Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/11/12/09:56:50
On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 11:33:01AM +0100, niac78 AT free DOT fr wrote:
>Quoting Larry Hall <lh-no-personal-replies-please AT cygwin DOT com>:
>> At 05:20 AM 11/10/2004, you wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >I used to work with Linux and I'm trying Cygwin. Does anyone know if there's
>> an
>> >existing cross compiler for arm9 package? I could not find it in the package
>> >list. Otherwise, what is the solution? Do I have to compile an arm-gcc with
>> the
>> >cygwin library?
>> >I'm sure there's already an existing arm compiler I could use without having
>> to
>> >die trying to make my own.
>> You may be right but as you've found, there isn't one that's officially
>> available via 'setup.exe'. There has been occasional inquiries like this
>> in the past, with much the same response as I'm giving you now (either
>> that or no response ;-) ). Building a cross compiler in general shouldn't
>> be that painful. You can find some general pointers on how to do that in
>> the email archives. Or there's always <>.
>Thanks Larry. I'll try that.
FWIW, requests for cross compilers have come up frequently enough that I
think it would be a good idea if someone wanted to submit some
cross-building packages for inclusion in the regular cygwin release.
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