Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/03/17/11:43:48
Hi Dave,
first thanks for your fast reply.
I replaced the #include <ostrstram> with #include<sstream>
but the type ostrstream type is still unknown.
By commenting out the following lines
// ostrstream stmPort;
// stmPort << "/dev/com" << devnum << ":" << ends;
// stmPort << "/dev/com" << devnum << ends;
// schnittstelle = stmPort.str();
and replacing it with:
schnittstelle = "/dev/com2";
my application compiles very well.
So must I throw away all my old books about C++ or what can I do to compile
older programs like they are?
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Frank Wagner
> > Sent: 17 March 2004 09:03
> > Hello,
> Hello.
> > I updated my old cygwin installation with a newer one this
> > week, I use cygwin in combination with a grafical development
> > environment called Dev-Cpp.
> Never heard of it.
> > In the old installation it was sufficient to set up the
> > c-include paht with c:\cygwin\usr\include and the
> > c++-includes with c:\cygwin\usr\include and c:\cygwin\usr\include\c++.
> > But now there are a lot more directories so called
> > ..\c++\3.3.1\backward and ..\c++\3.3.1\i686-pc-cygwin.
> > So I want to know wich directories I have to enlist in the
> > include section of my dev environment.
> The default search paths should be set up fine already, as long as you
> make sure to use gcc.exe for compiling C and g++.exe for compiling C++
> files. The only directories you should need to include in the dev
> environment are those with your own application's headers.
> > By now I have a misterious warning:
> > >>2 C:\usr\include\c++\3.3.1\backward\backward_warning.h:32
> > #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or
> > antiquated header.
> > Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section
> > of the
> > C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header
> > for the <X.h>
> > C++ header
> > for C++ includes, or <sstream> instead of the deprecated
> > header <strstream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.
> > <<
> Doesn't seem mysterious to me, but then again English is my first
> language. It's telling you about the fact that the C++ standards
> committee
> decided to change all the header file names a while ago, and the original
> header names are all considered out-of-date now.
> > The project I tried to compile compiled successfully with the
> > old installation of cygwin.
> If you've been making your own include paths in the dev environment by
> hand, you might well have got some directories in the wrong order and
> caused
> this sort of error. OTOH something could have changed in the C++ headers
> in
> a backwardly incompatible way, and the warning is to let you know to
> modify
> your code. Let's take a look at your errors:
> ----snip----
> g++.exe -D__DEBUG__ -c cpx_mon.cpp -o cpx_mon.o -I"C:/cygwin/usr/include"
> -I"C:/cygwin/usr/include/c++"
> -I"C:/cygwin/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/backward"
> -I"C:/work/Sonstiges/priv/projekte/Software/include" -ansi -g3
> ----snip----
> That's where you've tried to put your own include paths in there.
> You've
> most likely got them in the wrong order. The backward compatibility dir
> probably ought to be very last in the search order, but leave it to
> g++.exe,
> which knows what order to put them in already - take a look at the output
> >from "g++ -print-search-dirs". Take out all the include dirs except for
> your own C:/work/Sonstiges/..... directory.
> ----snip----
> In file included from /usr/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/strstream:51,
> from
> C:/work/Sonstiges/priv/projekte/Software/include/posix_terminal.h:21,
> from cpx_mon.h:25,
> from cpx_mon.cpp:9:
> /usr/include/c++/3.3.1/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning
> This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please
> consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++
> standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header for the <X.h>
> header
> for C++ includes, or <sstream> instead of the deprecated header
> <strstream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.
> In file included from cpx_mon.cpp:9:
> ----snip----
> Possibly your posix_terminal.h has a "#include <strstream.h>" that
> should
> be changed into "#include <sstream>", as the warning suggests; or perhaps
> your posix_terminal.h is correct, but the wrong header file is being found
> because you got the search path order messed up. The problem should
> disappear once you sort that out.
> cheers,
> DaveK
> --
> Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
> --
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