Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/11/07/13:18:13
At 12:46 PM 11/7/2004, you wrote:
>Hi - New to Cygwin for development, not new to development.
>Have a project that uses libcurl which will not link under Cygwin. All of the
>basic libcurl APIs show up as unresolved in the link process.
>gcc -L/usr/local/lib -lcurl -shared ../../shared/htmlparse/htmlparse.o ../../sha
>red/wwwfetch/wwwfetch.o ../shared/free.o key.o -o
>key.o(.text+0x3ae):key.c: undefined reference to `_curl_global_init'
>key.o(.text+0x3b3):key.c: undefined reference to `_curl_easy_init'
>key.o(.text+0x420):key.c: undefined reference to `_curl_easy_setopt'
>key.o(.text+0x42b):key.c: undefined reference to `_curl_easy_perform'
>key.o(.text+0x436):key.c: undefined reference to `_curl_easy_cleanup'
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>make: *** [] Error 1
>I believe I have checked all the obvious things.
>1) libcurl.a is located in /lib
>2) libcurl is in my library path (obviously)
>3) libcurl.a is being linked against (if I change -lcurl to -lcurlx I get an
>error for not finding the library)
>4) I've tried using both libcurl binaries from Cygwin and building libcurl
>from sources
>5) I also tried linking against libcurl.dll.a as well, makes no difference.
>This same code links, runs, etc under FreeBSD and Linux just fine.
>Are there special linking requirements under Cygwin or something obvious I'm
You're missing the importance of link order. See 'man ld'. I created the
following small example:
# cat t.c
#include <curl/curl.h>
int main()
return 0;
# gcc -c t.c
# gcc -lcurl -shared ./t.o -o
./t.o(.text+0x26):t.c: undefined reference to `_curl_global_init'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
# gcc --shared -o ./t.o -lcurl
BTW, it's recommended that you not use the '.so' extension on Windows.
Windows creates DLLs, not shared objects. Using '.so' as the extension
may or may not be a problem for you in your case. But it is something
you should be aware of.
BTW, if it is not obvious from the above, your link problem is not a Cygwin
issue. You'd see this link problem on the other platforms you mentioned.
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
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