Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/07/12/14:54:25
> From: Larry Hall
> Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 6:27 PM
> To: Dave Korn; 'Cygwin List'
> At 12:18 PM 7/12/2004, you wrote:
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Larry Hall
> >> Sent: 12 July 2004 16:52
> >
> >> > What's happened is that you've used reply to all,
> >
> >> Sure, that's true. But it was Bobby McNulty that was
> >> complaining about multiple copies
> >
> >
> > OMG, so it was. How utterly bizarre.
> You probably got caught by my limited abilities to figure out how to
> configure Eudora to not quote email addresses in it's response. I've
> resorted to using "you" in all cases because Eudora will otherwise use
> the email address if a name doesn't also exist. Unfortunately, this
> makes quoted text in my replies a little difficult to follow in a
> thread. :-( I'm happy to hear from anyone who has a solution for Eudora
> on this, though I plan eventually to move to a different email client
> which, ideally, won't have this problem. ;-)
Seems there is still something "wrong" with your configuration, a "Reply to
All" on the message (as quoted above) of yours yields
"Cygwin List; Dave Korn" in the TO field (Dave shouldn't be there IMO).
IMHO, Scrap Eudora ASAP. It seems to have some kind of "bright" idea on how
to quote text too - totally unreadable.
Stop. *** Unrelated sidenotes follows ***
> --
> Larry Hall
email has been the same for ages, let it stay that way.
If you want something new, DEFINE the new stuff, go use it
where it is apropriate; any new forum - stop spamming email.
Still; I've yet to see a well functioning email client on the PC
(I used a nice one on the Amiga for a long period of time;
"Thor" - configurable as h*ll, through Amiga REXX.
NOT perfect, not the fastest, but VERY nice.)
/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59+16.37'N, 17+12.60'E --76-->
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