Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/04/19/11:30:29
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of kgrizzle
> Sent: 19 April 2004 16:15
> I have a cygwin CVS server that I access remotely with the
> cygwin CVS client and Open SSH. When I add binary files to
> the repository from a remote machine, they are corrupted by
> having ^M line endings appended to each line. When I add a
> binary file to the repository from the server machine (ie -
> CVSROOT=/cvsroot), the file is not corrupted.
> Both server and client machines are running cygwin in
> textmode rather that binmode. However, I mounted a test CVS
> repository on the server in binmode, and the files were still
> corrupted when added from the remote machine
At this point you should have tried mounting a directory on the *client*
in binmode, and adding a file from *that* directory. As it is, you seem to
have shown (both by adding files locally on the server and having no
problem, and by adding them remotely but to a known binmode fs and seeing
the problem) that you should be looking for something going wrong at the
client end. It might also be a useful experiment to try adding files from
the remote machine to the repository using the :pserver: protocol, to try
and establish if it's the SSh on the client machine that is underlying this
problem. If the problem still occurs using :pserver: suspect a bad
interaction with the textmode filesystem.
Basically I think it's a bad idea to mount your filesystems in textmode
and then complain "But it keeps adding \r to my line endings". Accessing a
binary file through a textmode mountpoint is a dubious thing to expect to
work. I personally think the most reliable strategy is to accept that we're
working with a POSIX system, standardize on Unix EOLs throughout your files,
mount your filesystems in binary mode, and only ever have Unix<=>DOS EOL
conversions by deliberately invoking d2u/u2d manually.
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
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