Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/12/13/15:05:10
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Larry Hall
> Sent: 13 December 2004 19:38
> At 02:57 AM 12/13/2004, you wrote:
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >Eric Schweitz wrote:
> >|
> >| I just upgraded my cygwin installation and I'm now seeing
> >| the floppy drive get accessed on various commands. What
> >| gives? The commands with this broken behavior I've run
> >| across are: find, df, mount at least.
> >|
> >| How do I turn this off short of ripping the floppy drive
> >| out of my machine?
> >|
> >| I've run filemon and strace and nothing is obviously accessing
> >| A: directly.
Just to double check: you did make sure to *enable* it for drive A? The
default settings for filemon are only to monitor local HDs, IIRC.
> >I have to confirm this problem. Original basic install from June
> >27th state of local cygwin mirror. That would be about 5 months
> >old. I updated to the current version and now I get floppy accesses
> >even though there is no request for floppy. This occurs with mount
> >and when bash gets loaded. Attached is my cygcheck.out file.
> Not to rain on your parade or anything but I have a Cygwin
> DLL of the 1.3
> series and on the machine I ran it on, it accesses the floppy
> drive for
> commands like 'df', mounted or not. So to me it is
> conceivable that this
> is not a new issue, even if it's new to you. ;-)
I was about to say the same thing. Windoze just *luuurves* accessing the
floppy drive for no apparent reason. For quite a long time I used to get a
ka-chunk out of my FD every time I opened up "My computer" in explorer.
Or to see the problem another way, use wordpad to open up a text file off your
FD, then close and exit wordpad, and run it again. You should find it accesses
the FD; this is as a consequence of having a file from A: on the MRU list.
You may be able to stop this by digging around for references to A: in the
registry, but be cautious! Personally, I suspect something to do with those
StreamMRU and Stream keys under HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current
Version/Explorer myself, but that's a pretty WAG.
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
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