Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/08/17/20:39:22
Just so that everyone is aware, there should be no issues with the
current release in this matter. It works perfectly fine here.
I have a C Drive, Main system drive is H: with the OS install at
H:\Windows, and I installed Cygwin to I:\root\cygwin.
On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 19:09:53 -0400, Larry Hall
<lh-no-personal-replies-please AT cygwin DOT com> wrote:
> At 04:32 PM 8/17/2004, Hannu wrote:
> >zzzzzz-zzzzz AT cygwin DOT zzz i.e. Larry Hall, wrote:
> >> At 05:39 AM 8/17/2004, you <as quoted by Larry - "Fergus"> wrote:
> >
> >-zNIPz here and there-
> >>> I know we can install Cygwin wherever we like (default c:\Cygwin\
> >>> but it could be c:\MyOS\ or g:\Cygwin\ or even, after overcoming an
> >>> objection, the root directory g:\). But has Cygwin its own
> >>> expectations of what else is where?
> >
> >> Cygwin imposes no requirements on the location of the Windows
> >> installation. Whatever the problem is with this failure, it is
> >> installation specific and not endemic to Cygwin.
> >
> >-WJM-mode=OFF-
> FWIW, I never turned on the WJM mode.
> > While there _should_ be no requirements, one has to be realistic and
> >recognize this possibly beeing a setup - or postinstall - malfunction
> >triggered by the "nonstandard install location".
> That would be a bug. But since Fergus was asking whether Cygwin "expected"
> certain things in certain locations, the answer to that would be "no". If
> it weren't "no", then anyone installing Cygwin to a drive other than C:
> would see problems. The lack of email to this list on the matter is just
> one indication that Cygwin has no expectations of where things live. The
> code itself would be another. ;-)
> If a postinstall script is making some such assumptions, I'd expect we
> would've heard quite a bit about that here too (or at cygwin-apps). But if
> someone does find such a bug, that's certainly something that should be
> reported to cygwin-apps.
> >H:\MyOs\bin> dir cygcheck*.*
> >[output, hopefully listing cygcheck.exe - it is in the 'base' package]
> >
> >If the cygcheck.exe is available, then do:
> >
> >H:\MyOs\bin> PATH=.;%PATH%
> >H:\MyOs\bin> cygcheck -svr >\cygcheck.txt
> >
> >... and then follow instructions at the "Problem reports:" webpage; i.e.
> >APPEND the cygcheck.txt file to an email and send it here.
> Sound advice.
> --
> Larry Hall
> RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> Holliston, MA 01746
> --
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