Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/08/31/14:30:39
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Robert McNulty Junior
> Sent: 31 August 2004 02:10
> To: cygwin
> Subject: We have a hacker
> There is someone masking email from me. Under no circamstance
> answer any
> mail to unclebobby1 SPLATT bellsouth DOTTT net
> Chris, block this address now. I have another ready do go.
> Undercover,
> no more Robert McNulty Junior.
> There is a hacker sending viruses from a mock
> unclebobby1 SPLAAAATTTT bellsouth YEHYEHYENOSPAM net
> I traced him back somewhere in Montgomery, Alabama,.
> Something I suspected all along.
> Now, this is the last message from Robert McNulty Junior.
> As of now, Robert McNulty Junior of the Cygwin mailing does not exist
> any more.
> Bobby
Stop panicking, you daft bugger! Every virus in existence these days
sends itself out with a made-up From: line that it found on whoever's hard
drive it's infected, which is also where it finds all the people's addresses
to send itself _to_ as well.
The person who they're coming from isn't a hacker nor are they trying to
stitch you up, it's some e-mail friend or contact of yours; they've gotten
infected by the virus, it's sending itself out from their machine
automatically, it's spoofing your name because that's one of the email
addresses it snarfed off the local hard drive, there's no hacker, no viruses
are bein sent on purpose, there's no malicious intent or even any kind of
intent at all behind it, nobody's after you, there will be no film at 11 or
any other time, and you just flushed a perfectly good email account for
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
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