Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/11/22/12:10:03
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Hall" <lh-no-personal-replies-please AT cygwin DOT com>
To: "Chuck" <SkiLover AT softhome DOT net>; "Cygwin List" <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: pax available?
> At 09:16 AM 11/22/2004, you wrote:
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Larry Hall" <xx AT xx DOT xxx>
> >To: "Chuck" <xxx AT xx DOT xx>; "Cygwin List" <x AT x DOT xxx>
> >Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 5:09 PM
> >Subject: Re: pax available?
> Don't feed the spammers. They're fat enough already.
> <>
> >> At 04:34 PM 11/19/2004, you wrote:
> >> >What does any of this have to do with pax? The FAQ doesn't mention
> >anything
> >> >about pax or archiving in general?
> >>
> >>
> >> Again:
> >>
> >> "What packages should I download? Where are 'make', 'gcc', 'vi', etc?"
> >>
> >> Missed the point? OK, let's break it down:
> >>
> >> "What packages should I download?"
> >>
> >> You asked in what package was "pax". See any similarities?
> >
> >No
> >
> >> OK, hopefully
> >> something correlates for you here now. Let's move on:
> >>
> >> "Where are 'make', 'gcc', 'vi', etc?"
> >
> >Again, what does this have to do with pax? So far you've answered every
> >question except the one I asked. Is there some point to all this?
> >
> >>
> >> "etc" is the operative term here. You can substitute "pax". Does the
> >> entry make sense to you now?
> >
> >No. As previously stated, the FAQ mentions nothing about pax. Thankfully
> >there are some on this list server who are more interested in giving
> >straight answers than simply trying to argue. Perhaps *you* should read
> >FAQ and tell us all where pax is mentioned at all.
> Actually, I wasn't arguing. I was asking a question. I got my answer and
> there's clearly no way the FAQ could help you. There's no chance that we
> could list every possible package someone might look for there and without
> doing that, folks like you are still going to come to the list with
> like yours. :-( My point was that you can find out if *any* utility is
> available in a Cygwin package by visiting <>.
> In your case, that would have told you that there isn't a Cygwin package
> with pax, which isn't what you were looking for but would have at least
> given you that information. In general, this is where to go to find the
> answer to "Where is <foo>?" where <foo> is the utility of interest.
My apologies for misinerpreting your message. I guess it's one of the
problems with email. You lose all of the non-verbal aspects of
BTW How to I get that NNTP server to accept posts? Everything I
post to the NG goes into oblivion. If I post from email however it works
fine. I'd much rather read the threads on a newsreader than in email.
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