Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/08/17/19:10:04
At 04:32 PM 8/17/2004, Hannu wrote:
>zzzzzz-zzzzz AT cygwin DOT zzz i.e. Larry Hall, wrote:
>> At 05:39 AM 8/17/2004, you <as quoted by Larry - "Fergus"> wrote:
>-zNIPz here and there-
>>> I know we can install Cygwin wherever we like (default c:\Cygwin\
>>> but it could be c:\MyOS\ or g:\Cygwin\ or even, after overcoming an
>>> objection, the root directory g:\). But has Cygwin its own
>>> expectations of what else is where?
>> Cygwin imposes no requirements on the location of the Windows
>> installation. Whatever the problem is with this failure, it is
>> installation specific and not endemic to Cygwin.
FWIW, I never turned on the WJM mode.
> While there _should_ be no requirements, one has to be realistic and
>recognize this possibly beeing a setup - or postinstall - malfunction
>triggered by the "nonstandard install location".
That would be a bug. But since Fergus was asking whether Cygwin "expected"
certain things in certain locations, the answer to that would be "no". If
it weren't "no", then anyone installing Cygwin to a drive other than C:
would see problems. The lack of email to this list on the matter is just
one indication that Cygwin has no expectations of where things live. The
code itself would be another. ;-)
If a postinstall script is making some such assumptions, I'd expect we
would've heard quite a bit about that here too (or at cygwin-apps). But if
someone does find such a bug, that's certainly something that should be
reported to cygwin-apps.
>H:\MyOs\bin> dir cygcheck*.*
>[output, hopefully listing cygcheck.exe - it is in the 'base' package]
>If the cygcheck.exe is available, then do:
>H:\MyOs\bin> PATH=.;%PATH%
>H:\MyOs\bin> cygcheck -svr >\cygcheck.txt
>... and then follow instructions at the "Problem reports:" webpage; i.e.
>APPEND the cygcheck.txt file to an email and send it here.
Sound advice.
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
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