Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/04/01/09:32:34
I have a very strange cygwin problem.
Background. I have been using cygwin without problem
for 2 years. Yesterday I needed/wanted to use the
uptime cmd. I didn't have it so I downloaded the
setup program and tried to add it. I had a number of
problems getting it installed so I decieded to just
blow everything away, after backing up my home dir and
re-install cygwin. I followed the instructions:
removed the cygwin dir, the cygwin download tmp dir,
the shortcuts on my desktop, and removed the two
entries in my registry.
After the download and the install I get the following
"text" when I start cygwin:
mkdir: cannot create directory `/cygdrive/h': No such
file or directory
Copying skeleton files.
These files are for the user to personalise
their cygwin experience.
These will never be overwritten.
/usr/bin/install: creating directory `/cygdrive'
/usr/bin/install: cannot create directory
`/cygdrive/h': No such file or directo
/usr/bin/install: cannot create directory
`/cygdrive/h': No such file or directo
/usr/bin/install: cannot create directory
`/cygdrive/h': No such file or directo
bash: cd: /cygdrive/h: No such file or directory
Your group name is currently "mkgroup_l_d". This
indicates that not
all domain users and groups are listed in the
/etc/passwd and
/etc/group files.
See the man pages for mkpasswd and mkgroup then, for
example, run
mkpasswd -l -d > /etc/passwd
mkgroup -l -d > /etc/group
This message is only displayed once (unless you
recreate /etc/group)
and can be safely ignored.
cp: cannot create regular file
`/cygdrive/h/group.mkgroup_l_d': No such file or
I'm not sure what or why it's trying to do with an h:
drive. I have a local c and d drive, and I have i and
s network drives, and a z samba mount. I did have an
h drive in the past, but with the "uninstall" I
performed I don't know why it would be a problem now.
Any ideas?
Also, I didn't see a /home/$USER ? Could this be
because of the problems I listed above?
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