Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/12/08/11:29:33
Bobby McNulty wrote:
> I'll try and keep myself under control from now on.
> Ticks me off that spam gets through the filter,
> and someone responds to it.
> How the Cygwin mailing list got that original
> message is strange to me.
> I think I know.
> He'll never come back.
> My youngest brother is officially kicked off the internet.
> He's been hacking and cracking with my account since 1997.
> Bobby
This guy is sick. Jus t listen to the silly rant he sent to my inbox. I
hope he gets better professional help and that he'll go away.
Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Bobby McNulty wrote:
>> Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>>> Bobby McNulty wrote:
>>>> Look, you have reply-to in your preferences setup so others reply
>>>> to you and the mailing list. Take your email out of the reply-to
>>>> and put cygwin AT cygwin DOT com, if you want email from me again on the
>>>> list, else, I'll block you from the web.
>>> I don't use the mailing list - I use to read it as a
>>> newsgroup. Unfortunately doesn't allow me to set the reply
>>> to.
>> So how is it that I got your address when I did not want it?
> I believe it's because Gmane doesn't allow me to set Reply-To to
> something other than my email address. As such Reply-To is set to me.
> You use Thunderbird to read the Cygwin email list (hey I use
> Thunderbird too but I don't think it's worth it for me to have a copy
> of everything on the list. IMHO that's why god invented Usenet!) and
> you responded Reply All. As a person who doesn't read this email list
> as an email list I'm not sure what that's supposed to accomplish.
> Wouldn't a simple reply do the same thing?
>> I read the cygwin mailing from home. Not work.
> I don't think it matters what physical location you are in when you
> read or respond, just how you read/respond to the message (i.e. email
> vs. nntp)
>> I don't use I use Thunderbird. Its my email client.
> I know - I use it too! Just got the 1.0 release. And you?
>> I guess it picked up on your name when I meant the list, But I did
>> reply to the list. Check where its going, please.
> Oh I don't doubt that it went there though I did not check. My
> complaint was that you were replying to the list *and* replying
> directly to my inbox personally. I don't need two copies and I don't
> want my inbox cluttered up with things I believe would be better
> served by a bona fide news server.
>> I'm using software that's used on all platforms, not just Linux or
>> Windows.
> Really? What other platforms do you use?
>> I don't want or need Linux. The hardware I have is made for Windows,
>> in particular, windows xp.
> The hardware that I have is made for Windows and runs Linux just fine
> - in fact better! I use both Windows and Linux at home and at work (I
> used to use HP-UX and even HP/MPE).
>> Cygwin is the closest I'll ever come to Linux. I have a PVR card. The
>> only drivers Hauppauge make are for Windows, not Linux.
> Sounds like a bummer to me.
>> I also have a DVD writer. Everytime time I want to make a disk in
>> Linux, I find the software crippling the system.
> Linux, like Unix, is a user friendly operating system - it just has to
> determine if your worthy of being it's friend! :-)
> I say that in jest. Linux/Unix can be hard to get used to. There are
> pluses and minuses for both OSes. On the plus side my Linux system
> runs my domain (web, email, mysql, ftp, ssh, etc), is mostly 90% idle,
> stays up for months/years at a time and does all of this on a 333Mhz
> machine that was given to me. Try that with Windows!
> That said you're right, often specialized drivers (usually in the
> multimedia field) aren't available or don't work well.
>> Linux, not Windows. Windows is better suited for an HP Pavilion, not
>> Linux. Linux hurt my system before. I don't have any of my original
>> software because of Linux. I hate Linux with a passion. But I will
>> use Cygwin.
> Sounds like you got bitten. Yes with Linux and Unix you can shoot
> yourself in the foot. It gives you that power. If not used wisely you
> can surely walk away thinking it's no good. But if used wisely...
>> Yes, I use free software. I program free software too. I believe
>> software should be free, not commericialized and sold under
>> copyrights given to a particalar company.
> As somebody who makes their living in the computer business, while I
> like open source, if everything were open source I would be out of a job.
>> Redhat sells Linux.
> Redhat sells support and packaging. Linux is free.
>> This right here should tell you who is violating the free software
>> movement. Why should I pay money for something when I can get it off
>> the internet?
> Do you also work for free? I don't. That's why.
>> Well, companies have something called budgets. Every company and
>> household in the world has a budget.
> And so do the open source communities such as Mozilla.
>> I'm all for the free software, but freedom and cost have a price.
> Excuse me but why are we debating the open source movement, Linux,
> etc? I didn't even know it was related to what we originally were
> talking about.
>> You talk about your mom saying that you should question everything.
