Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/03/22/09:21:11
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Igor Pechtchanski
> Sent: 22 March 2004 13:39
> On Sun, 21 Mar 2004, Christopher M. Balz wrote:
> > I did run
> >
> > "c:\cygwin\bin\bash --norc"
> >
> > After a couple minutes the command prompt gave me:
> >
> > C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32>c:\cygwin\bin\bash --norc
> > bash-2.05b$
> >
> > This command prompt cannot find any commands ('ls' is 'not found').
> Please re-read the message below. It says that "you'll need
> to explicitly prepend "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin" to your
> PATH before you'll be able to run any commands".
I notice also that there are already directories in Christopher's path
called 'bin', 'x11', and 'mksnt'. [ Light bulbs should be appearing in the
air above heads about now, upon seeing the dreaded letters 'm', 'k' and 's'
in that particular order..... ]
This last one in particular makes me wonder if the Rational tools you have
installed maybe include or are based around the Mortice Kern Systems Unix
toolset. It's a well-known problem that if you try and run cygwin while
having MKS tools in the $PATH they can sometimes clash. I'd want to start a
dos command shell, then remove all the crud and set a minimal $PATH, and try
again: something like this at the command prompt might work...
cd C:\cygwin
PATH C:\WinNT\system32;C:\WinNT;C:\WinNT\system32\Wbem
bash --login -i
> Hmm... I suspect that it takes this long to determine the
> hostname of your machine.
Did you notice that it's the same as his $LOGONSERVER? It shouldn't take
that long to look up a hostname when you're logged on directly at the
keyboard of the domain controller.
But of all the environment variables, I think this is the one that's doing
the most damage:
---snip from cygcheck.out---
Ouch. So everytime Cygwin bash tries to fork a subprocess, it launches it
using MKS sh. No wonder it loses!
---snip from cygcheck.out---
TERM = `nutc'
Wouldn't have thought cygwin would make much sense of that either.
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
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