Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/04/30/03:32:22
Hi Eric --
I just fought the same problem and was dismayed to find that you were
the only one on google to encounter this. I was forced to resolve it
myself. It turns out that the issue is with how emacs handles
filesystems that are mounted as textmode. I originally thought (as you
found) that the issue was limited to revert-buffer, so I was just
careful to always close and then reopen my files instead of using
revert-buffer. That's not the only place it happens, though, because I
just had to deal with several of my source code files getting corrupted
even though I avoided using revert-buffer.
Ok, so how to work around this problem? Switch your filesystem to
binmode. I originally thought that this wasn't an option because I've
always had trouble with cvs when I try to use binmode. Turns out,
though, that if you convert all of the files under your CVS directory to
unix by using dos2unix, cvs works fine. I don't think I have any other
reason to run in textmode, so I'm making the switch.
There are two possible ways to make the switch.
1. When installing cygwin, select Unix as the Default Text File Type.
2. Just mount your drives in binary mode (eg. mount -b c:\\ /c/)
Unless you do a complete reinstall of cygwin, you'll have to do the 2nd
step anyway, I think. If you type "mount" by itself, you want to see
all drives mounted in binmode.
I hope that helps,and hopefully someone who knows how to fix emacs is
reading this group.
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