Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/02/27/11:17:25
I'am playing with cron, and I have the following problem : I want to
modify the crontab through a service (a cgi in an apache server in
fact). This service belongs to the user SYSTEM, so I used "crontab -u
Administrator file" to set the Administrator's crontab (in a perl cgi
It works fine, the jobs are correctly executed, but the owner of
/var/cron/tabs/Administrator is now SYSTEM, and not Administrator. So
'crontab -l' in a shell fails with the following message :
"tabs/Administrateur: Permission denied".
I tried to play with ACL of /var/cron/tabs/Administrator, but with no
luck (ie no way to keep owner).
In crontab.c, I find this :
#else /* __CYGWIN__ */
if (chown(tn, -1, ROOT_UID) < OK)
tn is the temporary crontab, before to be renamed to the user's
crontab. If tn is created by SYSTEM, it belongs to SYSTEM, and the
user's crontab belongs then to SYSTEM.
I first try to force owner to pw->pw_uid, but the rename command then
shows me another problem : 'rw' permissions are not enought - even for
SYSTEM - to rename a file, there must be other ACL involved. So I end
up to force the final crontab to belong to SYSTEM if the euid id
SYSTEM, and the to re-change owner after the rename.
See the attached patch. It's probably not the best way to solve the
problem, but it works for me :-)
Tips : for those who wants to play with 'crontab -u' as user SYSTEM,
it's possible to have a SYSTEM shell using the windows 'at' command.
As Administrator, launch cmd.exe. Run "At 16:07 /interactive cmd.exe"
(of course choose the next minute of your local time). The cmd.exe
that is launched does have SYSTEM rights. Very useful. To kill
services, replace cmd.exe with taskmgr.exe. If you know another way to
get SYSTEM shell...
*** cron-3.0.1-11/crontab.c Tue Apr 15 17:13:41 2003
--- cron-3.0.1-11.patch/crontab.c Thu Feb 26 15:56:34 2004
*** 666,671 ****
--- 666,687 ----
(void) snprintf(n, sizeof(n), CRON_TAB(User));
+ #ifdef __CYGWIN__
+ /* A problem appears if -u is used by user SYSTEM : owner of crontab
+ must be forced, by default it remains SYSTEM (and so no more
+ available for the user !) */
+ struct stat foo;
+ if ((stat(n, &foo) == 0) && /* test if file exists. I'm not sure that it's the best test... */
+ (chown(n, (geteuid() == ROOT_UID)?ROOT_UID:-1, ROOT_UID) < OK)) /* Under CYGWIN 'rw' permissions are not
+ enough to do a rename. A workaround is
+ to force ownership, and set it back
+ after rename */
+ {
+ perror("chown");
+ return (-2);
+ }
+ #endif
if (rename(tn, n)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error renaming %s to %s\n",
ProgramName, tn, n);
*** 673,678 ****
--- 689,707 ----
return (-2);
+ #ifdef __CYGWIN__
+ if (chown(n, pw->pw_uid, ROOT_UID) < OK) /* Set correct owner */
+ {
+ perror("chown");
+ return (-2);
+ }
+ if (chmod(n, 0640) < OK) /* Force permissions too. */
+ {
+ perror("chmod");
+ return (-2);
+ }
+ #endif
log_it(RealUser, Pid, "REPLACE", User);
Julien Gilles.
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