Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/04/22/14:49:18
At 02:24 PM 4/22/2004, you wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 10:21:58PM -0400, Larry Hall wrote:
>> At 06:29 PM 4/21/2004, you wrote:
>> >all,
>> >
>> >Is there any reason why a recompiled version of cygwin.dll in a non-standard location
>> >would cause tools that depend on it to fail? I compiled with a standard:
>> >
>> >configure --prefix=<my_prefix>
>> >make
>> >make install
>> >
>> >I need to remove the compiled dll in order to get anything working again...
>> >
>> >Also, any debugging tips on tracking this down? If its there, none of the tools
>> >work (gdb included), if its not, they don't..
>> >
>> Make sure the tools can see the DLL. Make sure the old DLL is not
>> accessible by *any* of the tools. Make sure the new DLL is valid. ;-)
>:) they can see the dll, since when I create the dll, everything stops working.
>2) I'm pretty sure its not the old dll, since when I rename the old dll, everything
>still stops working.
>3) hence I'm assuming #3 - the new DLL isn't valid.
>I know I'm being vague, but it would be a lot easier for me to issue a bug report/fix
>if I had a good way of debugging the cygwin dll. The person who would have an answer
>to that question is the writer/maintainer of the cygwin dll who hopefully
>chime in at some point as to:
> a) some debugging tips on how to track down cygwin related problems.
> b) whether or not there are some hard-coded values in the cygwin code that
> need to be changed to make them portable to different directories.
>Or maybe its neither a nor b.. perhaps there's a runtime component? Perhaps you
>can't run two versions of the cygwin dll at one time in separate locations?
Bingo! I guess I should have put an "and" in my first two statements.
You can only have *1* DLL built from the Cygwin source resident and
running at any one time. It wasn't clear to me that this is what you
were doing, otherwise I would have told you that this is a no-no to
start with.
>Just guessing here, but enquiring minds want to know...
Good guess. ;-)
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746
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