Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/08/02/06:23:50

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From: Rafaela Ramsy <hvyxcumsob AT intmachine DOT com>
To: <cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com>
Subject: -CSDN Gains of 128.0%. Monday, humus
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 18:18:34 -0400
Reply-To: <hvyxcumsob AT intmachine DOT com>
MIME-Version: 1.0

Rafaela Don't Miss This One.J4a05mx96_2J19w21C)83wJ6L


Hot-New,Issue - Crossstreet Distr Inc-TICKER:CSDN.PK

Great News just released, Great Gains Expected!

CSDN will Explode on 2nd of August..Huge Exposure
expected all week in over 28 Financial Newsletters.

Please read below, we expect that many newsletters will
cover CSDN in next 5 days and we believe the stock is
headed to over Fifty cents!


How many times have you seen new issues explode but you
couldn't get your hands on them? We are alerting you to
a special company with a unique business model that is
set to explode in next 1 month -- this is your chance to
get in at the very beginning!

Abo.ut th.e Com.pany:.
Cross Street is a recording and distribution company
specializing in a genre of urban contemporary music called
Mac Music. Cross Street produces music for albums, film,
and television, as well as providing packaging and
distribution partnerships with independent and major
motion picture, music production and distribution companies

This is exciting business in an exciting place and time.
Don't be the one to look back and say, I had the chance to
invest, but passed….

Price-. 08
Short-target-. 36
Long-target-. 50

Don't Sleep On This One, Big Gains Expected With A Huge
Promotion Over The Weekend As Well, Get CSDN Monday!

Latest News:

convert commensurable filament,Dis,cla. imer Info. rmation .wit. hin this em. ail contains forward loo. king state. ments within the meaning of Se. ction 2.7.A of the Secu, rities Act of 1.933 and Se. ction 2. 1B of the Se. curities Excha, nge Ac, t o, f 193, 4. Any stat, ements that or involve discuss,ions with re, spect to pred, ictions, goals, expec, tations, bel.iefs, pl. ans, proj. ections, objec. tives, assum. ptions or fut. ure events or perf. ormance are not stateme.nts of his. torical fa. ct and ma. y be forward lo. oking sta. tements.Plea. se be advised that no. thing wit. hin this email . s. hall cons. titute a solicit. ation or an off. er to buy or se. ll any sec. urity mention, ed h. erein. This news, letter is n, either a regist e,red inves. tment advisor nor affili, ated with any bro. ker or deale, r. All st. ateme. nts made are our expre. ss opinio.n only and should be tre. ated. as such. We may own, bu, y . and se. ll a, ny sec. u.rit. ies mentioned at any time. This report includ. es forwa. rd-looking stat . ements wit. hin the mean. ing of T. he Pri. vate Secu . rities Li, tig. ation R ef. orm Ac, t of 199,5. These stateme. nts may inc. lude t. erms as e. xpe. ct belie, ve m ay, wil, l, mov, e un,derv. alued a.n d in. tend or sim. ilar ter, ms. This news. letter, was. pa. id $23.500 fr. om thi. r,d pa. rty to send this report. D,o yo. ur ow. n res.earch be, fore inves, ting. cryptography architecture cargo psalmody

unseemly wiretap. itinerary took, aggrandize

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