>> My mom taught me that there is no such thing as a free lunch. In the
>> real world, there are people going to work every day to earn money
>> for thier families. I know. I was one of them.
> Huh?
>> Some are entertainers, some are programmers, some defend the nation.
>> I'm one of those that defend the nation. So take it easy and enjoy
>> life and your freedom while you still have it. There are criminals
>> who want to take away your freedom, and why?
> Are we switching to Iraq and politics? Man you're all over the map here.
>> Because they don't like you. Pay attention to the news. Its the only
>> thing on that's real.
> Ah, yeah, right. You mean that canned network news?
>> The internet was once AARPA net. It belonged to the military. It was
>> and is a way for the military to communcicate with each other. Every
>> advance you are seeing is because of the Armed Services.
> Ah yeah, right. While I grant you that the Internet can trace it's
> origins to DARPA I have not managed to download Army Mozilla 1.0 yet! ;-)
>> This is what the internet was designed for. The military. My father
>> served in the miltary for 27 years in in USAF and 8 years in the USN.
>> I have seen him come and go from war to war. I know freedom comes at
>> a cost. Look at Iraq. Those men and women are putting thier lives on
>> the line for us. Appreciate what they do.
> I knew it would boil down to Iraq and the military. You're a zealot,
> turning an innocent conversation about email lists and reply-to's,
> through Linux (I'm surprised we didn't engage in MS bashing along the
> way) through the Open Source movement and landed, with the help of the
> military in Iraq, freedom and the American way - all in one reply!
> Look, did I say that I didn't appreciate the military?!? No! Why not?
> Because it was about 100 miles from the original topic of this
> conversation! Geezer. Look man, get help - quick!
> --
> What is a "free" gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Look, I'm still associated with the military. My father works at an air
base local to here.
He has security clearance to be on that base.
His group watches everything that goes on in the internet.
What we see is the commercial part. They observe all of it.
He does more than what he tells us.
He works with computers on a daily basis, and reads the Cygwin mailing
list among others.
So please be careful out there.
I'm glad you are working. We all need to be working, on a common goal.
Chris knows that. The Cygwin project benefits Windows in a lot of ways.
I see how it can better than Mingw.
Its more than just porting programs from Linux or Unix to Windows.
Many of the old mainframes are still in use. This computer of mine is a
supercomputer compared to a mainframe of 1970.
Unix was one of the operating systems that everybody started using.
Before that, computers only did calculations.
Now look at them. You and I are communicating over email, something that
did not exist in 1950.
The languages have changed over the years, but Windows, Linux and Unix
are all written in either C or C++.
Unix is still around, as you know.
I like Linux, but I don't have the spare room for it. My C partion only
has 4.9 GB with the D has 13. I'm upgrading this Christmas.
Also, please forgive me.
I needed to vent. Sorry.
I knew you, and felt I could talk to you.
Like I said before, I apologize for any inconvience.
I had to get something off my chest before I exploded on my relatives.
FWIW I have sought help. Hence last summer at Meadheaven.
The meds I'm on just don't seem to work.
My mother regualates the medication.
I am not crazy or anything like that.
I'm frustrated. That's all.
I had a job 14 years ago, before this mess, and I was doing just fine.
Not bothering a soul. Just working along like everybody else.
I used the money I earned at work for purchasing new computers and so
I used to read books, enjoy life. Then it was over in one day.
Everytime I would start a relationship, someone else would just end it.
Not paranoid. That person is still around, and has been harrassing me
for years.
That person was my youngest brother.
He has no idea what relationships are.
He has been harrassing me online and offline.
I finally exposed him and reported him to the ISP.
He is now permanantally disconnected from the network.
He's being looked into. He's been committing online crime and fraud and
so forth.
I exposed him by email and in front of the authorities.
I know right from wrong, and what he did was wrong. Every single bit.
I'm psychic. I can read souls. I can get strong feelings about people.
Remember this, pay attention to what you do online or offline,
because somebody, somewhere, is watching you. And everybody else on
this planet.
That person is The Almighty.
Never mind religion.
We have satellites that can take photographs of a cigerrate pack
100 miles in the sky.
The Earth is being observed by the governments of the world.
Remember this. USA is #1. In the telephone exchange, we are 1.
That is why the US must remain a winner. Without or without the
military. Still need'em.
I have been in communication with a lot of people who are reporting
problems in their country. I'm in contact with two women overseas
who are both scared of what is going on in thier countries.
I'm trying to calm them down, assure them that everythings fine.
Ending now.
Don't blame you if you delete this.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to ME.
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