2-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/9/14 0:16
   18k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cygcharset-1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygcharset-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/7/6 14:09
    7k 2003/10/19 C:\cygwin\bin\cygcrypt-0.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygcrypt-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/10/19 3:57
  846k 2004/12/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/12/11 6:04
   40k 2004/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform-8.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygform-8.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/10 4:33
   45k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygform5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:28
   35k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygform6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
   48k 2003/08/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygform7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygform7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/9 5:25
   28k 2003/07/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm-3.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cyggdbm-3.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/7/20 3:58
   30k 2003/08/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm-4.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cyggdbm-4.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/10 22:12
   19k 2003/03/22 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cyggdbm.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/2/19 22:05
   15k 2003/07/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm_compat-3.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cyggdbm_compat-3.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/7/20 4:00
   15k 2003/08/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm_compat-4.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cyggdbm_compat-4.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/10 22:13
   17k 2001/06/28 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory4.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cyghistory4.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/1/6 23:34
   29k 2003/08/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cyghistory5.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/10 19:16
   25k 2004/10/12 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cyghistory6.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/12 2:51
  991k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cygiconv-2.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygiconv-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/7/6 14:10
   22k 2001/12/13 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygintl-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/12/13 4:28
   37k 2003/08/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-2.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygintl-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/10 17:50
   54k 2004/07/06 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-3.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygintl-3.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/7/6 13:51
   22k 2004/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu-8.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygmenu-8.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/10 4:33
   26k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygmenu5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:27
   20k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygmenu6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
   29k 2003/08/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygmenu7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/9 5:25
   21k 2004/10/22 C:\cygwin\bin\cygminires.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygminires.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/22 16:28
   74k 2004/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++-8.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygncurses++-8.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/10 4:33
  156k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygncurses++5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:29
  175k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygncurses++6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
  216k 2004/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses-8.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygncurses-8.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/10 4:25
  226k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygncurses5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:17
  202k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygncurses6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
  224k 2003/08/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygncurses7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/9 5:24
   13k 2004/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel-8.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpanel-8.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/10 4:32
   15k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpanel5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:27
   12k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpanel6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
   19k 2003/08/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpanel7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/9 5:24
   62k 2003/12/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpcre-0.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpcre-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/12/11 12:01
   63k 2003/04/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpcre.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpcre.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/4/11 4:31
    9k 2003/12/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpcreposix-0.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpcreposix-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/12/11 12:01
   61k 2003/04/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpcreposix.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpcreposix.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/4/11 4:31
   22k 2002/06/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpopt-0.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygpopt-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/6/9 1:45
  108k 2001/06/28 C:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline4.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygreadline4.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/1/6 23:34
  148k 2003/08/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygreadline5.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/8/10 19:16
  144k 2004/10/12 C:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygreadline6.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/12 2:51
  171k 2004/12/11 C:\cygwin\bin\cygssl-0.9.7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygssl-0.9.7.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/12/11 6:04
   62k 2004/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygz.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygz.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/10/10 0:09
 1114k 2004/11/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                  "cygwin1.dll" v0.0 ts=2004/11/10 8:34
    Cygwin DLL version info:
        DLL version: 1.5.12
        DLL epoch: 19
        DLL bad signal mask: 19005
        DLL old termios: 5
        DLL malloc env: 28
        API major: 0
        API minor: 116
        Shared data: 4
        DLL identifier: cygwin1
        Mount registry: 2
        Cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
        Cygwin registry name: Cygwin
        Program options name: Program Options
        Cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
        Cygdrive flags: cygdrive flags
        Cygdrive prefix: cygdrive prefix
        Cygdrive default prefix: 
        Build date: Wed Nov 10 08:34:47 EST 2004
        Shared id: cygwin1S4

Cygwin Package Information
Last downloaded files to: C:\prog\cygwin-pkg-12
Last downloaded files from: C:\prog\cygwin-pkg-12

Package              Version
_update-info-dir     00231-1
ash                  20040127-1
base-files           3.2-1
base-passwd          2.1-1
bash                 2.05b-16
bzip2                1.0.2-6
coreutils            5.2.1-5
crypt                1.1-1
cygrunsrv            1.0-1
cygutils             1.2.5-1
cygwin               1.5.12-1
cygwin-doc           1.4-1
diffutils            2.8.7-1
editrights           1.01-1
findutils            20041227-1
gawk                 3.1.4-3
gdbm                 1.8.3-7
grep                 2.5-1
groff                1.18.1-2
gzip                 1.3.5-1
less                 381-1
libbz2_1             1.0.2-6
libcharset1          1.9.2-1
libgdbm              1.8.0-5
libgdbm-devel        1.8.3-7
libgdbm3             1.8.3-3
libgdbm4             1.8.3-7
libiconv             1.9.2-1
libiconv2            1.9.2-1
libintl1             0.10.40-1
libintl2             0.12.1-3
libintl3             0.14.1-1
libncurses5          5.2-1
libncurses6          5.2-8
libncurses7          5.3-4
libncurses8          5.4-1
libpcre              4.1-1
libpcre0             4.5-1
libpopt0             1.6.4-4
libreadline4         4.1-2
libreadline5         4.3-5
libreadline6         5.0-1
login                1.9-7
man                  1.5o1-1
minires              1.00-1
mktemp               1.5-3
ncurses              5.4-1
openssh              3.9p1-2
openssl              0.9.7e-1
readline             5.0-1
rsync                2.6.3-1
sed                  4.1.2-1
tar                  1.13.25-5
termcap              20021106-2
terminfo             5.4_20041009-1
texinfo              4.7-2
which                1.6-1
zlib                 1.2.2-1
Use -h to see help about each section

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

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  Copyright © 2019   by DJ Delorie     Updated Jul 2019