Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/12/19/15:26:56
"Larry Hall" wrote
> At 10:14 AM 12/19/2004, you wrote:
>>Hello, consider this c++-function:
>>handle_command_line(int argc,
>> char* const argv[],
>> bool& verbose,
>> vector<string>& numbers)
>> const int id_numbers = 4711;
>> const int id_verbose = 4712;
>> const int id_help = 4713;
>> const option long_options[] =
>> {
>> {"numbers", 1, NULL, id_numbers},
>> {"verbose", 0, NULL, id_verbose},
>> {"help", 0, NULL, id_help},
>> {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
>> };
>> const char* const short_options = "";
>> int c = 0;
>> while((c = getopt_long(
>> argc,
>> argv,
>> short_options,
>> long_options,
>> NULL)) != -1)
>> {
>> switch(c)
>> {
>> cout << "c = " << c << endl; /* Never shown on screen... */
>> case id_numbers:
>> {
>> cout << "Calling extract_numbers() with " << optarg << endl;
>> extract_numbers(optarg, numbers);
>> break;
>> }
>> case id_verbose:
>> {
>> cout << "Setting verbose = true" << endl;
>> verbose = true;
>> break;
>> }
>> case id_help:
>> {
>> cout << "TODO: Add short description regarding usage here." <<
>> endl;
>> exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
>> }
>> /* c seems to equal '?' for missing parameter as well... */
>> case ':':
>> {
>> cerr << "Missing parameter." << endl;
>> break;
>> }
>> /* Only triggers for unknown options beginning with -- */
>> case '?':
>> {
>> cerr << "Ignoring unknown option." << endl;
>> break;
>> }
>> default:
>> {
>> /* Throw exception? */
>> cerr << "Should not be reached." << endl;
>> }
>> }
>> }
>>My first question is about the
>>cout << "c = " << c << endl;
>>inside the switch. I never see this output, why? I tried writing the
>>output to a file as well but that file was empty when the program
>>finished. All other "output-statements" are displayed just fine in this
>>function (and the rest of the program).
> Did you look at the warning you get from the line in question?
> warning: unreachable code at beginning of switch statement
Lol, of course! It's not reachable...I should've seen that. Anyway, I always
compile with -Wall -W -ansi -pedantic and my homebrewn gcc-3.4.3 didn't
yield any warnings at all.
Thanks for the help, Larry! One question answered. I'm still wondering about
the return values of getopt_long(), though, and I will try the same code on
Fedora as soon as I get it setup properly on my laptop.
/ Mikael
> --
> Larry Hall
> RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> Holliston, MA 01746
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