Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/03/25/02:01:54
Well, from the DOS command prompt I tried:
cd C:\cygwin
PATH C:\WinNT\system32;C:\WinNT;C:\WinNT\system32\Wbem
bash --login -i
and I also tried this in my .bashrc (all one line):
(which checks out:
TLSWE-LAPTOP-A0 Wed Mar 24 23:00:47
~/echo $PATH
TLSWE-LAPTOP-A0 Wed Mar 24 23:00:52
and still the same problem: a three minute wait between shell commands.
Should I try to re-install, setting the PATH in such a way that the
install would complete correctly (that is my original symptom)? If so,
how would I do this?
Thank you very much.
- Chris Balz.
Christopher M. Balz wrote:
> I didn't suspect Rational Rose since I've run Cygwin fine when it was
> my previous Cygwin installation and when Rose had already been
> installed. Apparently however, from your comments, it looks as if the
> MKS system makes breaks the Cygwin installation. Is there a way (or a
> place I could look to find out) where I could protect the path that
> Cygwin uses?
> Thank you so much for your help.
> - Chris
> Dave Korn wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Igor Pechtchanski
>>> Sent: 22 March 2004 13:39
>>> On Sun, 21 Mar 2004, Christopher M. Balz wrote:
>>>> I did run
>>>> "c:\cygwin\bin\bash --norc"
>>>> After a couple minutes the command prompt gave me:
>>>> C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32>c:\cygwin\bin\bash --norc
>>>> bash-2.05b$
>>>> This command prompt cannot find any commands ('ls' is 'not found').
>>> Please re-read the message below. It says that "you'll need to
>>> explicitly prepend "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin" to your PATH
>>> before you'll be able to run any commands".
>> I notice also that there are already directories in Christopher's path
>> called 'bin', 'x11', and 'mksnt'. [ Light bulbs should be appearing
>> in the
>> air above heads about now, upon seeing the dreaded letters 'm', 'k'
>> and 's'
>> in that particular order..... ]
>> This last one in particular makes me wonder if the Rational tools
>> you have
>> installed maybe include or are based around the Mortice Kern Systems
>> Unix
>> toolset. It's a well-known problem that if you try and run cygwin while
>> having MKS tools in the $PATH they can sometimes clash. I'd want to
>> start a
>> dos command shell, then remove all the crud and set a minimal $PATH,
>> and try
>> again: something like this at the command prompt might work...
>> ---snip---
>> cd C:\cygwin
>> PATH C:\WinNT\system32;C:\WinNT;C:\WinNT\system32\Wbem
>> bash --login -i
>> ---snip---
>>> Hmm... I suspect that it takes this long to determine the hostname
>>> of your machine.
>> Did you notice that it's the same as his $LOGONSERVER? It shouldn't
>> take
>> that long to look up a hostname when you're logged on directly at the
>> keyboard of the domain controller.
>> But of all the environment variables, I think this is the one that's
>> doing
>> the most damage:
>> ---snip from cygcheck.out---
>> ---snip---
>> Ouch. So everytime Cygwin bash tries to fork a subprocess, it
>> launches it
>> using MKS sh. No wonder it loses!
>> ---snip from cygcheck.out---
>> TERM = `nutc'
>> ---snip---
>> Wouldn't have thought cygwin would make much sense of that either.
>> cheers, DaveK
*Contact Info:*
Christopher M. Balz
Senior Software Engineer
/TreeLogic Software Engineering <>/
160 Lincoln Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301-2437 U.S.A.
cbalz AT andrew DOT cmu DOT edu <mailto:cbalz AT andrew DOT cmu DOT edu>
christophermbalz AT stanfordalumni DOT org
<mailto:christophermbalz AT stanfordalumni DOT org>
chris AT treelogic-swe DOT com <mailto:chris AT treelogic-swe DOT com>
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And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames & other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . ."
- from /The Crystal Cabinet <>/, a
poem by *William Blake <>*
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