Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/07/29/22:00:44
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, George wrote:
>>I keep running up against situations where I require access to the
>>property sheet for a folder/file to perform a settings change I can't
>>accomplish otherwise.
>Exactly which properties are you trying to change? Some of the security
>ones can be changed via setfacl, as well as chmod/chown (I don't think
>either one supports setting inheritable permissions, though).
Setting inheritable permissions was one, but some of the folder/virtual
folder property sheets do have settings other than permissions-related
ones. Also, it can sometimes be a useful (albeit back-asswords) double
check to ensure an action performed on the command-line had the desired
effect (sort of like using cat on a *nix system to review the contents
of a config file after using a GUI tool to perform changes.
What inspired my question was two simple shell scripts I recently wrote
to provide a menu-driven interface to the .cpl applets and .msc
snap-ins. I found the approach infinitely easier and faster to use than
opening explorer windows, or labouring over messy changes to the
registry on the command-line.
>>I'm wondering whether Cygwin offers some way I've not yet discovered to
>>display the property sheet dialog for a folder/file. Seems it would
>>save the trouble of opening an explorer window from bash, selecting a
>>file, opening the context menu by right clicking and then selecting
>>properties (before navigating the various tabs and clicking some more).
>Not really Cygwin-specific, but look up the Shell API on MSDN [*] (which
>you can invoke via rundll/rundll32), in particular, the SHObjectProperties
I did stumble across 'cygstart --reference'. A thoughtful addition.
>To put this back on-topic, if you do manage to find a way to do what you
>want that works on all OS's, please consider making a cygstart-like
>utility to do this and contributing it to the Cygwin distribution.
Gladly. Send me a few books on C programming and I'll get right on it.
:-) Seriously, it looks trivial enough but I didn't know I could invoke
those functions using rundll32 so maybe that'll take care of my
immediate needs. I'd like to think it would useful to others so maybe I
will consider your suggestion and buy those books myself and see what
comes of it.
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