Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/04/27/03:29:54
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The Wave Watcher Report
Our Recient Picks GDLS +600 percent in 3 days and BOCX +500 percent
Listen to the Rumor on The Street....
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D >>>>>> V I S H V I S H
* New Laws force shorters to cover.
* Investigation shows VISH is short 1/3 of the entire float.
* BUYOUT offers rumored on the street for 3x current trading price
Alert - This St0ck Set To Take 0ff This Week
Our Recent Picks GDLS +600 percent in 3 days and BOCX +500 percent
98% of our st0ck picks double in 30 days
Viastar Holdings Inc
(VISH) O T C - B B
Forecast Pr0fit Pr0fit %
Current Price $0.36 At Close Apr 20
15 Days $0.55 $0.19 152%
30 Days $0.92 $0.56 255%
H U G E News Coming Soon
Watch the spike as the Shorters start to cover
=95 ViaStar Media Signs Flamenco Sensation "Mosaico" to ViaStar's Quadra Re=
cords Label
Wed, Apr 14 - PrimeZone Media Network
=95 ViaStar Media Corporation Names William T. Walker, Jr. to its Board of =
Mon, Apr 12 - PrimeZone Media Network
=95 ViaStar Signs on Bond Capital Management For Corporate Finance and Busi=
ness Development
Mon, Apr 5 - PrimeZone Media Network
=95 ViaStar Launches `ViaStar Artist Management Group' With the Addition of=
Music Industry Veteran Michael Sikkas as
Senior V.P.
About Viastar
The company has existing music, film, distribution and production capabilit=
ies, a current roster of prominent
artists, publishing interest worldwide and seasoned industry executives. Th=
ese facts, coupled with our well
established international distribution division, gives Viastar the marketin=
g muscle and enhanced gross
profitability of a major, while retaining the flexibility, creative freedom=
and economies of scale of an
independent. By owning its distribution pipeline, Viastar has direct contro=
l over the flow of its products to
20,000 plus retail outlets, thus our gross margins are effectively double t=
hat of a traditional content provider;
and we are not at the mercy of outside distribution to receive payment for =
our products. As a result, Viastar is a
"major independent" in the entertainment industry, recreating the studio sy=
stem that made Hollywood profitable and
powerful. What distinguishes Viastar from its competition is its possession=
and control of the "complete pipeline"
enabling it to produce and place its intellectual property on the shelves o=
f retailers worldwide and thus in the
hands of millions of consumers.
Like Industry Leaders Sony, Universal, and Warner Bros., Viastar boasts a p=
owerful in-house arsenal that includes
an aggressive product development division for music, film and television; =
an international distribution network
of major retail chains, servicing more than 20,000 retail locations worldwi=
de; a complete state-of-the-art
marketing & promotions department; and a carefully hand-picked management t=
eam possessing unrivaled talent and
industry visibility who maximize every extension of our efforts
forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Lit=
igation Reform Act of 1995.
These statements may be identified by such terms as expect", "believe", "ma=
y", "will",
"explode","move","undervalued" and "intend" or similar terms. The informati=
on in the above statement could not be
100% accurate and the newsletter is not responsible for this. We are NOT a =
registered investment advisor or a
broker dealer. This is NOT an offer to buy or sell securities. No recommend=
that the securities of the companies profiled should be purchased, sold or =
held by individuals or entities that
learn of the profiled companies. This newsletter received $1000 dollars in =
cash by third party to publish this
report.Investing in companies profiled is high-risk and use of this informa=
tion is for reading purposes only. If
anyone decides to act as an investor, then it will be that investor's sole =
risk. Investors are advised NOT to
invest without the proper advertisement from an attorney or a registered fi=
nancial broker. Do
not rely solely on the information presented, do additional independent res=
earch to form your own opinion and
decision regarding investing in the profiled companies Be advised that the =
purchase of such high-risk securities
may result in the loss of your entire investment. Void where prohibited. Th=
e owners of this publication or their
partners may already own free trading shares in V I S H and may
immediately sell all or a portion of these shares into the open market at o=
r about the time this report is
published. Factual statements are made as of the date stated and are subjec=
t to change without notice.
To u n su b s c ribe se nd t o: nolikuutipez@ btinternet .com
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