Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/09/02/14:56:37
I don't get that behavior...
~>cd /c/Documents\ and\ Settings
/c/Documents and Settings>cat test.bat
@echo %1
/c/Documents and Settings>./test.bat Hello world
/c/Documents and Settings>ls -l test.bat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 Rob None 8 Sep 2 13:53 test.bat
/c/Documents and Settings>
Sean Daley wrote:
>The problem is, there's nothing for me to quote here. It's not like
>the batch script fails to
>give me the correct information (due to incorrect quoting). The
>script fails to even
>LAUNCH when it lives in a directory with spaces and you pass in an argument with
>a space in it. Mind you, I've changed directory to that directory
>with spaces so I'm
>not trying to do something like:
>"/cygdrive/c/Space \Dir/test.bat" "hello world"
>cd /cygdrive/c/Space\ Dir
>./test.bat hello
><works just fine>
>./test.bat "hello world"
><fails with:>
>'c:\Space' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>operable program or batch file.
>And all test.bat does is echo %1
>change test.bat to do just echo (so it doesn't even process its arguments)
>and it still fails accordingly.
>Let me just give one final example (this time test.bat says echo %*)
>$ /cygdrive/c/Space\ Dir/test.bat hello
>c:\Space Dir>echo hello
>$ /cygdrive/c/Space\ Dir/test.bat hello world
>c:\Space Dir>echo hello world
>hello world
>$ /cygdrive/c/Space\ Dir/test.bat "hello world"
>'c:\Space' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>operable program or batch file.
>I'm running the exact same command all three times with different arguments.
>The minute I pass a quoted argument (with spaces) to the batch script though,
>bash itself complains about not being able to find test.bat.
>Now let's take this one step further. In the last case, it actually
>thinks it wants
>to execute C:\Space instead of the script. Now let's do the following:
>Create a batch script called "C:\Space.bat" and put one line into it.
>cat /etc/passwd.
>Now re-run the third command again:
>$ /cygdrive/c/Space\ Dir/test.bat "hello world"
>c:\Space Dir>cat /etc/passwd
><etc/passwd file is now displayed>
>This just doesn't seem right to me.
>On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 11:04:45 -0700, GD <d1945 AT sbcglobal DOT net> wrote:
>>>I apologize for making that false assumption.
>>Sorry for sounding rude, but admittedly I was a bit terse. :-) Your
>>post raised simple shell quoting issues and nothing else. Honeslty, I'm
>>not understanding the problem as you're describing it, but if spaces in
>>a file/directory name is causing an issue, then why wouldn't the simple
>>use of single quoting (for example) to prevent shell expansion not solve it?
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