Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/09/28/11:04:30
Hi Volker.
> I installed unison-2.10.2-1 and tried to sync 2 directories
> with the following default.prf in my /home/vzell/.unison
> # Unison preferences file
> owner=true
> group=true
> perms=-1
> log=true
> First of all unison didn't find my $HOME/.unison but instead created a
> new one under C:\Documents and Settings\vzell :-(
> and second unison
> didn't honour the above preferences after editing the new
> C:\Documents and Settings\vzell\.unison\default.prf.
> I compiled already unison in 2002 and used it to sync files with
> different owner/group membership and, in case of new files with
> permissions different from the umask value, I wanted unison to also sync
> permissions. Both of this can be achieved with the patch below.
> Any chance that this can be incorporated in the next release ?
> --- 2004-09-28 09:45:32.940632000 +0200
> +++ 2004-09-28 08:40:28.926936000 +0200
> @@ -358,10 +358,10 @@
> match osType with
> `Win32 ->
> let dirString =
> - try Unix.getenv "USERPROFILE" (* Windows NT/2K *)
> - with Not_found ->
> try Unix.getenv "HOME" (* Windows 9x with Cygwin HOME set *)
> with Not_found ->
> + try Unix.getenv "USERPROFILE" (* Windows NT/2K *)
> + with Not_found ->
> try Unix.getenv "UNISON" (* Use UNISON dir if none of
> the above are set *)
> with Not_found -> "c:/" (* Default *) in
According to the Unison manual (
manual.html#unisondir), on Unix hosts Unison looks in order in $UNISON
and $HOME/.unison; on Windows hosts it looks in order in $UNISON,
$USERPROFILE\.unison, $HOME\.unison, and C:\.unison. So there are two
issues here:
(1) Unison is looking in $UNISON last. This is clearly wrong, and if
fixed would allow you to solve your problem by setting
UNISON=/home/volker/.unison. But here's something I don't understand:
on my Cygwin host both UNISON and USERPROFILE are set, but UNISON takes
precedence. ?? Are you sure this section of code is the operative one
here? What happens if you export UNISON=/home/vzell/.unison?
(2) It seems that Unison treats Cygwin as a Windows OS for this purpose,
so that it looks in $USERPROFILE/.unison before $HOME/.unison. This is
arguably wrong, but I think I'll have to pose the question on unison-
> --- 2004-09-28 09:43:28.010992000 +0200
> +++ 2004-09-28 08:41:27.090571200 +0200
> @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
> let someHostIsCaseInsensitive =
> someHostIsRunningWindows || someHostRunningOsX in
> Case.init someHostIsCaseInsensitive;
> - Props.init someHostIsRunningWindows;
> +(* Props.init someHostIsRunningWindows; *)
> Osx.init someHostRunningOsX;
> return ())
And this patch solves the owner and group sync problem? Sorry but it's
not obvious to me.
You say Unison "didn't honor" the owner and group preferences. What
exactly happened? Did it just not sync the owners and groups, or did it
give you error messages?
> By the way I had to export also the following env var to compile from
> source:
> export OSCOMP=cygwingnuc
Yup. This is documented in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/unison-2.10.2-
1.README. Gerrit Haase has been after me to provide a generic build
script for building Unison from the source package, and when I make one
it will include this.
Thanks for your report. As soon as I'm sure that I have the right
corrections, I'll release a new version that includes the fixes.
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