Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/06/21/10:06:56
Oh, this setup CD confused me :((
So i installed the cygwin from internet, than copy out the .bashrc, then remove,
install from CD again (from the internet the cygwin doesn't make home dir) and set the
environment variables. Here are them:
export SGT_VER=v1.2.4
export SGT_SCRIPT=$SGT_DIR/script_sgt
great, now i have the SGT settings.
now i am making a new application:
wmnew -sample open-at/Hello_World -32 -gcc
it's run.
then continue (from the documentation) and i've got an error message:
Rendszergazda AT KORONKAI ~/test
$ wmmake Hello_World -d
Launch a full library or binary process
/cygdrive/C/OpenAT/V210/TgtGen/WmGen/mak/gen.mak:89: /mak/makegen.mak: No such f
ile or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/mak/makegen.mak'. Stop.
ok, let's see the directory structure:
in my path there is this:
0/TgtGen/SGT/v1.2.4/script_sgt:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/cygdrive/c/WINNT/sy........... (and more)
I have this file:
Anyway, what this error code means ?
I think, it's not found the makegen.mak
I have only this makegen.mak on my hard drive.
it's clear, but where should it be ???
there is a gen.mak in C:\OpenAT\V210\TgtGen\WmGen\mak\
and this include:
ifeq ($(MAKEFILE),)
include $(SGT_DIR)/mak/makegen.mak
include $(SGT_DIR)/mak/$(MAKEFILE)
i think the first case is the important.
as you see, $SGT_DIR is setted.
Rendszergazda AT KORONKAI ~/test
$ echo $SGT_DIR
sorry for these stupid question, just i sad, i don't know cygwin as well,
and i am sad, because i can't run the hello world, the simpliest program...
-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:pechtcha AT cs DOT nyu DOT edu]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 2:54 PM
To: Vasoczki Ferenc
Cc: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Subject: Re: makelib problem
On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, Vasoczki Ferenc wrote:
> Hi!
> I am a newbie on this list, and with the Cygwin too, so please
> be patient :)
> I tried to search for make_lib in archive, but i've get no result.
> i should learn to write embedded applications form wavecom modems
> and i am using cygwin and gcc. i downloaded the latest cygwin from the
> net.
> i am using the documentation of wavecom, and i tried to do a sample
> program. this is the command to make the new sample environment:
> wmnew -sample open-at/Hello_World -32 -gcc
> it's ok, it makes me the directory structure (./mak, ./out)
> great.
> the next step is to compile this code to binary.
> here is my problem.
> i am following the doc, and it say type this:
> wmmake Hello_World -d
> this is to compile, but i've got an error message:
> /cygdrive/c/OpenAT/V210/TgtGen/WmGen/wmmake: line 24: make_lib: command not found
> i checked, and there is no make_lib file there... it's ok.
> i searched this file, and it's here:
> C:\OpenAT\V210\TgtGen\SGT\v1.2.4\script_sgt\make_lib
> it's seems, when i installed this cygwin after the OpenAT the
> environment variables are bad. (correct me if i am not right)
> so i tried to add this path:
> PATH=/cygdrive/C/OpenAT/V210/TgtGen/SGT/v1.2.4/script_sgt:$PATH
I have a feeling you simply missed the quoting in the above line. Try
and see if it works better. If not, you'll have to ask on the make_lib
list, as this problem has nothing to do with Cygwin.
> export PATH
> and then run again the "wmmake Hello_World -d"
> i've got this error message:
> Launch a full library or binary process
> make: not found
> before this, i've got another error message something like:
> The root directory of SGT are not correct...
> How can i tell to cygwin to use this directory to access make_lib, or
> what should i do with this to work ???
> Thank you
> Vaso
|\ _,,,---,,_ pechtcha AT cs DOT nyu DOT edu
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ igor AT watson DOT ibm DOT com
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-. Meow!
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