Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/04/29/19:05:42
At 06:46 PM 4/29/2004, you wrote:
>I just installed the latest Cygwin (1.5.9) on a new
>Win2K laptop that is not part of any domain. I'm
>getting "permission denied" when I try to execute
>programs in a couple of situations. None of the
>obvious remedies have fixed the problem.
>Situation One: I've downloaded and built
>scheme48-0.57. It runs fine from the command line.
>After I did a 'chgrp Users' on it I was able to
>successfully 'M-x run-scheme' out of the Cygwin
>version of emacs. When I launch nt-emacs from the
>desktop, however, and attempt 'M-x run-scheme' I get a
>permission error; specifically "permission denied,
Non-Cygwin programs don't understand POSIX paths.
Unless you've performed some emacs wizardry, that
path won't lead you to anything. If you do have
some wizardry in there, you might still find you
need the ".exe" on the end.
>Situation Two: I unzip an internal build of Java that
>a separate group provides me. I 'chmod a+x' all the
>executables in the distribution and then smoke test
>the JVM by typing: java -version. I'm rewarded with:
>"zsh: permission denied: java" (same thing happens
>with bash, btw). I have a production JDK installed in
>Program\ Files and it works fine. It turns out that
>the production version is owned by
>"Administrators:SYSTEM" so I chown the internal
>version's executables to "Administrator:SYSTEM" but
>the result is the same. Note that I have no problems
>with these internal build on my Win2K workstation
>which (a) is part of a domain, and (b) is running
>Cygwin 1.5.7.
Not sure about this one. 'getfacl' might help. You
could try removing "ntea" from your CYGWIN environment
variable, in case you're getting some weird conflict.
>I'm completely out of ideas any help/suggestions would
>be greatly appreciated at this point.
>... WkH
>cygcheck -s -v -r yields:
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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