Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/03/25/10:25:36
Try running it under strace and see where it's taking it's time. This might
take some effort on your part to sift through and interpret the strace
output but it will usually point a finger at the culprit.
At 02:03 AM 3/25/2004, you wrote:
>Well, from the DOS command prompt I tried:
>cd C:\cygwin
>PATH C:\WinNT\system32;C:\WinNT;C:\WinNT\system32\Wbem
>bash --login -i
>and I also tried this in my .bashrc (all one line):
>export PATH="/cygdrive/c/WinNT/system32:/cygdrive/c/WinNT:/cygdrive/c/WinNT/system32/Wbem:$JAVA_HOME/bin:/home/Administrator/code:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin/."
>(which checks out:
>TLSWE-LAPTOP-A0 Wed Mar 24 23:00:47
>~/echo $PATH
>TLSWE-LAPTOP-A0 Wed Mar 24 23:00:52
>and still the same problem: a three minute wait between shell commands.
>Should I try to re-install, setting the PATH in such a way that the install would complete correctly (that is my original symptom)? If so, how would I do this?
>Thank you very much.
>- Chris Balz.
>Christopher M. Balz wrote:
>>I didn't suspect Rational Rose since I've run Cygwin fine when it was my previous Cygwin installation and when Rose had already been installed. Apparently however, from your comments, it looks as if the MKS system makes breaks the Cygwin installation. Is there a way (or a place I could look to find out) where I could protect the path that Cygwin uses?
>>Thank you so much for your help.
>>- Chris
>>Dave Korn wrote:
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Igor Pechtchanski
>>>>Sent: 22 March 2004 13:39
>>>>On Sun, 21 Mar 2004, Christopher M. Balz wrote:
>>>>>I did run
>>>>>"c:\cygwin\bin\bash --norc"
>>>>>After a couple minutes the command prompt gave me:
>>>>> C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32>c:\cygwin\bin\bash --norc
>>>>> bash-2.05b$
>>>>>This command prompt cannot find any commands ('ls' is 'not found').
>>>>Please re-read the message below. It says that "you'll need to explicitly prepend "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin" to your PATH before you'll be able to run any commands".
>>> I notice also that there are already directories in Christopher's path
>>>called 'bin', 'x11', and 'mksnt'. [ Light bulbs should be appearing in the
>>>air above heads about now, upon seeing the dreaded letters 'm', 'k' and 's'
>>>in that particular order..... ]
>>> This last one in particular makes me wonder if the Rational tools you have
>>>installed maybe include or are based around the Mortice Kern Systems Unix
>>>toolset. It's a well-known problem that if you try and run cygwin while
>>>having MKS tools in the $PATH they can sometimes clash. I'd want to start a
>>>dos command shell, then remove all the crud and set a minimal $PATH, and try
>>>again: something like this at the command prompt might work...
>>>cd C:\cygwin
>>>PATH C:\WinNT\system32;C:\WinNT;C:\WinNT\system32\Wbem
>>>bash --login -i
>>>>Hmm... I suspect that it takes this long to determine the hostname of your machine.
>>> Did you notice that it's the same as his $LOGONSERVER? It shouldn't take
>>>that long to look up a hostname when you're logged on directly at the
>>>keyboard of the domain controller.
>>> But of all the environment variables, I think this is the one that's doing
>>>the most damage:
>>>---snip from cygcheck.out---
>>> Ouch. So everytime Cygwin bash tries to fork a subprocess, it launches it
>>>using MKS sh. No wonder it loses!
>>>---snip from cygcheck.out---
>>>TERM = `nutc'
>>> Wouldn't have thought cygwin would make much sense of that either.
>>> cheers, DaveK
>*Contact Info:*
>Christopher M. Balz
>Senior Software Engineer
>/TreeLogic Software Engineering <>/
>160 Lincoln Avenue
>Palo Alto, CA 94301-2437 U.S.A.
>cbalz AT andrew DOT cmu DOT edu <mailto:cbalz AT andrew DOT cmu DOT edu>
>christophermbalz AT stanfordalumni DOT org <mailto:christophermbalz AT stanfordalumni DOT org>
>chris AT treelogic-swe DOT com <mailto:chris AT treelogic-swe DOT com>
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>And within it opens into a World / . . .
>Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
>Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
>. . ."
>- from /The Crystal Cabinet <>/, a poem by *William Blake <>* (18th-century English poet) where Blake rues England's rule.
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