Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/04/21/15:33:16
1. Please send all replies to the mailing list. This
could help to get your problem resolved more
quickly because more people will be able to
see your problem description.
2. I did not see any mention in your message below that
you had run the script. This
script will NOT change anything on your computer,
and it should help to find many common problems.
The intent of this script is to help reduce the
number of messages sent to the mailing lists that
are just repetitions of things that people should
try when installing/using cron.
You may find a copy of this script here:
Please download this (small) script, run it, and
read its results. Each time is finds a problem, it
stops to provide information to the user. You may
have to re-run it several times to find all of the
problems with your setup. Please read its results
carefully, even if it says it can find NO problems.
3. From your message below, it looks as though you
are still logged on as the Administrator. Are you
logged on to Windows as 'administrator'? If so,
then you might want to log off and log on as an
ordinary user. Alternatively, if you are already
logged on as an ordinary user, then did you start
a second window / bash session after you made the
changes to /etc/passwd and /etc/group? The changes
you made to those files do not take effect until
you login after changing the files.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:56 PM
> To: 'Sachar, Bradley (NIH/OD)'
> Cc: Harig, Mark
> Subject: RE: Unable to get CRON to work
> Hello,
> I permit to write you directly out of context of mailing list.
> Did you resolv your problem of crontab ? So maybe can you
> bring me good help...
> I've got the same problem, and it would be so stupid to give
> up cygwin because of that.
> I passed command mkgroup -l > /etc/group and mkpasswd > /etc/passwd
> $ cat /etc/group
> root:S-1-5-32-544:0:
> SYSTEM:S-1-5-18:18:
> Aucun:S-1-5-21-796845957-823518204-725345543-513:513:
> Administrateurs:S-1-5-32-544:544:Administrateur
> Duplicateurs:S-1-5-32-552:552:
> Invités:S-1-5-32-546:546:Invité,TsInternetUser
> Opérateurs de sauvegarde:S-1-5-32-551:551:
> Utilisateurs:S-1-5-32-545:545:sshd
> Utilisateurs avec pouvoir:S-1-5-32-547:547:
> $ cat /etc/passwd
> SYSTEM:*:18:544:,S-1-5-18::
> Administrateurs:*:544:544:,S-1-5-32-544::
> Administrateur:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:500:547:U-CSOCMCAWCG\Admin
> istrateur,S-1-5-21-796845957-823518204-725345543-500:/home/Adm
> inistrateur:/bin/bash
> Invité:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:501:513:U-CSOCMCAWCG\Invité,S-1-5-
> 21-796845957-823518204-725345543-501:/home/Invité:/bin/bash
> sshd:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:1001:513:sshd
> privsep,U-CSOCMCAWCG\sshd,S-1-5-21-796845957-823518204-7253455
> 43-1001:/var/empty:/bin/bash
> TsInternetUser:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:1000:513:TsInternetUser,U-
> CSOCMCAWCG\TsInternetUser,S-1-5-21-796845957-823518204-7253455
> 43-1000:/home/TsInternetUser:/bin/bash
> The cron file "Administrateur" beyongs Administrateur's user :
> Administrateur AT csocmcawcg /var/cron/tabs
> $ ls -al
> total 1
> drwxrwxrwt+ 2 Administ Utilisat 0 Apr 21 20:18 .
> drwxrwxrwt+ 3 Administ Utilisat 0 Apr 9 18:23 ..
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 Administ SYSTEM 329 Apr 21 20:18 Administrateur
> And in desesperation, I put all rights (777) to this file,
> but nothing's is efficient.
> Please, what is the best solution to activate the cron fonction ?
> Scuse for my bad english langage... ;o)
> Fred.
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