Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/11/14/15:51:17
Thanks for your reply. C:\cygwin\download has always been the one used for
Setup on my system, and it only created havoc when I re-installed base and
library packages. It was supposed to be on the place "to store the
installation files" that Setup downloads.
Do suggest I should re-install everything else-wheer and cygwin should
re-instate the cygwin tree where it was intended originally?
Right now, cd / points to C:\cygwin\download instead of C:\cygwin\, which
means that most of the local packages which were not re-installed since are
still in the old strucure (i.e. C:\cygwin\) and do not seem visible
I don't take the ROOT as magical but I thought that moving/copying (soft)
linked object breaks the link. Besides, it would be hard for me to track
down all the places the source code I build put their files at the install
(e.g. using make install). The most tricky ones were the Math optimized
libraries lapack, ATLAS, blas, FFTW, octave, which were all tricky for me to
That is why I'd like to know how to reset the reference to ROOt to that of
the intended path/tree structure. How shall I proceed if at possible? What
did I do to make Setup.exe install the base package in the downloads
directory, so that I avoid the same mistake.
Many thanks again for you reply. I look forward to receiving any
>From: Larry Hall <lh-no-personal-replies-please AT cygwin DOT com>
>Reply-To: Cygwin List <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
>To: "Donat-Pierre Luigi" <dpluigi AT hotmail DOT com>, cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
>Subject: Re: Cygwin has two ROOT tree strcutures and the old one is not
>the default anymore.
>Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 13:26:13 -0500
>At 05:42 AM 11/14/2004, you wrote:
> >I have two root directory structures (both with usr, bin, etc, ...). One
>under the standard C:\cygwin ( i.e. /cygdrive/c/cygwin) and the other under
>C:\cygwin\download (i.e. /cygdrive/c/cygwin/download).
> >When I enquire about the default bin location here is the reply:
> >$ which ls
> >/usr/bin/ls
> >
> >Here is what leads to it. The last couple of days I had a problem with
>several DLLs (linintl-1.dll, cygwin DLL, …) when I was trying to install
>new components. At the same time, ls and most command stopped working on a
>bash shell, except few like cd and pwd. Although it seemed slightly better
>when I redefined the default path to the bin directory with
>PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH", ls on /usr/bin directory
>prompted more complaints on missing dlls. It felt as if a lot of the env
>parameter where not defined and cygwin totally incapacitated.
> >
> >I re-installed the libraries which were reported missing, even though
>there were present in their respective directory. Out of frustration I
>re-installed the entire base Cygwin and most of the libraries and dev
> >
> >Now, everything seems working except that I have two directory
>structures, and the libraries and source code I compiled are in the
>depreciated structure.
> >
> >Did I break my cygwin? Can I salvage my old structure in order to save
>all that I had organized and compiled in it (lots of hours)?
> >
> >Many thanks in advance for your help and suggestions,
> >Donat-Pierre
> >
> >P.s.: I attached a cygcheck.out file for further details (i.e. generated
>with cygcheck -s -v r ).
>Looks like everything now points to your 'C:\cygwin\download' directory,
>so that's apparently where you reinstalled. If this is really the
>that you specified in 'setup.exe' as the place to put your downloaded
>packages (during the install), then I'd really recommend that you choose a
>different directory. The download directory is where 'setup.exe' puts the
>packages it downloads and it assumes it can do anything it wants/needs with
>this directory. Installing to this same directory is not recommended.
>As for things you've built locally that are not part of your currently
>installed Cygwin tree, you can move or copy them wherever you like or
>is convenient. There's nothing "magical" about the root directory (or the
>directory structure in general really). If you copy/move things you've
>built, untar'd, etc, from your deprecated tree to the current install tree,
>I don't foresee any obvious problems.
>Larry Hall
>RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
>838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
>Holliston, MA 01746
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